Posts Tagged ‘corporate’

Israel’s extortion leaflets and Namecheap: How to do corporate accountability during a genocide

Arizona-based Internet domain company NameCheap ended all service to Russia over the invasion of Ukraine but has now registered an Israeli website targeting Palestinian children. Activists are calling out the company’s complicity in war crimes. Source

Sanders and Schakowsky champion corporate tax reform to end ‘legalized tax dodging’

Amid growing concerns over economic inequality and corporate profiteering, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) and Representative Jan Schakowsky (D-Illinois) have introduced a groundbreaking legislative proposal aimed at overhauling the corporate tax system in the United States. The Corporate Tax Dodging Prevention Act seeks to eliminate the loopholes and tax breaks that have enabled some of the […]

Chemtrail conspiracies have become reality, as corporate media sells geoengineering as the solution for climate change

(NaturalNews) Once considered “conspiracy†theory†by the entire corporate media, geoengineering is now being lauded as the solution for climate change. For… Source

Corporate profiteering destroyed the Baltimore bridge

A drone view of the Dali cargo vessel, which crashed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge causing it to collapse, in Baltimore, Maryland, U.S., March 26, 2024, in this still image taken from a handout video. NTSB/Handout via REUTERS THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. MANDATORY CREDIT The collapse of the Francis […]

These Are The World’s Largest Corporate Holders Of Bitcoin

These Are The World’s Largest Corporate Holders Of Bitcoin Who holds the most bitcoins across publicly traded companies? While Tesla is the most familiar name across the world’s largest corporate buyers, several companies have amassed far more bitcoin – leading their share prices to skyrocket in value last year. At the same time, the vast […]

Government surveillance of small businesses via Corporate Transparency Act ruled unconstitutional by federal district court

Government surveillance of small businesses via Corporate Transparency Act ruled unconstitutional by federal district court The National Small Business Association (NSBA) announced on its website a major win for the small businesses sector – a federal district court held that the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) is unconstitutional, stating it “exceeds the Constitution’s limits on Congress’s […]

Corporate giants pay minimal taxes, reveals ITEP study on Trump-GOP tax law’s impact

ITEP’s latest study exposes how the 2017 tax law has allowed major U.S. corporations to drastically reduce their tax bills, highlighting the need for urgent reform in corporate taxation. Source

Justin Trudeau Reminisces Over the Days When the Corporate Media Controlled What Canadians Believe

As his online “hate speech” bill is accused of being a ban on speech he hates. Tired of censorship and surveillance? Source

Foreign-Influenced Corporate Money in State Elections (CO, MI, MN, MT, NY and WA)

Federal campaign finance law bars contributions made directly by or indirectly from foreign nationals in connection with any federal, state or local election, but U.S.-registered corporations that are subsidiaries of foreign corporations or that have foreign ownership often pour money into U.S. politics. A new OpenSecrets analysis found these foreign-influenced companies (foreign-influenced companies) have poured […]

Corporate Media Publishes Graphic Images Of Mass Shootings In Campaign For Gun Control 

Submitted by Gun Owners of America, The Billionaire-owned Washington Post and New York Times continue to push for gun control by any means necessary. On November 16, The Washington Post published “Terror on Repeat.” The report contains graphic images of the aftermath of highly publicized mass shootings in the United States. The full effects of the AR-15’s catastrophic force in mass […]

Walmart stock plummets amid corporate warning that consumer spending is slipping

The world’s largest retailer failed to deliver this week on its reported Q3 results, which were dismal and point to rapidly deteriorating consumer spending across America. Walmart reported earnings that generally beat on revenue and earnings, but Wall Street was expecting more, which sent the company’s stock tumbling. Discretionary purchases are down in general, which […]

The corporate crusade against PFAS accountability

Over $110 million in lobbying reveals chemical industry’s efforts to skirt responsibility for “forever chemicals” crisis. Source

Class Action Lawsuits As a Defence Against the Evil Of Zionist Corporate “governments”

Know what you call a thousand lawyers on the bottom of the ocean? A good start! Know what happens when you rub a lawyer’s head? They get taller! Know what the difference is between an armadillo run over on a road and a lawyer run over on the road? There are skid marks before the […]

Supreme Court could trigger hundreds of billions in corporate tax cuts ‘with the stroke of pen’

“The Roberts Court could decide with the stroke of a pen to simultaneously forgive big business decades of tax dues.” Source

Real Journalists (Not Corporate Journalists Representing Corporations)

In Gaza “Media on Trial: Vanessa Beeley, Eva Bartlett and Fiorella Isabel” Eva Bartlett Sep 8 –LISTEN HERE Mike Robinson speaks to Vanessa Beeley, Eva Bartlett and Fiorella Isabel about what it’s like to report from the front lines of conflict zones, what they have experienced in their interactions with legacy media journalists and what it’s like to live […]

The Corporate Media is the Enemy of the People: Here’s Ten Stories They Never Told You This Month

#10 – Fauci now admits the COVID vaccines cause myocarditis. #9 – Ivermectin is even safer than you think. #8 – RFK Jr. identifies “the real shooter” behind his father’s death. #7 – German study exposes the dangers of masks and CO2 re-breathing. #6 – Teachers are being decimated by aggressive metastatic cancers after vaccine […]

Corporate liberal media propaganda and Joe Biden  

After a wide-open presidential primary process in 2020, Democrats and progressives came together to defeat Trump. We may need that open process again in 2024 to defeat Trump or Trumpism. For that to happen, Joe Biden would have to step aside. Source

Corporate media declares war on TREES as latest insane chapter of climate propaganda

(NaturalNews) Oftentimes when some crazy scheme comes out of the climate change cult, i.e., the push for artificial “sun-blocking,” the mass media remains silent… Source


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Indeed Out-Wokes Corporate America With $10,000 Relocation Checks For Trans Employees

Austin-based online job search platform, “Indeed,” aims to ‘out woke’ corporate America by offering transgender employees or those with transgender children a $10,000 relocation payment. Both Bloomberg and Axios confirmed the relocation payment program.  Before we discuss relocation payments, it’s important to note that Indeed proudly states on its website that it had the wokest corporate policies in America in 2018. […]

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