Posts Tagged ‘Canadians’

Police Order Canadians To Leave Their Car Keys in Front Door To Allow Criminals ‘Stress Free Theft’

Police in Canada have instructed Canadians to leave their car keys in an easily accessible place at their front doors to allow criminals ‘stress free thefts’ which will also deter them from using violence to […] The post Police Order Canadians To Leave Their Car Keys in Front Door To Allow Criminals ‘Stress Free Theft’ […]

Justin Trudeau Reminisces Over the Days When the Corporate Media Controlled What Canadians Believe

As his online “hate speech” bill is accused of being a ban on speech he hates. Tired of censorship and surveillance? Source

Trudeau Regime Urges Stressed Canadians To Get Euthanized To Help Save the Planet

The Trudeau regime has urged Canadians who feel stressed or depressed to seek government assisted suicide as a means to ease the burden on the state and help save the planet. On Monday, Trudeau’s Health […] The post Trudeau Regime Urges Stressed Canadians To Get Euthanized To Help Save the Planet appeared first on The […]

These Canadians will NOT let their town turn into a hyper-high-tech concentration camp

READ HERE:   Source

Sept 21 – Canadians Protest Child Sexual Abuse in Public Schools

(The disproportionate representation of Muslims shows they are the kind of immigrants Canada needs.)  Ottawa: Massive Protests Against Trudeau’s Trans Agenda With Islamic Canadians At Forefront: “Leave Our Kids Alone!” Trans Agenda No Longer Sacrosanct; Trudeau Protected By Police In Building Swarmed By Protesters. Will This Be What Breaks Trudeau’s Reign? Canadians by the tens […]

More Canadians view Israel as an apartheid state than a vibrant democracy

A new survey from EKOS Research Associates shows that 38% of Canadians view Israel as a state with segregation similar to apartheid. Just 11% said it was a vibrant democracy. Source

Canadians Can Experience Several Means of Foreign Interference: Expert

Allegations of foreign interference in Canada’s democracy have dominated discussions on Parliament Hill for the past week, with the prime minister unveiling new measures aimed at investigating what happened in the last two federal elections and several committees studying the issue. University of Calgary political science professor Lisa Young said the government’s role in regulating […]

Over 25% of Canadians Unable to Afford an Unexpected $500 Expense: StatCan

Over 25 percent of Canadians say they would be unable to afford an unexpected expense of $500 should it arise, says a recent report published by Statistics Canada (StatCan). “When asked whether their household had the resources to cover an unexpected expense of $500, 26% said that they would be unable to do so,” said StatCan report […]

Most Canadians Turn Clocks Back One Hour This Weekend

The majority of Canadians will be able to get an extra hour of sleep this weekend, as clocks go back with the end of daylight time. Daylight time started at 2 a.m. March 13, and will end at 2 a.m. on Sunday. There has been debate on ending seasonal time changes across the country, with […]

Canadian “government” /”press” Think Canadians are Stupid as S#it!

Turd-o Castro says Canadians do not have the God Given Right of self Defense and MUST be totally disarmed. Castro’s Communist son is trying to mass murder Canadians with Killer Jabs. <img data-attachment-id="43403" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="366,552" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="Jabs 2" data-image-description=" SUICIDE VIA LOADED SYRINGE ” data-image-caption data-medium-file=”″ data-large-file=”″ loading=”lazy” src=”” alt width=”199″ height=”300″ class=”alignnone […]

Trudeau Threatens Canadians With Restrictions If 80 – 90% Of The Population Don’t Get Booster Jabs

Justin Trudeau issued a veiled threat last week, suggesting that covid restrictions could be on the way this autumn if 80-90% of Canadians don’t get their covid “booster” jabs. PM Trudeau warns “Covid is not done with us yet.” He says if 80-90% of eligible Canadians get up to date with their Covid vaccination, “we’ll […]

Nearly One Million Canadians Projected to Live With Dementia by 2030: Study

Almost one million Canadians will be living with dementia by 2030, with that number rising to some 1.7 million by 2050, a new study warns, noting that if left unaddressed, this situation will have tremendous impacts on the economy. The study, titled “Navigating the Path Forward for Dementia in Canada,” is the first of a series […]

Democracy for CANADIANS!


Health Authorities Tracked Movements of Canadians via Cellphones During Pandemic

Health authorities in Canada tracked people’s movements via their cellphones during the pandemic, with trips to pharmacies and liquor stores being logged, it has been revealed.

Canadians Advised by Federal Government to Leave Russia While Means Available

Aeroflot’s passengers planes are parked at Sheremetyevo airport, outside Moscow, Russia, March 1, 2022. (The Canadian Press/AP-Pavel Golovkin) The Canadian government has updated its advice for anyone considering travelling to Russia. In a new post on the government’s website, it says all travel to Russia should be avoided, and any Canadians who are already there […]

Poll Shows Most Canadians (Even Those Who Got the Shot) Don’t Support Vaccine Passports

Poll Shows Most Canadians (Even Those Who Got the Shot) Don’t Support Vaccine Passports Europe Reloaded / TLB Staff Poll shows most Canadians (even those who got the shot) don’t support vaccine passports ANTHONY MURDOCH for LIFESITE NEWS Source

Majority of Canadians – including the vaccinated – oppose vaccine mandates

Majority of Canadians – including the vaccinated – oppose vaccine mandates Truth Unmuted / Jesse Smith News January 4, 20226 views0 (by Harrison Faulkner | True North News) – A majority of Canadians oppose government efforts to stigmatize and punish individuals who refuse to get vaccinated against COVID-19, according to in-house government research. As first […]

Canadians Love Their Freedom But Unfortunately They Don’t Have Any; They’re Getting The Indian Treatment Which They Ignored

October 21, 2021, -by Eva K Bartlett In Canada, the supposedly benevolent country that prides itself on inclusivity, Covid totalitarianism has become unavoidably apparent, with its decision that soon only the fully vaccinated can travel. Vaccine mandates have also been imposed on healthcare workers, municipal employees and federal public servants. Basically, as part of what […]

Unvaccinated Canadians Can’t Travel, Lose Government Benefits

After managing to preserve Canada’s political status quo during last month’s “snap” federal election, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has decided to use whatever political capital he gained from the experience to finally roll out his government’s vaccine mandate, which resembles that of its southern neighbor while going a step further in some important respects. In part […]

Richest Canadians Biggest Beneficiaries of Pandemic Spending

Despite large amounts of government assistance during the pandemic, Canadians borrowed more than they saved in 2020, according to Statistics Canada, while an economic analyst says some of the government’s pandemic aid wasn’t well targeted and went to high-income households that didn’t need it. The richest quintile of households, or the top fifth, saved $186.61 […]

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