Posts Tagged ‘booster’

Canadian Gov’t Admits Covid ‘Booster’ Paralyzed Young Mother, Offer To Euthanize Her To ‘Make Up For It’

Doctors within Canada’s socialized medical system have admitted that a Covid booster jab is responsible for paralyzing a 37-year-old mother from Ontario, who found herself paralyzed from the neck down within days of receiving a Moderna booster shot. Kayla Pollack worked as an educational assistant at a local school and enjoyed an active lifestyle with […]

SLOW EUTHANASIA: CDC pushing more COVID “booster” shots on people 65 and older: “every four months”

SLOW EUTHANASIA: CDC pushing more COVID “booster” shots on people 65 and older: “every four months” There is another new Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccine” they are calling a “booster,” 2023-2024 edition, that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) wants all seniors over the age of 65 to get this year. The CDC’s […]

Woman Paralyzed After Taking Covid Booster Shot Offered Assisted Suicide

Medical staff offered assisted suicide to a Canadian woman who had been left paralyzed after taking the covid jabs. 37 year old Kayla Pollock was diagnosed as incomplete quadriplegic due to transverse myelitis, an apparenly […] The post Woman Paralyzed After Taking Covid Booster Shot Offered Assisted Suicide appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Amy Schumer Says She Developed VAIDS After Third Booster

Amy Schumer has revealed that she developed full-blown Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS) as a direct result of getting multiple COVID jabs. The comedian was forced to come clean about her diagnosis when people […] The post Amy Schumer Says She Developed VAIDS After Third Booster appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

The covid booster cancer time bomb

By Professor Angus Dalgleish January 30, 2024 I HAVE previously reported on my concern about the rise in stable cancer relapses that I have witnessed in my melanoma clinic.  None of these patients of mine presented with the classic prodrome of relapse that I had always noticed previously, such as severe depression due to bereavement, divorce or bankruptcy. Indeed the […]

The Great Booster Bust

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL Despite eschewing much of social media, television, and trendy media stories, I still couldn’t avoid major mainstream news reports in 2021 and 2022 covering entertainment news about gormless Hollywood/social media types and political officials (who increasingly seem to preen about like Hollywood entertainers) making embarrassing spectacles of themselves getting their […]

Survey reveals most Americans WON’T get new COVID-19 booster shots

(NaturalNews) According to a survey published by the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), many Americans are not interested in getting the latest Wuhan coronavirus… Source

Watch out for the ELECTION VARIANT and Covid Booster Syndrome

(NaturalNews) With America slightly more than one year away from the next POTUS election, the Democrats are in deep desperation mode, trying to figure out some… Source

FDA has “gone rogue” by approving new COVID booster shots without clinical trials, warns Dr. Robert Malone

(NaturalNews) Without any clinical trials whatsoever to back their alleged safety and efficacy, the all-new Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “booster” shots now being… Source

Dear fully vaccinated: The newly approved COVID shot is NOT a booster – it is literally a new (untested) vaccine

(NaturalNews) If you already previously got “vaccinated” and “boosted” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), congratulations: you accomplished absolutely nothing… Source

FDA Relied On Wildly Incorrect Booster Estimates

The efficacy of interventions against COVID has been one of the pandemic’s most important considerations. Many government-imposed policies and mandates have unfortunately rested on assumptions and estimates provided in studies, yet with a complete disregard of the extent to how poorly conducted or misleading they may have been. Whether it be applied to masks, vaccine […]

ATAGI 2023 booster advice

Key points: ATAGI advises the following groups should consider a 2023 booster dose if their last COVID-19 vaccine dose or confirmed infection (whichever is the most recent) was 6 months ago or longer, and regardless of the number of prior doses received, based on an individual risk benefit assessment with their immunisation provider.  All Adults […]

Thailand to BAN Pfizer After Thai Princess Falls Into a Coma Following Booster Jab

Just days after receiving her covid booster jab, the daughter of the king of Thailand collapsed and fell into a coma. Princess Bajrakitiyabha, who is the potential heir to the Thai throne, is in a grave condition weeks after she collapsed. Some reports suggest she had suffered a heart attack though her family were told […]

Growing number of physicians now refusing to get COVID-19 booster shots

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) A growing number of doctors have voiced out their refusal to get injected with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) booster shots, citing a lack of clinical trial evidence.Dr. Todd Lee of McGill University in Canada is one such doctor who rejected the boosters. Lee contracted the B11529 omicron strain despite being … [Read […]

Elon Musk Reveals ‘Major Side Effects’ After 2nd COVID-19 Booster

Elon Musk said he felt like he “was dying” after his second COVID-19 booster shot. “I had major side effects from my second booster shot,” the new Twitter boss wrote in a social media post. “Felt like I was dying for several days. Hopefully, no permanent damage, but I don’t know.” Musk didn’t provide medical […]

‘Felt Like I Was Dying’: Elon Musk Trashes COVID Booster Over ‘Major Side Effects

‘Felt Like I Was Dying’: Elon Musk Trashes COVID Booster Over ‘Major Side Effects Date: January 21, 2023Author: Nwo Report  “Hopefully, no permanent damage, but I dunno,” says Twitter CEO. Posted BY: RM | NwoReport Twitter CEO Elon Musk’s claims were laid out by the COVID booster shot which brought on “major side effects.” Musk […]

Really, CDC says it’s investigating possible link between Pfizer’s Covid booster and strokes among seniors over age of 65

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Following release of Pfizer’s latest “booster” covid shots, excess deaths in Japan are up 400%

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Ever since covid “vaccines” were unleashed under Operation Warp Speed, excess deaths have soared across the developed world. Most notably in recent days, Japan, which fared relatively well throughout the scamdemic pre-jab, has seen soaring rates of excess death – especially after the latest covid “boosters” were released by … [Read More…] […]

NHS Says Covid Booster & Flu Jab Teams Have Visited Every Care Home In England

NHS England have proudly announced that vaccination teams have visited every care home across the country offering covid boosters and flu jabs ahead of Christmas. They said that a total of 15,019 care homes had […] The post NHS Says Covid Booster & Flu Jab Teams Have Visited Every Care Home In England appeared first […]

Large Peer Reviewed Study Finds COVID Booster Mandates Cause “Net Harm” & Nasal Flu Jabs Cause Strep

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (12/7/22). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

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