Posts Tagged ‘clinical’

Kansas AG Sues Pfizer, Says It Destroyed Clinical Trials Data, Falsely Claimed COVID Vaccine Prevented Transmission

Above image: Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach Important COVID vaccine news update: Lancet Autopsy Study Finding 74% of Unexpected Deaths Post-COVID Vaccine Were Due to Shots is Reinstated, Drive to China Cashless Society Heats Up ___________________________________________________________________________ BREAKING: Kansas AG Kris Kobach is suing Pfizer over the COVID vaccine: 1. Safety related to pregnant women2. Heart […]

Dear American College of Clinical Pharmacy:

I just sent this letter off to the Board of Regents of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy: October 12, 2023 Dear Executive Director Maddux and Board of Regents, During the past 3 1/2 years, I have observed the troubling pattern of silencing viewpoints that depart in any way from the official Covid narrative. Your […]

Vaccine Liability Protection Undermined: By deleting deaths from the clinical trials, the colluding perps can be sued

VIEW HERE: Florida Attorney Jeff Childers Gets Tricky Question about Vaccine Liability Protection!   Source

FDA has “gone rogue” by approving new COVID booster shots without clinical trials, warns Dr. Robert Malone

(NaturalNews) Without any clinical trials whatsoever to back their alleged safety and efficacy, the all-new Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “booster” shots now being… Source

Despite 12 Deaths During Clinical Trials, CDC Signs Off on RSV Shots for Newborns

Despite 12 Deaths During Clinical Trials, CDC Signs Off on RSV Shots for Newborns Medical experts criticized the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Thursday decision to recommend a “new immunization” for newborns to protect against respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, calling the move unnecessary and not worth the known risks. By    Michael Nevradakis, […]

Medicine is plagued by untrustworthy clinical trials. How many studies are faked or flawed?

18 July 2023 – Medicine is plagued by untrustworthy clinical trials. How many studies are faked or flawed? Investigations suggest that, in some fields, at least one-quarter of clinical trials might be problematic or even entirely made up, warn some researchers. They urge stronger scrutiny. Richard Van Noorden How many clinical-trial studies in medical […]

Why Did Pfizer Halt COVID Vaccine Clinical Trials for Pregnant Women?

Why Did Pfizer Halt COVID Vaccine Clinical Trials for Pregnant Women? In 2021, when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — without any evidence of safety — authorized the mRNA shot for pregnant women and anyone 6 months and older, Pfizer suddenly stopped its randomized trial for pregnant women. The vaccine maker has yet […]

Moderna is conducting a clinical trial on a wireless wearable digital device to explore the physiological & behavioral impact of the immune response to an mRNA jab.

Jan 10 2023 Use of Wearable Digital Sensors After mRNA Vaccination in Adults Study Description Brief Summary: The purpose of this study is to explore the physiological and behavioral impact of the immune response to vaccines after receipt of investigational or approved messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) vaccines using wearable medical sensors, with the potential of […]

Clinical Studies: N95 Masks Never Worked To Stop COVID Virus

The reason lockdowns didn’t work in the United States or the United Kingdom is because they weren’t strict enough, according to many in the expert community. Of course, their excuses have been conveniently ignored as China’s repressive zero COVID lockdowns have continued, with horrific consequences. Source

Is Pepto-Bismol really a cure for covid? New clinical trial seeks answers

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) The University of Louisville, in collaboration with Procter & Gamble (P&G), is piloting a clinical trial looking at the use of Pepto-Bismol (oral bismuth subsalicylate, or BSS) as a potential remedy for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).Researchers say that based on what is currently known about the human body’s … [Read More…] Source

Judge to Decide Whether to Dismiss Pfizer Clinical Trials Whistleblower Case Charging “Failure to Report Participant Deaths” and “Fabrication” of Data, or Move to Discovery

Above image: COVID Vaccine-Injured Rally, Los Angeles, June 2022 Independent journalist Kyle Becker, formerly a producer and writer at Fox News and former Chief Editor of Bizpac Review, reports that what so far may be the single best chance for the public to uncover clinical trials fraud in the development of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine is […]

Pharma companies commit scientific fraud to rig vax clinical trials

(NaturalHealth365)  Why are we supposed to “trust the science” – which sounds no better than blindly following dogma, really – when questioning science and being curious about the integrity of scientific research has always been the acceptable path?  As a July 2021 article in Scientific American puts it, “Science is a process of learning and discovery, and […]

WHO Admits Everyone Who Receives a MonkeyPox Jab Is Part of a “Clinical Trial”

The World Health Organization (WHO) admitted on Saturday that everyone who receives the Monkeypox jab will be part of a massive “clinical study” for the purposes of establishing the safety of the newly developed experimental […] The post WHO Admits Everyone Who Receives a MonkeyPox Jab Is Part of a “Clinical Trial” appeared first on […]

WHO Admits Anyone Receiving A MonkeyPox Vaccine Is Part of A “Clinical Trial”

A World Health Organization (WHO) official admitted on Saturday that everyone who receives the Monkeypox vaccine is part of a “clinical trial” for the purpose of data collecting to allow researchers to learn more about […] The post WHO Admits Anyone Receiving A MonkeyPox Vaccine Is Part of A “Clinical Trial” appeared first on News […]

BREAKING: WHO Helping FDA to Skip Further COVID Vaccine Clinical Trials

The “Future Framework” is coming from the World Health Organization, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the biggest voluntary contributor to the WHO, so Gates is likely directing the play. Source

When Sweden’s King Ordered a Clinical Trial of Coffee on Prisoners

Between Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks, coffee is everywhere. If you’re a coffee lover, you may have wondered about how coffee came to be throughout history. Read more Section:  News History Ancient Traditions Read Later  Source

Proof That Pfizer Clinical Trials for Safety Not Over Until 2024, Moderna End of 2022. You Are the Guinea Pig.

The below are screenshots from the overview for clinical trials for the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, showing that the healthy adult clinical trials are not complete until February 2024. All other test groups such as children began much later, and end later. Source: “Study to Describe the Safety, Tolerability, Immunogenicity, and Efficacy of RNA Vaccine […]

The Pfizer “vaccine” has only 1,291 side effects! (The clinical data a judge forced the FDA to release … it’s worse than you could possibly imagine)

Could this have anything—or everything—to do with the ongoing plague of “sudden deaths” now ravaging humanity worldwide? Mark Crispin Miller It’s (seemingly) a lucky thing for Pfizer—and all of its accomplices, including Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci (remember him?), nearly every state and national leader, and almost every journalist, both corporate and “alternative”—that Putin picked this […]

Belgian Professor of Clinical Psychiatry Who Studied the Psychology of Totalitarianism Reveals ‘How We Win’

Home » Europe, Manipulation, Social » Belgian Professor of Clinical Psychiatry Who Studied the Psychology of Totalitarianism Reveals ‘How We Win’     As many of you may know, all of humanity is under a massive psychological warfare attack. And Belgian Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, Mattias Desmet, who has studied the psychology of totalitarianism has […]

Professor of Clinical Psychiatry Who Studied the Psychology of Totalitarianism: ‘This is How We Win’

As many of you may know, all of humanity is under a massive psychological warfare attack. And Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, Matthias Desmet, who has studied the psychology of totalitarianism has done an excellent job of explaining how we got here and how we win. Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, Matthias Desmet In dictatorships, obedience comes from […]

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