Posts Tagged ‘college’

Bill Maher Flips the Script on Biden’s Morehouse College Speech

Bill Maher turned heads on Monday night as he made a surprise appearance on Fox News’ Gutfeld. As expected, Maher expressed his deep disdain for Trump, but he took the internet by storm when he questioned what world Biden is living in. Earlier on Monday, Joe Biden delivered a commencement speech at Morehouse College, a […]

Joe Biden’s attending Morehouse College’s commencement is an insult to the Black radical tradition

As students at Atlanta’s HBCUs, we recognize that the struggles of the Black and Palestinian communities are interconnected. Because of this, Joe Biden’s upcoming commencement address at Morehouse College is an incredible slap in the face. Source

How Congress would decide the presidency if there’s an Electoral College tie

A tie in the Electoral College in November is a very real possibility — and it could even end with a new President Trump and a new Vice President Harris sharing power. The odds are unprecedented in modern history, but the setup of the country’s electoral system and the fact that a nail-biter election is… […]

Vaccine Refusers Must Be Treated With Psychiatric Drugs Claims College of Physicians and Surgeons

The College of Physicians and Surgeons in Ontario has proposed a mandate to provide psychiatric drug treatment for those who refuse mRNA injections or vaccinations. In a recent communication to its members, the medical College […] The post Vaccine Refusers Must Be Treated With Psychiatric Drugs Claims College of Physicians and Surgeons appeared first on […]

Mike Stone – Hidden Hand Guides College Demonstrations

(No image due to technical issues)  There are pro-Palestine anti-genocide demonstrations on college campuses across America. Although the cause is just, there is no question that these demonstrations are being helped along by George Soros et co. Mike Stone thinks Donald Trump is behind them. I think Mike is out to lunch this time.  […]

PSYOP-PRO-PALESTINE-STUDENT-PROTESTS: NYC Man Speaks Out Against College Protesters

The anything but organic protests currently metastasizing across American college campuses is yet another example of the Ideological State Apparatus deploying ever more of their Hegelian Dialectic psyops across the most self-entitled, impressionable, and brainwashed demographic; namely, the useful idiot student. Source

Michelle Obama surprises high school students in DC on College Signing Day

Former First Lady Michelle Obama surprised high school students from Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia to celebrate College Signing Day and their decision to pursue higher education. “Look, on a day when so much is about looking ahead, I just want to take a little moment to look back with you all,” she said. “Because… […]

COMING SOON: Stasi-like “antisemitism monitors” at U.S. college, university campuses, with the full support of so-called “free speech” conservatives

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SOTN Editor’s Note: There’s something very BIG going on across the USA yet very few folks get it.  Not only that, but all of officialdom appears to be on the wrong side of history. COLLEGE CAMPUSES ACROSS USA EXPLODE AGAINST HORRIFIC GAZA GENOCIDE & ISRAEL’S NEVER-ENDING PALESTINIAN HOLOCAUST Now, put all political positions and personal […]

COMING SOON: Stasi-like “antisemitism monitors” at U.S. college, university campuses, with the full support of supposed “free speech” conservatives

(NaturalNews) We are almost five months into 2024 and Congress has yet to do one single thing that benefits the American people – but its members sure are doing… Source

New York College Suspends Professor “Energized” By Hamas Attack On Israel

Authored by Lisa Schiffren via The College Fix, A tenured professor is suspended throughout the rest of the semester after writing an essay celebrating Hamas’ attack on Israel. “McCarthyism is real. I’ve been relieved of teaching responsibilities,” Hobart and William Smith Colleges Professor Jodi Dean wrote Saturday on X. “Don’t stop talking about Palestine.” “The images from […]

Pitzer College Council Votes for Full Institutional Boycott of Complicit Israeli Universities

Pitzer College Council Votes for Full Institutional Boycott of Complicit Israeli Universities Update Pitzer became the first US higher education institution whose highest governance body voted by an overwhelming majority for a full academic boycott of all complicit Israeli universities. Shamefully, the Pitzer president undemocratically vetoed the motion. Academic Boycott April 15, 2024 By:  Palestinian Campaign […]

Pitzer College Closes Study Abroad Program With Complicit Haifa University

Pitzer College Closes Study Abroad Program With Complicit Haifa University Update The University of Haifa has provided equipment to Israeli soldiers carrying out the #GazaGenocide, hosts three Israeli military colleges, and the Israeli military base of Glilot is an extension of the university. Academic Boycott April 2, 2024 By:  Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural […]

The Harm of College Vaccine Mandates

Who would have believed we’d still be talking about Covid vaccine mandates in 2024, but given how resistant authority figures are to accepting reality, or defeat or acknowledging mistakes, it seems likely we’ll unfortunately be subjected to talking about them forever. Dozens of colleges are continuing to enforce vaccine and booster mandates on students, refusing to accept, in the […]

Massachusetts Cuts College Degree Requirements For 90% Of State Jobs

Massachusetts Cuts College Degree Requirements For 90% Of State Jobs By Austin Browne of Campus Reform Massachusetts will no longer require a college degree for a large majority of government jobs due to a new state executive order intended to make the commonwealth more “inclusive.” Governor Maura Healey signed the order, titled “Instituting Skill-Based Hiring […]

College Vaccine Mandates: Here to Stay?

It is January 2024, and Covid vaccine mandates persist at 70 of the top 800 colleges in the US, and who knows if they will ever let them go. If you are a healthcare major, nearly every clinical partner site still mandates that healthcare students take the most updated Covid vaccine (often no exemptions accepted) even […]

Study: Average IQ of College Students Has Fallen Over Decades, Now Matches The General Population

The dumbing down of America has been a deliberate multi-generational campaign by those operating the US Corporation and the MASTERS of the little child raping pervert politicians in Sodom & Gomorrah on the Portomic. If those controlling the political cabal in America did not want the people stupid they would not be mass medicating the […]

Former Director Of US ARMY War College: 9/11 Was Mossad Operation


College enrollment on decline in US

Many American young people are figuring out there are more rewards from pissing into the wind on a freezing day than going deep in debt to get a degree from a “college” where staff and “professors” hate America and teach total bullshit. An added determent is the fact many of the egg head bastions of […]

Rise in antisemitism on college campuses linked to Middle Eastern regimes donating BILLIONS OF DOLLARS to universities

Rise in antisemitism on college campuses linked to Middle Eastern regimes donating BILLIONS OF DOLLARS to universities A new report has found that over 200 universities and colleges in the United States have received a combined total of over $13 billion in “undocumented contributions from foreign governments.” Many of these nations come from the Middle […]

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