Posts Tagged ‘either’

Turkish Foreign Minister declared “We must stop Israel. Either by peace or by force.”

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SOTN Editor’s Note: There’s something very BIG going on across the USA yet very few folks get it.  Not only that, but all of officialdom appears to be on the wrong side of history. COLLEGE CAMPUSES ACROSS USA EXPLODE AGAINST HORRIFIC GAZA GENOCIDE & ISRAEL’S NEVER-ENDING PALESTINIAN HOLOCAUST Now, put all political positions and personal […]



Israel’s Attack On Iran Was Either A Complete Failure, Or There Is More To Come

Israel is said to have launched an attack in the vicinity of the Iranian city of Isfahan, according to US officials that spoke with Western corporate media. The attack, which Tehran has claimed was completely foiled, did not cause any known damage and seemingly represents a failure for Tel Aviv. Yet this event may not […]

Room Filtration Didn’t Work Either

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL Journalist David Zweig spotted an interesting paper released by the British Medical Journal. It concerns the effectiveness of HEPA filters in classrooms as a means of slowing or stopping the spread of Covid. The study looked at German kindergarten classrooms with and without the system and concluded there was no […]

Blaming mass shootings on mental illness doesn’t address either issue

Since a gunman went on a rampage in Lewistown, Maine, killing 16 people, we’ve learned a few things about the shooter, Robert Card, who was found with a fatal self-inflicted gunshot wound after a two-day manhunt. A member of the Army Reserve, Card had recently been committed to a mental health facility after he reported hearing voices […]

Either Shore-Up Reserve Forces Or Bring Back Conscription, Romanian General Says

Either Shore-Up Reserve Forces Or Bring Back Conscription, Romanian General Says Via Remix News, Romania must either rebuild its reserve forces or reintroduce conscription, retired Romanian and NATO General Virgil Bălăceanu has said. Bălăceanu, former head of the Multinational Brigade South-East, said on Monday that a law that is absolutely necessary for the replenishment of […]

Modern Orthodox Judaism Failed to be Either Modern or Orthodox During Covid

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL In light of Jeffrey Tucker’s recent article, among others, which criticized his tribe of elite libertarians for their failed response to the covid crisis, I would like to offer a detailed critique of my own tribe and its failed response. It is important  to emphasize that the process of calling […]

Jacinda Who Is Either One Butt Ugly Woman or a Tranny demands World Wide Communistic Censorship Laws during UN speech


DeSantis is Either very Ignorant of Why Yankeeland USA Illegally In A War Crime Invaded the Confederacy, or He is a Damn Politician Lying For Votes.

AND CLOSET HOMOSEXUAL WHO SHACKED UP WITH MEN In other words a Soviet Styled Communist Dictatorship IT WAS NEW YORK JEWS WHO WERE THE SLAVE SHIP OWNERS AND SLAVE TRADERS Maybe DeSantis should shut his pie hole about American history until he comes to me and begs me to educate his ass which is very […]

DeSantis is Either very Ignorant of Why Yankeeland USA Illegally In A War Crime Invaded the Confederacy, or He is a Damn Politician Lying For Votes.

AND CLOSET HOMOSEXUAL WHO SHACKED UP WITH MEN In other words a Soviet Styled Communist Dictatorship IT WAS NEW YORK JEWS WHO WERE THE SLAVE SHIP OWNERS AND SLAVE TRADERS Maybe DeSantis should shut his pie hole about American history until he comes to me and begs me to educate his ass which is very […]

This week in NZ six North Island schools were either thrust into lockdown or evacuated following alleged bomb threats over the phone – concerns raised regarding the official response

THE EVENTS: yesterday in NZ “six North Island schools were either thrust into lockdown or evacuated following threats made towards the schools over the phone”. NZ Herald READ MORE AT THE LINK Source

For the Neocon Zionist warmongers, it’s all or nothing—Either Hegemony or Armageddon!

NEO-CONS:   GENESIS TO ASENDENCY  Michael Brenner [email protected]  The latest formulation of a binary world pits the so-called democracies against the so-called autocrats. The United States is the self-designated champion of the former while China and Russia lead the array of autocrats. In effect, it’s a reversion to long-running democracy/capitalism vs Communism all-embracing conflict of […]

You’re either with us or you’re a “systemic challenge”

June 30, 2022 Source After all we’re deep into the metaverse spectrum, where things are the opposite of what they seem. By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted Fast but not furious, the Global South is revving up. The key takeaway of the BRICS+ summit in Beijing,  held in sharp contrast with the […]

Convenient Napkin Dispenser Lets You Grab Either A Handful Of 50 Napkins Or Tear A Small Corner Off 1 Napkin

U.S. — In what dispenser experts are calling an “exciting step forward for waste and frustration,” United Dispensers, LLC announced that this year’s model will dispense either 50 napkins or 0 napkins with a millimeter of tearaway trash for increased irritation. Source

Liberal churches can either name Israel’s apartheid or lose their souls — South African minister writes

APARTHEID SOUTH AFRICA! APARTHEID ISRAEL!by Brian J. Brown, 472 pp., February 2022, Paperback $19.99, Kindle edition, $9.99 In a new book, “Apartheid South Africa! Apartheid Israel!” Brian J. Brown, a South African Methodist minister, calls on Christian churches, not just to recognize that Israel is an apartheid state, but to declare that total opposition to […]


Matthew 7:2525:“And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.”26:“And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:”27:“And […]

Exclusive — House GOP Campaign Chief to Democrats: ‘You Can Either Retire, or Lose Next Fall’

House GOP campaign chief Rep. Tom Emmer (R-MN) told Breitbart News exclusively that he has a very clear message for any House Democrat even remotely vulnerable ahead of next year’s midterm congressional elections: Retire, or lose. “After Virginia, New Jersey, and these other races across the country last week, I really believe that even if […]

Either way, history will judge you

An Open Letter to the Global Media by Greta Thunberg and Vanessa Nakate Vanessa Nakate (R) cries after her speech as Greta Thunberg comforts her during the opening plenary session of the Youth4Climate pre-COP 26 event. The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP 26, is scheduled to be held in the […]

NYC Orders 150,000 Teachers & School Staff To Either Get Vaccinated Or Find A New Job; NJ Orders Jabs For State Workers

By Tyler Durden Update (1200ET): Hours after NYC confirmed its revised vaccine mandate for teachers and other public-school employees, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy announced to the press, and the people of the Garden State, that NJ would impose its own version – albeit a more mild one – of the requirement for all state […]

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