Posts Tagged ‘churches’

Vietnamese Churches Demand Investigation of Christian’s Death

Police and other officials intrude into home of Y Krot Bya during worship in Buon Don District, Dak Lak Province, Vietnam on Nov. 15, 2023. (Morning Star News) (Morning Star News) – Relatives of Y Bum Bya, a member of the Evangelical Church of Christ of the Western Highlands (ECCWH), on March 8 found his […]

Ché Ahn’s Churches Are Funding Candidates Who’ll Serve As ‘The Legislative Body Of The Kingdom Of God’

Dominionist pastor Ché Ahn appeared at an event in Oklahoma last night that was organized by the Christian nationalist program “FlashPoint,” where he bragged that several members of his congregation are on the ballot for the November elections in California. Ahn, a leader in the New Apostolic Reformation and head of Harvest International Ministries ​based […]

Muslim Extremist Attacks Devastate Churches in Nigeria

Plateau Baptist Conference President Koeleh Kelvin Saleh. (Christian Daily International-Morning Star News) ABUJA, Nigeria (Christian Daily International–Morning Star News) – Recent Muslim extremist attacks in an area of central Nigeria resulted in dozens of deaths and the closure of 10 Baptist churches, including one now used as a mosque, a… Source

FBI Undercover Moles Infiltrate Catholic Churches to Spy on Patriotic Christians

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Israel Bombs Hospitals, Churches, UN Buildings (29 UN Members Killed) & Begins Bombing The West Bank

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (10/22/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Gaza Endures 14 Days of Aggression as Israeli Raids Target Churches, Mosques

 October 20, 2023 In a shocking escalation of the ongoing barbaric bombing, the Gaza Strip continues to bear the brunt of the Israeli aggression for the fourteenth consecutive day. With no respite in sight, the occupying forces launched a series of relentless airstrikes throughout the region. Tragically, the impact of these attacks reached even the […]

Occupying & Evicting Genocidal Churches

Occupying and evicting genocidal churches: Historic footage of how it all began   Squamish elder Kiapilano (right), Kevin Annett (center) and the nasty priest who assaulted us (left) Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Vancouver, March 16, 2008 On March 16, 2008, Squamish elder Kiapilano and Kevin Annett Eagle Strong Voice led fifty mostly indigenous people […]

Left CULT’s rhetoric that incited burning of Christian churches in Canada is HOAX; excavations found no evidence of buried indigenous children

(NaturalNews) In the past two years, news proliferated about Christian places of worship being burned down in Canada – in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia,… Source

Azerbaijan Pursues ‘Elimination of the Entire Christian Population and Its Churches’ in Nagorno-Karabakh

The congressional Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, chaired by Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ), held a hearing on Wednesday to discuss the plight of Armenian Christians trapped by an Azerbaijani blockade in the contested Nagorno-Karabakh region. The commission heard testimony from experts who said Azerbaijan’s actions clearly constituted genocide, with complicity from Turkey and the Islamist […]

Two Nepalese Churches Attacked in Growing Trend

09/05/2023 Nepal (International Christian Concern) — An attack on a church in Nepal’s Lumbini Province on Monday was just the latest in a string of recent violence against Christians in the country. The church is in the southern Nawalparasi district of Lumbini along the border with India’s Uttar Pradesh state and was one of two […]

The Incredible Russian Churches Built without Nails (Video)

Standing proudly on a small Russian island is are two remarkable churches that defy conventional construction techniques. Read more Section:  News Ancient Places Asia Videos History Ancient Traditions Read Later  Source

Mobs Impede Christian Worship at Two Churches in Indonesia

Damage done to GUPdI church building in Kabil village, Batam, Riau Islands Province, Indonesia on Aug. 9, 2023. (GUPdI for Morning Star News) SURABAYA, Indonesia (Morning Star News) – Mobs in northern Indonesia this month blocked a church from its Sunday service venue in one town and damaged a worship building under construction in another, sources… […]

Churches in Indonesia Fight to Regain Worship Venues

Skyline of eastern Jakarta, Indonesia. (Sambung.hamster, Creative Commons) SURABAYA, Indonesia (Morning Star News) – Christians broke into joyful celebration when local officials in East Jakarta, Indonesia removed the seal on their church building on June 26, three months after it was closed. Citing lack of a permit, the East Jakarta City Planning Office on March 20 […]

Muslims Block Worship at Two Churches in Indonesia

Christians defend home worship to Muslims in Bekasi, Indonesia on June 18, 2023. (Morning Star News Screenshot) SURABAYA, Indonesia (Morning Star News) – A local official and other Muslims on Sunday (June 18) stopped worship at a house church outside Jakarta, Indonesia, and a church site in Central Java Province was temporarily blocked, according to local… […]

Hindu Extremists Jail Pastors, Close Churches in India

Pastor R. Kirubendran, wife Manju Tiruvendram and 18-month-old daughter. (Morning Star News) NEW DELHI (Morning Star News) – Having spent a month in jail on baseless charges before his release on bail, Pastor R. Kirubendran was baffled at hostilities from police, media and villagers after serving a community in northern India without problem for several… Source

FBI tried to cultivate ‘sources’ inside Catholic and Christian churches under phony guise of fighting ‘domestic terrorism’

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) The House Judiciary Committee on Monday made public internal documents that showed the FBI had sought to cultivate sources within Christian churches and Catholic dioceses to fight domestic terrorism.The documents were obtained last month by members of the Weaponization Subcommittee, including House Judiciary Committee … [Read More…] Source

Jerusalem Churches refuse Israeli restrictions on annual Easter vigil

Church leaders denounced Israel’s “heavy-handed restrictions” limiting access to Jerusalem for Orthodox Easter. “All who wish to worship with us are invited to attend,” they said. “With that made clear, we leave the authorities to act as they will.” Source

Churches in UK Begin Replacing Jesus & Nativity With “Queer” Characters

Churches in England are erasing references to the nativity and Jesus, replacing them with “queer” characters instead. All Saints with Holy Trinity Church in Loughborough held a Mayor’s Community Carol Service on Monday. reports: […] The post Churches in UK Begin Replacing Jesus & Nativity With “Queer” Characters appeared first on News Punch. Source

Two Aksumite Churches Reveal Complex Religious History of East Africa

Fresh excavations in the port city of Adulis on Eritrea’s Red Sea coast have produced evidence showing that two ancient churches unearthed more than a century ago were constructed during the reign of the legendary Kingdom of Aksum, which ruled Northeast Africa throughout the entire first millennium AD. Thanks to a detailed analysis performed by […]

Ukraine Bombs Russian Schools, Churches & an Orphanage – Media Blackout

Ukraine military forces dropped a series of bombs over a residential Russian town over the weekend and the mainstream media is refusing to talk about it. The illegal shelling of the Russian border town saw […] The post Ukraine Bombs Russian Schools, Churches & an Orphanage – Media Blackout appeared first on News Punch. Source

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