Posts Tagged ‘rhetoric’

Moms for Liberty Makes Show of Force, Deploys Spiritual Warfare Rhetoric at RNC 

After a rough year of scandal, electoral defeats, and effective counter-organizing, the anti-LGBTQ, book-banning Moms for Liberty put on a show of force at the Republican National Convention. A Moms for Liberty town hall Tuesday afternoon drew two governors, three members of Congress, and three state attorneys general. Also addressing the crowd were former Wisconsin […]

Independent media spreads fearmongering rhetoric to pave way for “BIRD FLU plandemic”

(NaturalNews) People are aware that mainstream media can be an arm for creating narratives that instill fear in the minds of the public. Some reports and… Source

Trump escalates anti-migrant rhetoric ahead of Biden match-up

Former President Trump is turning to familiar terrain as he gears up for the general election campaign against President Biden, escalating his attacks on migrants coming into the country and warning of calamitous consequences at the border if Biden is reelected. Trump has for years used incendiary rhetoric about immigrants to fire up his base,… […]

Israel’s Dehumanizing Rhetoric Of Palestinians Becomes Central To Genocide Case

TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — Fighting “human animals.” Making Gaza a “slaughterhouse.” “Erasing the Gaza Strip from the face of the earth.” Such inflammatory rhetoric is a key component of South Africa’s case accusing Israel of genocide at the U.N. world court, a charge that Israel denies. South Africa says the language — in comments […]

Biden’s rhetoric is reigniting the Question of Palestine

President Biden’s regurgitation of Israeli disinformation has rekindled the question of Palestine among the Arab world, while fueling resentment toward American hypocrisy and double standards. Source

Christie knocks Trump for ‘purely selfish’ anti-debate rhetoric

GOP presidential candidate Chris Christie went after former President Trump for suggesting the Republican National Committee (RNC) nix remaining primary debates, claiming Trump is scared of the competition. “He wants to end these things for purely selfish reasons because he doesn’t want to give exposure to the candidates who are challenging him out there,” Christie,… […]

Left CULT’s rhetoric that incited burning of Christian churches in Canada is HOAX; excavations found no evidence of buried indigenous children

(NaturalNews) In the past two years, news proliferated about Christian places of worship being burned down in Canada – in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia,… Source

Talk show host Owen Shroyer faces JAIL TIME for “rhetoric” he uttered about stolen 2020 election

(NaturalNews) After nearly two years of trying to fight charges related to his presence outside the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, the day the “insurrection” took… Source

Vivek Ramaswamy: Nikki Haley’s Ukraine Rhetoric Would Put Her on Board of Defense Contracting Companies

Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy attacked fellow candidate Nikki Haley during Wednesday’s GOP presidential debate, saying her rhetoric will make her a friend of the military-industrial complex. Source

The Rise and Rhetoric of the Climate Chicken Littles 

For those who may not recall Chicken Little (AKA Henny Penny), the character was derived in the 1880s and was meant to be an allegorical character. Chicken Little was never intended to be the whimsical Disney fantasy character that it became. Chicken Little was infamous for over-exaggerating threats to existence, most notably, with the phrase […]

The Rise and Rhetoric of the Climate Chicken Littles 

For those who may not recall Chicken Little (AKA Henny Penny), the character was derived in the 1880s and was meant to be an allegorical character. Chicken Little was never intended to be the whimsical Disney fantasy character that it became. Chicken Little was infamous for over-exaggerating threats to existence, most notably, with the phrase […]

Rand Paul Slams Alarmist Default Rhetoric, Outlines Fiscal Reform Plan

Senator Rand Paul has slammed ‘doomsday’ talk regarding the debt ceiling and a potential default, saying that such rhetoric is “completely dishonest.” Appearing on Fox Business with Larry Kudlow, Paul noted that such alarmism will “worry the markets, and is bad for the country and bad for all of us,” further explaining that “There is […]

Swalwell: Republican Leaders Political Rhetoric Is ‘Inspiring Violent Political Acts’

Representative Eric Swalwell (D-CA) said Monday on CNN’s “OutFront” that the “violent political rhetoric that is espoused by Republican leaders is inspiring violent political acts.” Swalwell said, “If you look at the Facebook page of this individual and the Facebook pages of Donald Trump, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, they’re identical. So the violent political […]

FNC’s Roberts: Biden’s Recent Rhetoric Isn’t New, He Said Romney Would Put People ‘Back in Chains’

On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America Reports,” co-host John Roberts stated that President Joe Biden’s recent remarks aren’t new because Biden has engaged in similar language in the past, including during the 2012 campaign, when he said

‘My Son Hunter’ Star Laurence Fox Flabbergasted By Joe Biden’s ‘Dangerous and Divisive Rhetoric’

Actor Laurence Fox, who plays Hunter Biden in the upcoming movie “My Son Hunter,” said he was stunned by President Joe Biden’s now-infamous speech last week in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia, saying the president’s rhetoric was both “dangerous and divisive.”

Mitsotakis: We respond to Turkey’s rhetoric with adherance to international law

“We hope, we encourage the European Union to take bold initiatives – as we have discussed many times – because without a European response it is very difficult to tame this explosive rise in natural gas prices,” Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said on Friday during his meeting with the President of the Republic of Cyprus […]

China’s New Dealings With Iran And Adoption Of Resistance Rhetoric

China’s Minister of National Defence, Wei Fenghe, visited Tehran this past Wednesday, in what looked like a step closer to further military cooperation between China and Iran. What does China’s new international posturing show us about its coming role as an emerging super power? Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has stressed his intent to tighten ties, […]

Does stirring Biden rhetoric impede the new, improved, fascist mania—or reform unjust systems?

Image Credit: Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images Dems talk the talk—but lack the systemic agenda to jam the right-wing coup rampage Nothing of late tarnishes my confidence in this unflappable law of national politics (and much beyond): what is not over time expanding will most likely shrink. This expansion vs. shrinkage model works for science, […]

Noam Chomsky: Corporate patents & rising anti-science rhetoric will prolong pandemic

[embedded content] Today, a special broadcast: an hour with Noam Chomsky, the world-renowned political dissident, linguist and author, who just turned 93 years old. Chomsky spoke to Democracy Now! prior to the discovery of the Omicron coronavirus variant, but he predicted new variants would emerge. “If you let the virus run rampant in poor countries, […]

Trump’s vaccine-pimping rhetoric proves BOTH parties are prostitutes to pharma and the central banks

Trump’s vaccine-pimping rhetoric proves BOTH parties are prostitutes to pharma and the central banks / Mike Adams (Natural News) Trump’s public speech on the vaccine has become indistinguishable from Fauci’s. In a recent event in Dallas, Texas, Trump sat next to Bill O’Reilly and bragged about taking the booster shot, adding that all Trump […]

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