Posts Tagged ‘inspiring’

Palestinians salute the inspiring student uprising worldwide against Israel’s Gaza genocide and settler-colonial apartheid

Palestinians salute the inspiring student uprising worldwide against Israel’s Gaza genocide and settler-colonial apartheid BNC Statement Students and faculty across the world – from the US to Australia, from the UK to France – are rising up in what is rapidly escalating to a global mobilization focusing on Is Economic Boycott Academic Boycott Apartheid Free […]

Resisting the Odds: The Inspiring Story of Gaza’s Pottery Artisans (Video)

For decades, the people of Gaza have faced immense challenges as a result of the ongoing armed conflict and political turmoil in the region.  Read more Section:  News Ancient Places Asia Video History Ancient Traditions Read Later  Source

Swalwell: Republican Leaders Political Rhetoric Is ‘Inspiring Violent Political Acts’

Representative Eric Swalwell (D-CA) said Monday on CNN’s “OutFront” that the “violent political rhetoric that is espoused by Republican leaders is inspiring violent political acts.” Swalwell said, “If you look at the Facebook page of this individual and the Facebook pages of Donald Trump, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, they’re identical. So the violent political […]

Inspiring: Uber Driver Lasts .09 Seconds Before Volunteering That This Isn’t His Main Job

PHOENIX, AZ — Local Uber driver Michael Skinner set a new record today, waiting nearly a tenth of a second before telling his passenger that Uber isn’t his main job. “Are you Sarah?” asked Michael as he pulled up to the airport. “Great, well you can put your bag in the trunk and just so […]

Johnny Depp Court Victory Inspiring Kyle Rittenhouse to Fight Back Against ‘Lies in the Media’

Kyle Rittenhouse responded to Johnny Depp’s court victory by tweeting that he is motivated to “fight back against lies in the media.” 

Dr. Zelenko is one of the most inspiring human beings I’ve had the opportunity to meet.

23 dec 2021 Dr. Zelenko is one of the most inspiring human beings I’ve had the opportunity to meet. He’s a true American hero fighting two life and death battles: One is for the life and liberty of all people. The other battle he’s fighting is for his own life. Three years ago Dr. Zelenko […]

Inspiring Woman Growing a Huge Amount of Food in Her City Permaculture Garden

Happen Films 352K subscribers The Plummery is a suburban home where a tiny urban permaculture garden measuring only 100sq/m (1076 sq feet) produces over 400kg/900 pounds of food year-round. Kat Lavers describes her approach to gardening, including vertical and biointensive growing, and how important it is – and possible! – for city dwellers to be […]

Inspiring: US Women’s Soccer Team To Boycott Scoring Goals Until Racism Is Defeated

Inspiring: US Women’s Soccer Team To Boycott Scoring Goals Until Racism Is Defeated TOKYO—People were stunned after the U.S. women’s soccer team lost to Sweden in the Olympics this week by a score of 3-0—until the team revealed they are boycotting scoring any goals until racism is defeated. “Yeah, we didn’t score any goals against Sweden […]

Michael Ratner’s inspiring activist life culminated with dramatic change on Israel

MOVING THE BARMy Life as a Radical Lawyerby Michael Ratner358 pp. OR Books. $23 or $10 for ebook. How do American Jews shift their outlook on Israel? How do leftleaning Americans who have a special corner of their heart devoted to Israel give up that attachment in the face of unending human rights violations? That […]

DreamWakers: Inspiring and Mentoring Disadvantaged Students in the US

Photo courtesy of DreamWakers, a non-profit organization that connects students from low-income families across the US to career role models, aims to inspire and guide the next generations. The organization, co-founded by Monica Logothetis, focuses on serving students from low-income families as research shows they are significantly less likely to interact with career role […]

Latvia’s “Paganism” is Beautiful and Awe-Inspiring

Many times when people think of “paganism,” they think of some viking LARPers drinking elk blood from a horn or jew-inspired witches casting spells. The variety of “paganism” seen in this video is far different. It is a massive national celebration. However, it does look like there is a tranny in there in that massive […]

Insha – Malayalam movie with an inspiring message

Dr Siju Vijayan is passionate about his new film, Insha, which is a story that is true to this world that we live in. This is the reason why Insha is a trailblazer because stories about disabled people are not often told and are not often told with this much authenticity. Dr. Vijayan’s impetus of […]

THE GREATER RESET: Inspiring Vision For Humanity

THE GREATER RESET: Inspiring Vision For Humanity Activist Post / Activist Post By Neenah Payne Klaus Schwab, a German engineer and economist, is the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum. He is the author of the 2020 book COVID-19: The Great Reset and the 2017 book The Fourth Industrial Revolution. The World […]

President Trump’s Inspiring Inauguration Speech; His Presidency Has Been Highjacked by the CIA/FBI/NSA Deep State-Ask Yourself Who Owns the Deep State? Answer Below.

[embedded content] Comment: Deep State is owned by the ZIONIST Tribe aka British Monarchy & Empire which includes Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Zionist British Monarchy, Dutch Monarchy, 13 illuminutti Satanic Families, and City of London/Wall Street Banksters, Federal Reserve, Vatican, and their MINIONS. ON NOVEMBER 16, 2020 BY JACKYUKON I do not think you should waste to much of your […]

This inspiring NHL draft pick isn’t Jewish, but he has a Yiddish name

JTA — This week’s National Hockey League draft featured one of the most Jewish sounding names in recent memory: Zayde Wisdom. The 18-year-old phenom from Toronto isn’t Jewish and pronounces his name “zade” (rhymes with “paid”). But his first name is spelled the same way as many write the affectionate Yiddish word for grandfather. And his […]

3 INSPIRING STORIES (Pakistan, India, Philippines)

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Inspiring Video: Little Girl Angrily Removes Face Mask — Tosses It In Disgust!!

Prostaguard Limited Advanced Release 29.95 19.95 Powerful Blend of Antioxidants & Plant Based Nutrients. All Hand Selected! Support Your Body Naturally With ProstaGuard* Survival Shield X-2 Nascent Iodine Spray 29.95 14.95 It’s Finally Here: Introducing The First Ever Nascent Iodine Survival Shield X2 Spray. Ultimate Fish Oil 44.95 29.65 […]

Albert Rieger’s Awe-Inspiring Landscapes and Seascapes

Albert Rieger (1834 – 1905) is one of the talented artists of the past whose work is largely forgotten today, while the art world revels in disgusting degeneracy. There is not even a Wikipedia page for Albert, and very little information about his life. From Albert Rieger was an Austrian painter best known for his […]

Inspiring Speech, But Progressives Warn Against Folly of Oprah 2020 Calls

Progressives loved Oprah Winfrey’s speech Sunday night at the Golden Globes award ceremony, calling it “rousing,” “extraordinary,” and “inspiring.” But the idea that Oprah should run for president? “Bonkers.” “Hollow.” “A bad liberal revenge fantasy.” The notion that Oprah, a widely beloved celebrity billionaire, would be the perfect foil to President Donald Trump, a widely hated celebrity billionaire, has […]

Did Psychedelic Mushrooms Play a Role in Inspiring Christian Tradition?

Phillip Schneider, Staff WriterWaking Times Was early Christian tradition inspired by psychedelics? This is the question which Julie and Jerry Brown set out to answer in their new book The Psychedelic Gospels. According to their research, there is a wealth of evidence suggesting that both psilocybin-containing Cubensis as well as Amanita Muscaria mushrooms did […]

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