Posts Tagged ‘movie’

DNC Horror Movie

DNC Horror Movie – Forbidden Knowledge TV Find Out What’s Really Going On! You’ve gotta love it! Source

Obama’s Movie, Trilateral Commission Declares 2023 Year One of the NWO w/ Alexandra Bruce

Four months ago, Sarah Westall had me on her show, in early January, after the story I posted about the infrasonic tracks discovered in ‘Leave the World Behind’ went semi-viral. I had just been fired by AMP and I was losing money, due to being blacklisted by all the major advertising networks and by being […]

Climate, The Movie Source

‘Climate: The Movie’ (2024) – Full Film

By Ben Kew A devastating new film by British documentary filmmaker Martin Durkin has obliterated the climate change scam in just 80 minutes. Durkin, a former revolutionary communist turned staunch libertarian, exposes the climate change scam by interviewing a cast of world renowned academics and researchers who calmly break down how the earth’s climate has always […]

Genetically Modified Society – Full Movie

In this special report: A documentary covering the topics of Genetically Modified food (GMO’s) , and Weather Modification. Featuring interviews with: Dr. Louis Uccellini – Director of the National Weather Service (NWS) Dr. Russell Schneider – Director of the Storm Prediction Center (SPC / NOAA) Tom Vilsack – US Secretary of Agriculture (USDA) Michael Levi […]

Obama’s Weird New Movie And America’s Extreme Vulnerability To Cyber-Attack

Authored by Brandon Smith via There has been a lot of buzz lately about a recently released film by Netflix titled ‘Leave The World Behind’ based on a novel by the same name.  The plot revolves around a catastrophic collapse in the US triggered by a cyber attack (and mass drone attack) that shuts […]

The Familiarity of Old Evils: The Zone of Interest Movie Review

Last Thursday the New York Times published a very strange review of the new Holocaust movie, The Zone of Interest. The review was written by Manohla Dargis, who is one of the finest film critics in the country. But something was off about this piece. Ms. Dargis is withering right out of the gate calling […]

The Hidden Symbolism in “Leave the World Behind”, a Disturbing Movie Produced by the Obamas

Produced by Barack and Michelle Obama, “Leave the World Behind” is about the complete collapse of America from within. And, through symbolism, the movie actually wants us to think that America deserves that collapse. Here’s a look at the movie and the disturbing messages it conceals. Source

Arab world Angry as Netflix Movie about Hannibal is played by Denzel Washington

Netflix is once again facing criticism in the Arab world over its casting decisions, this time for selecting African-American actor Denzel Washington to portray the Carthaginian general Hannibal in an upcoming movie. Hannibal, known for his remarkable military achievements, hailed from Carthage in present-day Tunisia and had West Semitic ancestry. His feats, such as leading […]

Trailer For New Hollywood Movie Says ‘Most Dangerous Animal In The World Is White People’

A trailer for a new Hollywood movie premiering at the 2024 Sundance Film Festival next month, asks the question “What’s the most dangerous animal on the planet?” to which the answer is “white people”. The […] The post Trailer For New Hollywood Movie Says ‘Most Dangerous Animal In The World Is White People’ appeared first […]

Mike Stone – War (We’ve Seen this Movie Before)

(Many Jews suffer from a collective Asbergers Syndrome.) Organized Jewry/Freemasonry is using the same strategy  they used to suck America into World War Two Gulf of Tonkin, 911, etc… we’ve seen it all before. by Mike Stone ( Are you concerned with the events taking place in the Middle East? If not, you should be, […]

EXCLUSIVE from “POLICE STATE” the Movie: Shocking Footage of FBI Smashing in Door of NY Senior for Attending J6 Rally – VIDEO

EXCLUSIVE from “POLICE STATE” the Movie: Shocking Footage of FBI Smashing in Door of NY Senior for Attending J6 Rally – VIDEO Source


Sound of Freedom: A Movie About Child Trafficking Produced by Child Traffickers?

July 20, 2023 Total Views : 388 by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News I have been vehemently attacked and criticized by some people for daring to publish critical articles about the Sound of Freedom movie, especially the article about the people who funded the movie. See: Sound of Freedom Movie Allegedly Funded by Billionaire […]

‘Sound of Freedom’ Showings Are Being Sabotaged at Movie Theaters

Since “Sound of Freedom” deals with child trafficking and is seen as a right-wing movie, some people (or groups?) have decided to shut down or disrupt showings. Source

“Oppenheimer” – Movie Teaches Goyim to Love Commie Traitor

(Robert Oppenheimer, 1904-1967) It’s clear from the trailer that this movie is a dud, although they’re calling it a “masterpiece.”  It’s a tired Hollywood cliche: assembling a team for a critical mission. The hydrogen bomb would guarantee world peace for all time.    Oppenheimer was a Communist Jew who gave atomic secrets to the Soviets (see below) but […]

Global Elite Vow To BAN Anti-Pedophile Movie ‘Sound of Freedom’

A World Economic Forum insider has confirmed the WEF are calling on world governments to ban Sound of Freedom, in an effort to stop as many people as possible from seeing the hit film and learning about the scale of the child sex industry. Even more disturbingly, everyone who purchases a ticket is being placed […]

What Popular Movie Sound of Freedom Will Not Tell You

by Admin · Published July 14, 2023 · Updated July 14, 2023 What you don’t know about the movie “Sound of Freedom” There is something weighing on my heart about the film Sound of Freedom. As we all know, this is a powerful movie about the horrible reality of worldwide child trafficking. Millions of children disappear […]

Matrixxx Grooove: Jeff and Shady discuss the movie “Sound of Freedom” and its theme of CHILD TRAFFICKING – Brighteon.TV

Matrixxx Grooove: Jeff and Shady discuss the movie “Sound of Freedom” and its theme of CHILD TRAFFICKING – Brighteon.TV Jeffrey “InTheMatrixxx” Pedersen and Shannon “ShadyGrooove” Townsend talked about the movie “Sound of Freedom” and its theme of child trafficking on the July 10 episode of their Brighteon.TV program “The Matrixxx Grooove Show.” Pedersen began by […]

Riots in France ‘Predicted’ by Netflix Movie Athena

Last year Netflix released Athena, which is a movie about how evil, racist Frenchmen murdered a poor young immigrant, causing the subsequent rioting and street violence that ensued. This closely mirrors the “reality” we are currently watch unfold in France, much like how Netflix’s White Noise showed what was going to happen in East Palestine, Ohio. […]

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