Posts Tagged ‘commie’

Pierre Elliot Trudeau Was Also a Commie Traitor

(Left, Pierre Elliot Trudeau with Justine’s father) Fidelito’s cuckold “father” Pierre Elliot Trudeau (1919-2000) was Canadian Prime Minister from 1968-1979 and 1980-1984. His file was destroyed because he was a Communist (Illuminati) agent. Most  “leaders” are Freemasons. The goal of Freemasonry is Rothschild (Cabalist Jewish, i.e. Satanic) world tyranny, i.e. Communism or “globalism.”  Communism is monopoly (i.e. banker […]

March 16- Commie Jews Break With Zionists

Please send links and comments to [email protected]  The Masonic Jewish Commie-Zionist schism is now in full view. Even though Trump is a bigger supporter of Israel, Biden will take the blame if the Gaza genoide continues. Organized Jewry wears both hats, depending on the occasion. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said that the elected Israeli government […]

Lara Logan – Soros’ Commie NGO’s Slander & Intimidate Journalists

“These nonprofits that I’m talking about are part of a vast censorship network that includes government agencies. They use deception to mask their actions with lofty goals like preventing the spread of misinformation, disinformation hate speech…The media is collaborating with government agencies and operatives to censor and shape the information battlefield to justify certain actions.” […]

An Evil Anti-American Commie Zionist Zombie Has Gone Home To Hell

“Half-Staff Alert! Fly the United States Flag at Half-Staff Immediately Until Sunset on the Date of Interment (unknown at this time) in Honor of Senator Dianne Feinstein”. My brother called me and said he bet the evil treasonous bitch is begging for air conditioning at this point. An enemy of America and humanity at large […]

Stupid Commie S#it From Idiots Too Retarded To Pour Horse Piss Out Of A Boot With Instruction To Do So Printed On The Bottom Of The Heel

“Although the Allies in World War II clearly needed to stop Hitler and to aid Russia in its advance on Germany”. Aid Russia? A Khazarian Jew run Holocaust machine! I am not a fan of National Socialism, it is just a milder form of communism, but by the treasonous communistic whores in DC sending the […]

“Oppenheimer” – Movie Teaches Goyim to Love Commie Traitor

(Robert Oppenheimer, 1904-1967) It’s clear from the trailer that this movie is a dud, although they’re calling it a “masterpiece.”  It’s a tired Hollywood cliche: assembling a team for a critical mission. The hydrogen bomb would guarantee world peace for all time.    Oppenheimer was a Communist Jew who gave atomic secrets to the Soviets (see below) but […]

Zuck Loves Commie Bucks: Facebook Desperately Wants to Sell VR Headsets in China

In an attempt to tap into a vast new market, Facebook (now known as Meta) is in discussions with Tencent, the world’s largest video game publisher, to introduce its Quest VR headset to China. Mark Zuckerberg’s company reportedly faces an uphill battle in selling its wares in the communist country.

CANADIAN Political COMMIE “Apologizes” To the Un-KILLER JABBED – ‘You Were Right, We Were Wrong’-NOW YOU NEED TO HANG ME FOR MASS MURDER

Danielle Smith, the premier of Alberta, Canada, is the first major elected politician in the world to issue a “heartfelt” apology to the un-KILLER JABBED for a Killer Jab based on faked fear of a Non-Existant “virus” which has HOLOCAUSTED millions, for her crimes perpetrated against their human rights by the government and violating the […]

Jewish Hypocrisy: Anti-White Commie Bernie Sanders on White Nationalism vs jewish Nationalism

In our current political and societal climate, foisted upon us by the victors of the Second World War, jewish hypocrisy regarding race and immigration is nothing new. Jewish groups (in actuality foreign agents of the Israeli government), such as the ADL, SPLC, AJC, HIAS, and countless others, work night and day to demonize and incite […]

China’s Commie Dictator Rips Canada’s Commie Dictator, Fidel Castro’s Son A New Ass Hole

Canada’s Turdo learns how to do the butt hurt Chinese shuffle. Source

Victor Davis Hanson, Zionist/Commie in Drag

I first became aware of Hanson when I watched a YouRube video presentation of a “lecture” Hanson gave on one of America’s greatest generals, WW 2 American General George S. Patton. When one looks at America’s greatest generals they are George Washington, Robert E Lee, Nathan Bedford Forrest and George S Patton. If not for […]

red RUSSIAN KHAZARIAN COMMIE MAYOR OF San Antonio, RON PENDEJOBERG Is Following the Marxist Playbook to Transform Alamo City INTO A 3ed WORLD SHIT HOLE


Commie California BANS State Travel to Florida Over Their ‘Anti-Trans’ Laws

California has officially banned Florida and four other states from state-funded travel due to their alleged anti-LGBTQ laws. Democrat State Attorney General Rob Bonta announced Monday that Arkansas, Montana, North Dakota and West Virginia had also joined Alabama, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee and Texas on the […]

Gates Divorce, Lockdown Commie, Bitcoin Salary – New World Next Week

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee / YouTube This week on the New World Next Week: the Gateses get a divorce; literal commies want to lock you down and change your behaviour; and an NFLer converts his salary to bitcoin. CLICK HERE for show notes and mp3 Filed in: Videos Source

The Rothschild Owned Establishment Leading America Into Tyranny Just As Commie China Was Led

January 25, 2021 | Categories: Articles & Columns | Tags: | Print This Article Down the Path Into Tyranny Paul Craig Roberts Presstitute propaganda of a white supremacist insurrection on inauguration day caused 26,000 national guardsmen to be sent by states to D.C. to put down the Trump sedition.  Of course, there was no insurrection.  It was all just another media hoax, and the […]

Arrogant Commie Bails When Precious Blacks Are Criticized

Stupid commie meets a fascist. English Bitchute Spanish Bitchute English Telegram Spanish Telegram World Truth Videos Gab

Cackling Commie Kamala Harris!

Brother Nathanael Channel, BroVids Cackling Commie Kamala Harris! October 13 2020 Watch: ‘Censor-Free!’ HERE! ___________________________________+Brother Nathanael’s Amazing Videos! The Tyranny Of Kamala Harris Here Secesssion Now! Here Segregation On Steroids Here Demonology Of The Democrat Party Here +BN Classics On BitChute! Elections For Jews Only Here Will Hagee Have A Rapture? Here Layers Of Jewish […]

Run-In With a Mixed-Race Commie

Mixed-race commie supports globalist race-mixing. Sub my bitchute. Sub my Telegram.

Spain’s Commie Government Drafts Law to Punish Public Praise of Hero Franco

The commie faggots running Spain are on an outrageous power trip, now attempting to make it illegal to say anything positive about Spanish patriot hero Francisco Franco. El Pais: The Spanish Cabinet on Tuesday approved a draft bill containing a raft of measures that address the legacy of the Civil War (1936-39) and the Francisco Franco regime, […]

BLM Is Terrorizing White People Into Throwing Up Commie Fists

According to the FBI, terrorism is “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.” Have you seen how the country is being burned to the ground by Black rioters and their assorted […]

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