Posts Tagged ‘criticized’

Ad Targeting Christians in Pakistan Criticized

Discriminatory ad for sanitation workers in Pakistan. (Christian Daily International-Morning Star News) LAHORE, Pakistan (Christian Daily International–Morning Star News) – An ad for sanitation workers targeting Christians in Pakistan has prompted objections that it signals only Christian should work such low-paying jobs. The ad soliciting candidates for sweepers at health facilities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province states, […]

Pope Francis Fires Right-Wing Texas Bishop Who Criticized Him

ROME (AP) — Pope Francis on Saturday forcibly removed the bishop of Tyler, Texas, a conservative prelate active on social media who has been a fierce critic of the pontiff and has come to symbolize the polarization within the U.S. Catholic hierarchy. A one-line statement from the Vatican said Francis had “relieved” Bishop Joseph Strickland […]

German Authorities Jail 87-Year-Old Granny Who Criticized Liberal Ideology Online

Authorities in Germany have arrested and imprisoned an 87-year-old grandmother for the crime of speaking out against far-left ideology online. According to reports, the woman was sentenced to prison for posting her criticism of leftist […] The post German Authorities Jail 87-Year-Old Granny Who Criticized Liberal Ideology Online appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Nikki Haley, who once criticized AIPAC for being insufficiently pro-Israel, is running for president

Nikki Haley was the first U.S. governor to sign anti-BDS legislation, and once criticized AIPAC for not being pro-Israel enough. Now, she is preparing to run for president. Source

Russian Meat Magnate Who Reportedly Criticized Ukraine War Falls To Death From Third Floor Of Hotel

“Whether Mr. Antov’s death is a suicide is a matter of investigation,” said Rasmi Ranjani Pradhan, an inspector with the local police. Source

Mascots For Paris Olympics Criticized For Being Mostly Made In China

Only about 8% of the mascot will be made in France and that’s raising concerns the country is too dependent on the world’s second-largest economy. Source

World Cup ambassador criticized over LGBT remarks

The World Cup ambassador for the Gulf nation, Khalid Salman, a former international football player for Qatar, has come under criticism for remarks he made in an interview with German television suggesting that homosexuality is a “disease in the head.” The tournament, which is scheduled to begin on November 20, has come under fire for […]

Youth Football League Criticized for Raffling ‘Freedom Stick’ (AR-15)

A youth football and cheerleading league in North Carolina received criticism for the decision to raffle an AR-15 rifle, which the raffle organizers refer to as a “Freedom Stick.”

Russian Oil Oligarch Who Criticized Ukraine War ‘Falls’ Out Of Hospital Window To His Death

DEAD MEN DON’T TALK: Russian Oil Oligarch Who Criticized Ukraine War ‘Falls’ Out Of Hospital Window To His Death SM / Source – ‘…Maganov’s death comes almost six months to the day after Lukoil released a statement expressing “deepest concerns” about Putin’s war in Ukraine…Falling short of naming it as an invasion – which is outlawed […]

LIVE 10:30AM ET: Pelosi Criticized for Hiding Role in Jan. 6 Security Failures; Vaccine Narratives Take 180 Degree Turn

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is being criticized for hiding her role in the security breakdowns on Jan. 6, and some allegations say she may be culpable for the chaos. Republicans are trying to obtain documents on Pelosi’s role on the day, and claim their efforts are being blocked. As investigations continue into who was responsible […]

Rohan Criticized For Crossing State Lines To Defend Minas Tirith

PELENNOR FIELDS—King Theoden and his accomplices in Rohan are facing possible murder charges, the cavalry being under intense scrutiny for crossing state lines before defending their neighbor to the south. “They crossed state lines to get here—and do they even have a permit for those spears?” asked one stunned Orc, Garflob Magobblegon. “They’re basically just coming […]

Immune System Criticized As Anti-Science

ATLANTA, GA—The CDC has issued new guidelines that specifically call out anyone relying on a functioning immune system as being anti-science.  “Does a ‘complex network of cells, and proteins that defends the body against infection’ sound scientific to you? Didn’t think so,” said CDC spokesman Jonathan Growsky. “Science is doing what we say to do […]

Joe Rogan Criticized As ‘Anti-Science’ For Surviving COVID

U.S.—Progressives have expressed their anger across the country as another person, Joe Rogan, recovered from COVID and did not die, harming their preferred narrative about the deadliness of the virus and what kind of treatments should be used. He has been called “anti-science” and “a purveyor of misinformation” for not dropping dead. Despite not agreeing 100% […]

Ukraine Army Criticized For Making Female Cadets Parade In Heels

MOSCOW (AP) — Ukraine’s defense minister is under pressure from members of the government over the decision to have female military cadets wear pumps with heels in an important parade. “The purpose of any military parade is to demonstrate the military ability of the army. There should be no room for stereotypes and sexism,” said […]

Pakistan TV Bans Talk Show Host After He Criticized Army

ISLAMABAD (AP) — A Pakistani television station Monday took a prominent journalist off air, removing him as host of a popular talk show after he criticized the country’s powerful military, the journalist and rights groups said. The development comes just days after the journalist, Hamid Mir, made a fiery speech at a rally in support […]

Report: NYC Principal Criticized for Email Urging Staff to Support Palestinians

A middle school principal in Brooklyn reportedly encouraged teachers and administrators to advocate for government sanctions against Israel. The New York Post reported on Friday: In an email sent amid the since-suspended fighting between Israel and Hamas terrorists, Principal Amanda Bueno told staffers at MS 136, “If you have been watching the news in absolute […]

Is The Washington Free Beacon Spying On AOC Because She Criticized Israel?

The Washington Free Beacon, a neocon outlet funded by pro-Israel billionaire Paul Singer that hired Fusion GPS to spy on Donald Trump in 2015, may now be spying on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez because she dared to criticize Israel. The Free Beacon on Wednesday released what ended up becoming a widely mocked article “exposing” AOC for allegedly […]

Doctor Criticized For ‘Smoker Shaming’ After Telling Man He Has Lung Cancer

BEVERLY HILLS, CA—Dr. Michael Vo of the Beverly Hills Institute for Lung Cancer Research has been heavily criticized for “smoker shaming” after informing a patient he has lung cancer due to decades of smoking cigarettes. “How dare this doctor suggest I need to change my unhealthy lifestyle!” said the patient before hacking up a lung. […]

Australian company criticized for auctioning Hitler’s personal items

JB Military, an antique store based in Australia, has came under heavy criticism recently for auctioning Adolf Hitler’s personal items. Items belonging to the Nazi dictator that are being auctioned include his personal tableware, cups, a wine cooler, a metal hair brush, a hand mirror, and silverware. The items themselves have attracted extremely high bids, with some […]

The Week Removes Image Criticized As Anti-Semitic

The Week magazine quietly replaced a featured image on one of their pieces that various social media users were criticizing as being anti-Semitic. The Algemeiner reported that that the image, which was used on an April 15 piece titled “Israel is testing Biden,” featured a Star of David superimposed over President Joe Biden. Associate Dean […]

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