Posts Tagged ‘bishop’

Assailant Arrested in Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel’s Stabbing

Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel, born Emmanuel Rehana Yosip in 1958 in Iraq to a devout Christian family. He subsequently moved to the United States where he was ordained a deacon of the Assyrian Church of the East in 1981, and a priest in 1984 at Mar Gewargis Cathedral (St. George Cathedral) in Chicago, Illinois. On […]

Romanian Orthodox Bishop Beaten and Hospitalized by Ukrainians, his House also Burned Down

Metropolitan (Bishop) Longhin Jar of the Bănceni Monastery in the Chernivtsi region faced a life-threatening assault on January 22, 2024, an incident that recently came to public attention. The Romanian priest, now in the process of recovering from the traumatic attack, addressed his followers, emphasizing the importance of unwavering faith during trying times and urging […]

Pope Francis Fires Right-Wing Texas Bishop Who Criticized Him

ROME (AP) — Pope Francis on Saturday forcibly removed the bishop of Tyler, Texas, a conservative prelate active on social media who has been a fierce critic of the pontiff and has come to symbolize the polarization within the U.S. Catholic hierarchy. A one-line statement from the Vatican said Francis had “relieved” Bishop Joseph Strickland […]

Time for Catholic Church to abolish celibacy – top bishop-BUT THEN WHERE WOULD ALL THE PEDOPHILES HIDE?

Yahweh was never the Creator God. Yeshua called Jesus the Judeian, who was not a Jew cult member, never claimed to be equal to the Creator God of the Universe. The little boy raping priest of the Roman slave cult religion decided he was equal to the real Creator God at the Council of Nicaea […]

Nolte: Trans Bishop Sues Lutheran Denomination for Harassment, Discrimination

The far-left Associated Press reports that the Rev. Megan Rohrer, who was “elected as the first openly transgender bishop of one of the largest Christian denominations in the country in May 2021,” is suing the “””” church”””” and claiming “he” was forced out “after enduring several months of discrimination and harassment.” I’m confused… “Megan” is a “he?” […]

Bishop Tells Hotel Protesters That Asylum Seekers Are ‘Human Beings With Feelings’

The bishop of Leicester has voiced concerns about escalating tensions in the asylum system after a number of community protests were staged outside hotels. About 30 hotels are being used to house asylum seekers in […] The post Bishop Tells Hotel Protesters That Asylum Seekers Are ‘Human Beings With Feelings’ appeared first on News Punch. […]

Illinois Bishop Accuses Progressive San Diego Cardinal Robert McElroy of ‘Heresy’

The redoubtable bishop of Springfield, IL, has publicly accused San Diego Cardinal Robert McElroy of “heresy” for his rejection of the Church basic moral teaching. Source

German bishop outlines new guidelines, mandates priests accept homosexuality, transgenderism

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Leftists have taken over nearly every institution that made Western civilization so successful and great, including the Christian faith, as evidenced by the growing number of denominations now actively advocating the opposite of what Jesus and the Bible teach.The latest example comes from Germany, where a Catholic bishop … [Read More…] Source

Pedophile Pope John Paul II covered up Child Rapes as bishop

Pedophile Pope of Pedophile “priest” giving a private “blessing” to Mossad Jeffery the Child Rape Pimp and his Mossad Madam God Bitch slapping the Pedophile pope’s scrotum cap off his evil child raping skull Jesus the Christ said a pedophile should have a donkey millstone tied around their necks and be thrown in the deep […]


September 22nd, 2022 Viganò calls for an anti globalist alliance and international tribunals: “When the threat is global, the defense must be global”… “In the face of this global coup d’état, it is necessary to form an international anti-globalist alliance which gathers all those who want to oppose the dictatorship who have no intention of […]

Sexual Abuse by Former Mormon Bishop Walton Hunter Confirmed by Daughters

Rebecca Kapp and Deborah Hunter-Marsh confirm sexual abuse at the hands of their deceased father Walton Hunter, former Bishop in the Mormon Church. The daughters of Walton Hunter, a now-deceased former Bishop in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), have confirmed their father sexually abused them as children. The confirmation from Walton […]

Sexual Abuse by Former Mormon Bishop Walton Hunter Confirmed by Daughters

Rebecca Kapp and Deborah Hunter-Marsh confirm sexual abuse at the hands of their deceased father Walton Hunter, former Bishop in the Mormon Church. The daughters of Walton Hunter, a now-deceased former Bishop in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), have confirmed their father sexually abused them as children. The confirmation from Walton […]

Sexual Abuse by Former Mormon Bishop Walton Hunter Confirmed by Daughters

Rebecca Kapp and Deborah Hunter-Marsh confirm sexual abuse at the hands of their deceased father Walton Hunter, former Bishop in the Mormon Church. The daughters of Walton Hunter, a now-deceased former Bishop in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), have confirmed their father sexually abused them as children. The confirmation from Walton […]

Daughters of Former Mormon Bishop Walton Hunter Accuse Father of Rape

The story of allegations of child sexual abuse in the Mormon Church expands from Gordon B. Hinckley to Bishop Walton Hunter. In the late 1980’s a documentary titled The True Story of Mormon President Gordon B. Hinckley was produced and screened among churches that would dare host the heresy. This film alleges that now-deceased former […]

Chinese Catholics Call for Release of Illegally Detained Underground Bishop

May 21 marks the one-year anniversary of the illegal arrest of Xinxiang Bishop Joseph Zhang Weizhu and local faithful are calling for his liberation.

Reminiscing Bishop Desmond Tutu – A Postscript on the Apostle of Peace

Image credit/BBC Golden names like Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, and Desmond Tutu invariably surface on the mental canopy of world public when topics as human rights, liberation struggle, human freedom and the like, especially when those of the oppressed, suppressed, persecuted and downtrodden among coloured and black peoples go afloat. The last […]

First U.S. gay bishop remembers Desmond Tutu’s generosity, kindness

“It was quite surreal because I was taking grief from literally around the world,” he said in a phone interview. “There was probably at that time, and maybe still, no one better known around the world than Desmond Tutu. It was an astounding gesture of generosity and kindness.” Tutu, South Africa’s Nobel Peace Prize-winning activist […]

Counterfeit Man Of God (Arch-Bishop of Canterbury) Says Unjabbed Immoral /Hugo Talks #lockdown

Damn shame my Great grandfather type Henry the 2nt is not still running that tiny little island for pedophiles, losers and misfits. He had the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury slaughtered on the alter for such shit! Then there was great uncle type Richard the Lion hearted who told the popester to go have sex with himself. […]

Egypt executes monk for murder of bishop at monastery

Authorities carried out the death penalty on an Egyptian monk who killed the abbot of his monastery in 2018, a lawyer and the monk’s brother told Reuters on Sunday. Wael Saad and Ramon Rasmi Mansour, known by their monastic names Isaiah al-Makari and Faltaous al-Makari, were convicted of the killing of Bishop Epiphanius, 64, the […]

Gunmen Raid Home of Bishop-Elect in South Sudan, Shooting Him Twice

Two gunmen broke into the home of Bishop-elect Christian Carlassare in Rumbek, South Sudan, early Monday, shooting him twice in the legs. The assault occurred sometime between midnight and 2:00 a.m. and is believed to have been meant as a warning to the prelate, who is being transported to Nairobi for treatment. On March 8, […]

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