Archive for the ‘Religion’ Category

Book Review-Analysis; Madina Economics

These banks, the result of clever Jews’ Thinking, Takes away Gods’ Light from the Hearts of Men. Unless this System is destroyed Completely, Knowledge, Religion and Culture are mere Empty Names. –Iqbal in the 1930s.. When Imran Khan was elected Prime Minister of Pakistan in 2018, he made a victory speech in which he announced […]

Bob Lazar: Aliens Regard Humans as “Containers”

Area 51 physicist, Bob Lazar recalls the “extremely classified document dealing with religion” that was about 2 inches thick. When pressed for the details, Bob says that the aliens regard humans as “containers” and that the whole purpose of religions was to create rules and regulations to “not damage the containers”. Contributed by Alexandra Bruce […]

Spanish Priest Faces Up To 3 Years In Prison For Criticizing Islamic Extremism

Home » Europe, Religion, Suppression » Spanish Priest Faces Up To 3 Years In Prison For Criticizing Islamic Extremism     A Spanish priest is facing up to three years in prison on “hate crime” charges for his heated words about Islam. Last month, Father Custodio Ballester and two other individuals received a summons from […]

Olympic Poster Accused of Erasing French Culture by Omitting French Flag, Christian Cross Atop Dôme des Invalides

Home » Culture, Europe, Religion » Olympic Poster Accused of Erasing French Culture by Omitting French Flag, Christian Cross Atop Dôme des Invalides     A detailed poster promoting the 2024 Olympics in Paris has sparked outrage on social media after omitting a Christian cross from a major structure, with the French flag also observably […]

Canada Borderline Bans Christianity, Outlaws Reading Aloud From Bible in Public

    The Trudeau government has introduced a bill that could land Christians in prison for quoting the Bible or expressing a traditional faith-based opinion if the Canadian government deems it “promotion of hatred or antisemitism.” Bill C-367, purported to amend the Criminal Code, will redefine the boundaries of free speech, criminalizing public Bible readings, […]

Belgian imam cites Quran quote in Parliament that calls for vicious Antisemitism

Last week, an imam in Belgium recited a passage from the Quran in the Parliament of the Brussels-Capital Region, with the passage widely believed to call Muslims to kill Jews. Many MPs expressed their outrage at the imam’s presence in parliament, and Israel’s ambassador to Belgium was horrified to hear that such a verse was […]

Romanian Orthodox Bishop Beaten and Hospitalized by Ukrainians, his House also Burned Down

Metropolitan (Bishop) Longhin Jar of the Bănceni Monastery in the Chernivtsi region faced a life-threatening assault on January 22, 2024, an incident that recently came to public attention. The Romanian priest, now in the process of recovering from the traumatic attack, addressed his followers, emphasizing the importance of unwavering faith during trying times and urging […]

Banks warned by Biden Admin that Christians who Buy Bibles are Extremists

An agency of the federal government “flagged” Bible purchases as an indication of “extremism” in communications with banks following the events of January 6, 2021. “We now know the federal government flagged terms like ‘MAGA’ and ‘TRUMP,’ to financial institutions if Americans completed transactions using those terms,” Rep. Jim Jordan, R-OH, wrote on X. “What […]

Man Who Destroyed Satanic Shrine In Iowa Capitol Charged With Hate Crime

Michael Cassidy, a Christian veteran who decapitated a Satanic shrine on display in the Iowa State Capitol building, has been charged with a ‘hate crime’. Yes, really. If you object to literal Satanic displays in public buildings you are now hateful. Back in December, Cassidy, beheaded the caped figure placed in the building by The […]

Catholic Bishops in Africa Protest Pope Francis Gay Blessings as Inappropriate

Pope Francis, facing criticism from Catholic bishops in Africa regarding his directive allowing priests to bless same-sex unions, has characterized the opposition as a unique case driven by cultural beliefs. In an interview with Italian newspaper La Stampa on Monday, the Pontiff responded to the backlash against the Vatican’s authorization of blessings for same-sex couples […]

Nigerian migrants strips naked and climbs onto altar inside Hungarian church

A naked Nigerian migrant was filmed screaming from the altar of the famed St. Stephen’s Basilica in Budapest, with the man allegedly stripping naked after he was told by staff members he could not enter the building only in shorts. The episode occurred on Monday afternoon, with the man pushing past staff as he walked […]

Riot Erupts at Chabad-Lubavitch Headquarters After NYPD Move to Seal Secret Tunnel Discovered Under Building

Chaos broke out at Chabad-Lubavitch’s headquarters in Crown Heights on Monday after the NYPD moved to seal a newly discovered tunnel the Orthodox Jewish Hasidic dynasty built in secret under the synagogue. From, Dec 22, “BREAKING: Tunnel Found Burrowed Under Women’s Section of 770, Possibly Destabilizing The Building”: A Union Street homeowner who spoke […]

Vatican rules that Catholic priests can bless same-sex, LGBTQ couples

In a landmark ruling approved by Pope Francis, the Roman Catholic religion will now allow priests to issue blessings to same-sex couples, just so long as the blessings are not issued within the context of religious rituals or liturgies. The doctrinal shift will not, according to the Vatican, legitimize what it calls “irregular situations,” but […]

Pope Francis Authorizes Rewritten ‘Fact Checked’ Holy Bible

The World Economic Forum has been granted authorization by Pope Francis to rewrite the Holy Bible, according to a WEF insider who reveals the pope wants the new “fact-checked” version of the Bible to be far more political, with a central place for the primacy of nature, and far less about God. Pope Francis has […]

Germany: Baby Jesus beheaded along with other Nativity figures in latest attack on Christians

Unknown perpetrators beheaded baby Jesus and other figures in a Christmas nativity scene over the weekend in the city of Rüsselsheim. The attack featured the figures, primarily made out of Styrofoam, having their hands severed and their heads removed; some of them were also knocked over. The figures, which were displayed in the town’s market […]

Ukraine wants to Ban its own newly founded Orthodox Church for alleged ties to Russia

    Ukraine’s Orthodox Church which gained independence from Russia in December 2019 because of Russian manipulation and aggression, is now risking to be banned by the Ukrainian parliament over alleged ties to Russia. Not long after independence and now it faces a complete total ban as 267 out of 450 Ukrainian MPs support the […]

‘Progressive’ Western Women now Converting to Islam because of Gaza Invasion

    A growing number of young, progressive Western women are converting to Islam, citing the Israel-Hamas war as motivation for the conversion – and they’re documenting their journey on social media. These are the feminist women who scream about “muh patriarchy” Let’s see how their lives will be in Islam. Hoover Institution research fellow […]

I Spent a Weekend Drinking Beer with Belgian Monks

All photos by Arkasha Keysers This article originally appeared on VICE Belgium. Despite my devoutly Catholic grandmother’s warnings that I’d go straight to hell, my parents never had me baptized. It was an unusual decision to make in Belgium in the late 80s, particularly if you grow up in a town known around the world […]

Afghanistan’s Opium Cultivation Dropped by 95% Since the Taliban took Power

Opium poppy cultivation in Afghanistan has fallen by 95 percent since the Taliban took control of the country, the United Nations’ DEA says in a new report. The cultivation was banned in April 2022 by the Taliban, who announced that violations of the covenant will be punished “in accordance with Sharia law”. Already in 2000, […]

Vatican says the Catholic Church will Baptize Transgenders

If it would not cause scandal or confusion among other Catholics, “a transsexual — even one who has undergone hormone treatment and gender reassignment surgery — may receive baptism under the same conditions as other faithful,” said a document from the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith. The document, signed Oct. 31 by Pope […]

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