Posts Tagged ‘erupts’

Trump-RFK Vaccine War Finally Erupts


Europe Erupts In Widespread Farmer Protests As Revolt Against ‘Green’ Policies Intensifies

Farmers in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Belgium, Romania, and other countries across Europe are protesting radical leftist governments by obstructing major transport networks with tractors. This widespread populist movement is sweeping Europe at a time when over-regulation, taxes, and the climate change agenda threaten the livelihoods of not just farmers but working-class people and […]

Jan 25 – Civil War Erupts Over Biden’s Treasonous Migrant Policy

(Texas is defying Supreme Court order to remove razor wire.) Texas is not backing down! Governor Abbot just released a letter explaining why Biden is violating the constitution. Texas is officially challenging the United States governments unconstitutional actions. Va, SD, Oklahoma and Florida stand with Texas. Even New York Gov Hochul applauds. “Virginia […]

Lava Consumes Houses In Iceland Town As Volcano Erupts For 2nd Time This Month

About 100 residents had to evacuate again as lava reached the streets of the fishing town of Grindavík. Source

Volcano Erupts in Iceland, Lava Reaches town of Grindavik

In the early hours of Sunday, a volcano in southwest Iceland unleashed a cascade of lava toward the fishing town of Grindavik, compelling the evacuation of residents following a series of hundreds of earthquakes that rattled the region overnight. This dramatic event unfolded less than a month after a powerful eruption had already occurred in […]

BREAKING: Chaos Erupts After Hunter Biden STORMS OUT of Congressional Hearing As Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls Him Out (VIDEO)

BREAKING: Chaos Erupts After Hunter Biden STORMS OUT of Congressional Hearing As Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls Him Out (VIDEO) Source

Riot Erupts at Chabad-Lubavitch Headquarters After NYPD Move to Seal Secret Tunnel Discovered Under Building

Chaos broke out at Chabad-Lubavitch’s headquarters in Crown Heights on Monday after the NYPD moved to seal a newly discovered tunnel the Orthodox Jewish Hasidic dynasty built in secret under the synagogue. From, Dec 22, “BREAKING: Tunnel Found Burrowed Under Women’s Section of 770, Possibly Destabilizing The Building”: A Union Street homeowner who spoke […]

Corruption, Chaos, & Conflict – The Fourth Turning Erupts In 2024

Authored by Jim Quinn via The Burning Platform blog, “Americans today are increasingly polarized, as if they constitute two separate nations.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning “THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he […]

Never-before-seen virus Erupts in Peru

A never-before-seen virus has made a 20-year-old man in Peru sick. The patient, who has not been identified, went to hospital with symptoms including a fever, chills and muscle and joint pain. It is unclear whether the construction worker ever recovered from his illness, which was described as being like malaria and dengue. But scientists, […]

Red Light District Erupts in New York with Influx of Venezuelan Prostitutes

A whole new red light district has erupted in New York City with a mass influx of Venezuelan migrant women working as prostitutes.  Source

Controversy Erupts Over Calls For US To Accept Gaza Refugees Amid Israel–Hamas War

READ HERE:   Source

A “Sh*t Thing” To Say: Explosive Kerfuffle Erupts Between House Dems After Jewish Rep. Accused Of Slamming Muslims

A “Sh*t Thing” To Say: Explosive Kerfuffle Erupts Between House Dems After Jewish Rep. Accused Of Slamming Muslims House Democrats had a tense closed-door caucus meeting on Wednesday, after one lawmaker accused another of saying a “shit thing” about Muslims. The kerfuffle erupted after Rep. Susan Wild (D-PA) described a virtual vigil she attended in […]

Scandal Erupts As UFC Champion Israel Adesanya Exposed for Sexual Abuse of Dogs

I know this is not the most important news, but I have covered the degenerate anti-White racist Israel Source

Watch – Mass Brawl Erupts at Chicago Airport Baggage Claim

A massive brawl erupted at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport’s baggage claim carousel on Monday night. Viral footage showed several people pounding and kicking each other near Chicago’s Terminal 3, including two women who were rolling on the floor and pulling each other’s hair. Take a look: Sent in video of a brawl this morning at […]

‘Class war’ erupts at hearing as union leader and GOP senator exchange verbal blows

Bernie Sanders declared at the conclusion of Wednesday’s hearing that “there’s a class war going on whether we want to recognize it or not.” Source

Claim: Angry Joe Biden Erupts Into Fits Of Rage At Scenes Of Overwhelmed Southern Border

Joe Biden hates seeing scenes of illegal immigrants flooding across the Southern border and regularly explodes into fits of rage in front of aides when shown the footage, according to senior officials quoted in a new book. The claim is made in the upcoming book The Fight of His Life: Inside Joe Biden’s White House by […]

Culture War Erupts In Texas Town Over Drag Bingo Event Hosted By Christian Church

By Darlene McCormack Sanchez via The Epoch Times Outside a drag bingo event hosted by a pro-LGBT church in Texas, a microcosm of Source

Civil war erupts inside FBI as nearly two dozen agents demand corrupt Director Chris Wray, top officials resign

(Natural News) The nation’s highest profile law enforcement agency is also its most corrupt and politicized, and now, after years of FBI leaders doing the bidding of the far-left deep state, a growing number of rank-and-file agents have had enough. During his program earlier this week, Fox News star Sean Hannity reported that at least […]

Civil war erupts inside FBI as nearly two dozen agents demand corrupt Director Chris Wray, top officials resign

(Natural News) The nation’s highest profile law enforcement agency is also its most corrupt and politicized, and now, after years of FBI leaders doing the bidding of the far-left deep state, a growing number of rank-and-file agents have had enough. During his program earlier this week, Fox News star Sean Hannity reported that at least […]

CON-CERN Erupts Over Portals, Particles & The Large Hadron Collider: Part 2

Vaxxter  /  Maryam Henein In Part 1, we asked the question: What are the scientists at CERN really looking for? The information seems fantastical or even apocalyptic, but is it conspiratorial? Here is Part 2: “This isn’t an episode of Saturday morning cartoons. Sorry to disappoint anyone wanting to test the event horizon theory but […]

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