Posts Tagged ‘exposed’

ZELENSKY’S DELIBERATE GENOCIDE NOW EXPOSED! Ukrainian conscripts ‘don’t want to fight’ – Belgian state TV

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Three BIG lies exposed

Governments and the mainstream media, lie to the people every single day. Some lies may be harmless, others are deliberately detrimental and designed to influence society for whatever agenda is at play. Here are just some of the lies perpetuated by government and media. Antisemitism is a very polar topic subject to heightened emotions, where […]

A National Disgrace! EXPOSED – The false agenda of male oriented domestic violence

Another false agenda is in play by the governments and ‘supported’ by the mainstream media. The allegation that a ‘shocking’ amount of women die in the hands of their current (male) partner or (male) ex-partner. See the following video for explanation: Source



Journey through an Exposed America

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL Human societies naturally divide into groups or tribes. Human tribes rely on a shared pride of belonging, and a sense of otherness toward non-members. This provides their members with a cause or meaning, such as jointly building a better life, and a feeling of superiority or victimhood based on comparison […]

Agent Provocateurs Exposed: Zionists That Sparked UCLA Violence Still Haven’t Been Arrested

(The Grayzone) On April 30, thirty people were injured when a mob of Zionist hooligans savagely assaulted the pro-Palestine UCLA encampment shortly before midnight. For over three hours, local and campus police stood down as the masked thugs assaulted students, journalists, and even officers of the law with fireworks volleys, pepper spray, and metal pipes. […]

“A Thousand Billion Robots” in a Vaccine—Pfizer’s Secret Tech EXPOSED w/ Maria Zeee

Australian podcaster Maria Zeee joins Seth Holehouse at Man in America. Contributed by Alexandra Bruce Contact The post “A Thousand Billion Robots” in a Vaccine—Pfizer’s Secret Tech EXPOSED w/ Maria Zeee first appeared on Forbidden Knowledge TV. Source

Repugnant Jewish Talmud Totally Exposed By During City Of Walnut Public Meeting


Zionism must be exposed and discredited

Zionism threatens political freedom in the United States and international order. There is only one way to fight this ideology. Those who oppose it must explain the truth to Americans: Zionism is racist. Source

One World Government EXPOSED: What Now?

March 25 2024 New World Order veteran expert G. Edward Griffin joins Maria Zeee to discuss the history of the one-world government, how the financial/banking system is a lie and is about to collapse, and what people need to do now that “they” have been exposed. _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over If […]

DOJ to Jail Whistleblower Who Exposed Biden Family Pedophilia

The Justice Department on Tuesday asked a New York district judge to sentence the woman who blew the whistle on the Joe Biden’s rampant pedophilia. Biden’s DOJ wants the woman who obtained Ashely Biden’s diary, which details Joe Biden’s sickening molestation of his underage daughter, to serve a hefty prison sentence for her crime. BYPASS […]

Horrific Israeli Massacre Of Civilians Exposed At Al-Shifa & Israel Attacks Iranian Embassy In Syria

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (4/1/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Clintons’ Secret Pedophile and Cannibal Club in Haiti Exposed By Locals

The Clintons have long considered Haiti to be their personal playground where they can indulge in their wildest fantasies with close friends from the global elite, according to Haitians who allege the Democrat power couple […] The post Clintons’ Secret Pedophile and Cannibal Club in Haiti Exposed By Locals appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

CIA exposed

CIA exposed

Rod Thomson: SCOTUS exposed Democrats as the true threat to democracy with Trump ballot ruling

Rod Thomson: SCOTUS exposed Democrats as the true threat to democracy with Trump ballot ruling The U.S. Supreme Court has exposed the Democrats as the true threat to democracy with its decision that keeps former President Donald Trump on election ballots, according to public relations (PR) specialist Rod Thomson. Thomson, a former award-winning daily newspaper […]

The Flour Massacre Setup/False Flag Attempt Exposed

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (3/2/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]


Even as Israel pounds Gaza into rubble, carrying out what has been described as a genocide in the process, many of its supporters are attempting to change the subject, instead decrying a supposedly new wave of dangerous antisemitism across American universities. Source

Study Finds 80% Of Americans Exposed To Fertility-Lowering Chemicals In Cheerios, Quaker Oats

The peer-reviewed study, published in the JESEE journal on Feb. 15, looked at urine samples from American citizens to determine their exposure to chlormequat chloride—a plant growth chemical. Exposure to the chemical can result in lower fertility and harm developing fetuses even at doses below acceptable levels set by regulators. Researchers detected chlormequat in 80 percent of […]

U.S. Government is Exposed Funding AI Tools to Permanently Establish Mass Online Censorship Regime

By  thepoliticsbrief  February 7, 2024 The U.S. government is providing taxpayer funding to universities and non-profits to develop AI-powered tools to permanently establish a mass online censorship regime. The House Judiciary’s Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government Committee on Monday revealed the U.S. government is funding Artificial Intelligence (AI) censorship technology through […]

New York’s Illegal Alien Compounds Exposed | STABBINGS, DRUGS, DEATHS, AND MORE

Muckraker has obtained never-before-seen undercover footage from inside three of New York’s secret illegal alien compounds, at The ROW NYC, Randall’s Island, and Floyd Bennett Field. Source

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