Posts Tagged ‘false’

The Trump Shot: True Or False?

The Trump Shot: True Or False? – Brother Nathanael Stream July 21 2024 ___________________________________ More Vids! +BN Vids Archive! HERE! ___________________________________ Support The Brother Nathanael Foundation! Br Nathanael Fnd Is Tax Exempt/EIN 27-2983459 Or Send Your Contribution To: The Brother Nathanael Foundation, POB 547, Priest River, ID 83856 E-mail: brothernathanaelfoundation([at])yahoo[dot]com Scroll Down For Comments Source

The false public image of Australia’s Prime Minister Anthony Albanese

The people in authority would have the serfs think that they are all about equality and non discrimination, but the reality is far from their so called ‘advertising’, especially within the ‘brotherhood’ community. First and foremost homosexuality is against all the Abrahamic religious beliefs, that being Christianity, Judaism and Islam. One of the biggest lies […]

The Rise of the FALSE False Flag

Kit Knightly Jul 11, 2024 In my previous article, Why you should never believe your eyes, we discussed new technologies that make the creation of literal “fake news” more possible than ever. In this follow up we’re going to discuss the potential benefits of faking the news vs creating the news. A false flag operation is […]

A National Disgrace! EXPOSED – The false agenda of male oriented domestic violence

Another false agenda is in play by the governments and ‘supported’ by the mainstream media. The allegation that a ‘shocking’ amount of women die in the hands of their current (male) partner or (male) ex-partner. See the following video for explanation: Source

June 7 – Tucker Carlson is False Opposition

(left, Carlson with Kabalist thread on wrist indicating he is false opposition)  TUCKER CARLSON – SUICIDAL ANTI-HUMAN IMPULSES AGAINST US ARE BEING PUSHED BY “OUTSIDE SPIRITUAL FORCES.” Please send links and comments to [email protected] Makow- Carlson is right about a “destructive force.”  But he fails to identify it. His job is to obfuscate. Makow- The […]

Elderly Christian Critically Wounded in Pakistan after False Blasphemy Charge

Muslim mob attacks after a Christian was falsely accused of blasphemy on Saturday (May 25, 2024) in Sargodha, Pakistan. (Christian Daily International-Morning Star News screenshot of video on social media) SARGODHA, Pakistan (Christian Daily International–Morning Star News) – An elderly Christian is fighting for his life in the hospital after a… Source

I Don’t Sail Under false Colors-What & Who I Am

I don’t sail under false colors. I walk with the Creator God. Time came when I got on my knees and begged God for understanding leading to wisdom. I understand reincarnation & can trace many of my former lives. This is my 4th as American. I fought the American Revolution. The yankee invasion I was […]

Tim Barton Spreads False Christian Nationalist History

There is no myth that Christian nationalists love repeating more than the claim that the Bible was the source most frequently cited by the Founding Fathers. And Tim Barton of WallBuilders has a particular love for spreading this false claim, which makes sense given that it originated with his father, Christian nationalist pseudo-historian David Barton. […]

False Knowledge is Our Fool’s Gold

At the end of 2023, I was talking with a man who has a PhD in one of the hard sciences and happened to mention deaths from the experimental Covid injections. In surprise he responded, “Wait, people died from the vaccines?” I was astonished that this person was still unaware of the fact of Covid […]

Will a false bird flu pandemic be the end of animal agriculture and usher in food rationing?

BY RHODA WILSON ON APRIL 17, 2024 • ( 29 COMMENTS ) RightsandFreedoms do not believe in viruses and germ theory. We invite you to do your research on the subject. Where to start? Dr. Sam Bailey, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Kevin Corbett, Dr. Stefan Lanka, Bigelsen Academy, Dr. Ana Maria Oliva (spanish) and more. The overhyped threat of […]

The media is advancing a false narrative of ‘rising antisemitism’ on campus by ignoring Jewish protesters

Jewish students participating in pro-Palestine protests on their campuses would have valuable things to say about the alleged “rising antisemitism” at their schools. But the media is ignoring them. Source

New York Times Finds 90% of Positive PCR Tests for COVID May Have Been False

This is the famous NYT article known to all anti-COVID vaxers but never reported anywhere but the Internet, and even there it is hard to find. Your best bet is search engine Yandex. The FDA gave no guidance on PCR threshold settings. This was left up to states and local health authorities. The number of […]

FBI-FALSE FLAGS R Us-Announces Plans For Another False Flag To “Justify More Communistic Jack Booted S#it

The FBI’s director claims that he needs to carry out Unconstitutional warrantless mass surveillance to defeat the alleged threat of a FBI run “coordinated attack” on the US, similar to the CIA/Mossad run Crocus City Hall massacre near Moscow last month. Speaking at a budget hearing on Capitol Hill on Thursday, Wray told Mossad Jeffry’s […]

Michael Flynn Spreads False Christian Nationalist History

When right-wing conspiracy theorist and former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn appeared on “domestic terrorist” Matt Shea’s “Patriot Radio” program earlier this month, he made several misleading claims about the supposedly Christian founding of this nation. Flynn’s tenure in the White House was short lived as resigned early in the Trump administration for having […]

Benny Johnson Spreads False Christian Nationalist History

Right Wing Watch has noted multiple times in the past that there seems to be a common theme among Christian nationalist commentators who, time and time again, spread blatant falsehoods in defense of their ideology. The latest example comes courtesy of right-wing commentator and TPUSA contributor Benny Johnson, who recently delivered a rant in which […]

Another false flag – Intelligence Agencies are saying the Baltimore Bridge Collapse was a Cyber Attack

27 mar 2024 “We are in an undeclared war & Intelligence Agencies are Telling me it was an Act Cyber Terrorism” Why is the Biden Administration telling the country when his own Intelligence Agencies are telling him it is. Those who are on the inside, critical infrastructure, DHS, and Intel agencies know this is a […]

Religious Right Turns Holy Week Into Festival of Lies, False Persecution Propaganda

Commentary Religious-right leaders used the holiest days in the Christian calendar to spread lies about President Joe Biden and incite their followers to anger with deceptive claims of anti-Christian persecution. The episode is further evidence that the supposed guardians of truth have little actual regard for it. The manufactured outrage about President Biden’s supposed efforts […]

Michele Bachmann Spreads False Christian Nationalist History

The Christian nationalist program “FlashPoint” has, since its inception, served as a platform for spreading wild conspiracy theories and Christian nationalist disinformation.That pattern continued when “FlashPoint” hosted an event in Oklahoma last week at which former Rep. Michele Bachmann delivered a speech overflowing with falsehoods about the supposedly Christian nature of the Constitution and Declaration […]

False Positives with PCR Tests

Mar 1 2024 Holly is a “35-year clinical microbiologist” with “numerous years of research.” During the pandemic, she was given the responsibility “to validate a PCR test…for COVID-19.” Listen to this damning interview to discover many of the shocking things she witnessed during her investigation. _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over If […]

Dutch Sheets Spreads False Christian Nationalist History

Yesterday, Right Wing Watch noted how Christian nationalists routinely spread fake pseudo-history regarding the founding of this nation in support of their Christian nationalist political agenda. In that post, we exposed televangelist Kenneth Copeland for making a myriad of demonstrably false claims, primarily about George Washington. Last night, as if to drive home this point, […]

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