Posts Tagged ‘campus’

From COVID-19 to Campus Protests: How the Police State Muzzles Free Speech

“Politicians of both parties want to use the power of government to silence their foes. Some in the university community seek to drive it from their campuses. And an entire generation of Americans is being taught that free speech should be curtailed as soon as it makes someone else feel uncomfortable.”—William Ruger, “Free Speech Is […]

‘We have reached unprecedented levels of support for Palestine on this campus’: a student on Oxford’s Gaza Solidarity Encampment

Gaza solidarity encampments have spread across Britain, inspired by the wave of student organizing in the U.S. An organizer at Oxford University discusses student demands and how the U.K. protests compare to U.S. activism. Source

Campus Uprisings for Palestine: Strategic Radicalism, Ethical Principles, and Incremental Wins

Campus Uprisings for Palestine: Strategic Radicalism, Ethical Principles, and Incremental Wins PACBI Statement   Strategic radicalism calls on the movement to employ multiple tactics that take local contexts into account to mutually build on and amplify each other. A strategic and incremental win for one campus is a win for all. Academic Boycott Student solidarity […]

I am a Jewish student at Columbia. Don’t believe what you’re being told about ‘campus antisemitism’

(NaturalNews) “Reprehensible and dangerous.†“Terrorist sympathizers.†“It’s not 1938 Berlin. It’s 2024, Columbia University, NYC.â€(Article by… Source

Jack Hibbs Says Campus Protesters ‘Have No Constitutional Rights’

Jack Hibbs, a far-right anti-LGBTQ pastor, conspiracy theorist, and Christian nationalist, posted a video on his YouTube channel earlier this week in which he lashed out at the protests that have sprung up on college campuses around the country in opposition to the ongoing war in Gaza. Hibbs, an ardent Christian Zionist whose own support […]

‘I was arrested for trespassing on my own campus’: an Emory student on the school’s Gaza protest

David Meer was arrested during the brutal police raid on the Gaza solidarity encampment at Emory University in Atlanta. Meer talks to Mondoweiss about his arrest, the broad Palestine coalition on campus, and why he became involved. Source

Biden faces criticism over condemnation of pro-Palestinian campus protests

The president’s portrayal of these protests as violent and lawless has not only stirred controversy, but may also deepen the rift between him and many progressive constituents. Source

The distortion of campus protests over Gaza

Did the right weaponize antisemitism to distract from Israel’s war? Source

Israeli Universities Attacking Campus Uprising Uphold Israel’s Crimes Against Palestinians

Israeli Universities Attacking Campus Uprising Uphold Israel's Crimes Against Palestinians Update Here’s how they do it, and the reason why Palestinians call for a boycott of complicit Israeli universities. Academic Boycott Student solidarity May 1, 2024 By:  Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) Source

Israel Caught Lying On Twitter, Campus Protest Pro-Israel Infiltrators Exposed & Bulldozing Families

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (4/25/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Biden visits Syracuse as NYC campus chaos grows

With help from Shawn Ness and Irie Sentner New from New York Happening now: Two Syracuse University alums visited their former college town. New York spends the most per capita on schools, and it’s not even close. Reaction to the overturning of the Harvey Weinstein verdict in New York. The Carey Gabay fellowship is now […]

Videos show growing pro-Palestinian campus protests as lawmakers speak out

Police arresting students. Helicopters buzzing over New York City. Demonstrators shouting and lawmakers condemning university officials. Videos of the campus protests, shared widely on TikTok, X and elsewhere, are spreading on social media and show the most visceral aspects of the demonstrations. Much like the war in the Middle East itself, the images can inform […]

EI live: The campus uprising

Join the Electronic Intifada livestream this afternoon for our ongoing coverage of the Israeli genocide in Gaza, and the Palestinian resistance to it. This afternoon’s lineup: We hope to speak once more to our contributor Abubaker Abed, live from Gaza, conditions permitting. We will speak to Zaid, an organizer on campus at Columbia in New […]

The media is advancing a false narrative of ‘rising antisemitism’ on campus by ignoring Jewish protesters

Jewish students participating in pro-Palestine protests on their campuses would have valuable things to say about the alleged “rising antisemitism” at their schools. But the media is ignoring them. Source

Eyewitness to Columbia University skunk attack says campus activists fear for safety

Mondoweiss spoke with Columbia student Zainab Khan who witnessed the chemical attack on pro-Palestine protesters. “After the other day, I totally believe that an IOF soldier could physically harm one of our protesters or, God forbid, even kill them.” Source

Registered Israeli foreign agent driving contrived campus antisemitism crisis

Lawsuits accusing top US universities of harboring antisemitism all originate from one source: a corporate law firm that fielded the pro-settler ex-US ambassador to Israel, and which was registered as a foreign agent of an Israeli principal as recently as 2021. The firm now represents professional Israel lobby activists posing as victimized “Jewish students” and […]

US Republicans Grill University Heads On Campus anti-Semitism -Some institutions Have Been Accused of Tolerating Truthful Demonstrations Against Rothschild’s IsraHell Holocaust of Semitic Palestinian Indigenous Descendants of Biblical Judians In Occupied Palestine

So IsraHELL Firsters blackmailed with Mossad Jeffery Child Rape Videos Are running interference for the Khazarian Mafiia’s War Crime Holocaust of tens of thousands of Innocent Semitic Palestinian children who are the real descendants of the Biblical Judians by Invasive Species Non Semitic red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Mongrel; Khazarian Pedophile’s Babylonian Talmud inspired End of […]

Pro-Israel Hillel group deceitfully plastered UBC campus with “I Love Hamas” stickers in hate hoax

(NaturalNews) In an attempt to make it seem like the campus is filled with hidden terrorists who want to destroy Israel, the pro-Israel Jewish group Hillel, which… Source

Campus Dysfunction Easy To Recognize, Difficult To Cure

Machiavelli observes in “The Prince” that politics presents challenges akin to those physicians sometimes face: “… in the beginning of the illness it is easy to cure and difficult to recognize, but in the progress of time, when it has not been recognized and treated in the beginning, it becomes easy to recognize and difficult […]

Major law firms push law schools to address ‘antisemitic harassment’ on campus

A group of about two dozen top law firms sent a letter to over 100 law school deans on Friday, warning the schools that they should take antisemitism more seriously, else the firms would be less likely to hire their students. “Over the last several weeks, we have been alarmed at reports of anti-Semitic harassment,… […]

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