Posts Tagged ‘universities’

Boycott Technion Conference in Crete: Universities Implicated in Israel’s #GazaGenocide Must Be Isolated

Boycott Technion Conference in Crete: Universities Implicated in Israel’s #GazaGenocide Must Be Isolated Update Palestinians call to boycott the “5th Symposium on Management of Future Motorway and Urban Traffic Systems,” organized by Israel’s Technion, which is deeply complicit in Israel’s gross violations of Palestinian human rights and international law, including Israel’s ongoing Gaza genocide.  Academic Boycott […]

Universities Are Ending Complicity in Israeli Apartheid and Its Gaza Genocide in Numbers Never Seen Before

Universities Are Ending Complicity in Israeli Apartheid and Its Gaza Genocide in Numbers Never Seen Before Update Global campus mobilizations for Palestinian rights have compelled dozens of universities across the world to commit to steps toward divestment from complicit companies and/or cutting ties with complicit Israeli academic institutions. Academic Boycott Student solidarity May 19, 2024 By:  […]

76 Universities in Spain Suspend Ties With Complicit Israeli Universities

76 Universities in Spain Suspend Ties With Complicit Israeli Universities Update Groundbreaking decision of the Conference of University Rectors in Spain to hold Israel and its complicit institutions accountable for Israel’s genocide in Gaza and its underlying regime of settler-colonial apartheid Academic Boycott May 10, 2024 By:  Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of […]

Sanaa offers to accommodate students expelled from US universities

May 4, 2024 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English The Sanaa University announces that students expelled from US universities over pro-Palestinian protests could continue pursuing their degrees at the Yemeni institute. A Yemeni university is offering a place for students expelled from universities in the United States for staging on-campus pro-Palestinian protests against the US-backed […]

Israeli Universities Attacking Campus Uprising Uphold Israel’s Crimes Against Palestinians

Israeli Universities Attacking Campus Uprising Uphold Israel's Crimes Against Palestinians Update Here’s how they do it, and the reason why Palestinians call for a boycott of complicit Israeli universities. Academic Boycott Student solidarity May 1, 2024 By:  Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) Source

April 27- Universities Between Communist Rock and Zionist Hard Place.

Please send links and comments to [email protected] After decades of turning students into Communists, universities face defunding by Zionist donors Students say they will disrupt campuses until colleges cut financial ties with Israel. How are Zio-Nazis going to win WW3 when a huge segment of the population is opposed to it? Bipartisan bill would create ‘antisemitism […]

Mike Stone – Universities Shutting Down Over Gaza

“Our Jewish overlords have created a Frankenstein’s monster that has turned on them and they don’t know how to control it, other than by doing what they do best, which is to murder and kill.” by Mike Stone ( The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. You’ve heard the expression, “What if […]

Kansas moves towards restricting DEI in public universities

The Kansas House on Thursday passed a bill to restrict diversity-oriented hiring practices at Kansas universities, making the Sunflower State the latest to try to limit DEI initiatives in educational settings.  The bill passed in the Kansas House of Representatives in an 81-39 vote on Thursday, with five lawmakers absent from the vote. The bill would prevent the… […]

Stop the suppression of Palestine advocacy across Big Ten Universities

Palestinian rights advocacy is being regularly demonized and criminalized across each Big Ten University. We reject this suppression and will continue holding our universities accountable for their complicity in the Palestinian genocide.  Source

DHS Has Been Funding Programs at Universities To Label anti-feminists a Terror Threat

The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) continues to team up (by means of funding) with universities around the country, this time in a bid to stomp out the “Manosphere.” Source

Crackdown on Palestine in education goes far beyond universities

The backlash against Palestine in education isn’t just happening in universities. There have also been dozens of educators disciplined at primary and secondary schools across the U.S. for teaching about the Israeli attack on Gaza. Source

Three universities confirm that COVID jabs destroy human health: Autoimmunity, tinnitus, musculoskeletal inflammation and more

(NaturalNews) Citing data from the country’s health insurance database, three universities in South Korea have revealed that the “fully vaccinated” are much worse… Source

Victor Davis Hanson: Can We Save Our Universities?

Authored by Victor Davis Hanson via American Greatness, It took the widely reported, repellent, and exempt wave of anti-Semitism and violent pro-Hamas protestors harassing Jews, finally to convince Americans that their own hallmark universities are illiberal centers of mediocrity and intolerance—and increasingly unsafe… Of course, Americans had long known that something had gone wrong at their colleges. […]

DHS/State Dept. Bombshell: How the Federal Government Partnered with Universities to Censor Americans’ Speech

The federal government ‘laundered’ requests to censor Americans through the Election Integrity Partnership, according to the House Judiciary Committee. Source

Far-Left Universities Set Up Classes To Teach Satanism, Witchcraft

Multiple far-left universities in America and the UK have begun teaching students Satanism, witchcraft and magic. According to a report by The Washington Stand, several schools have started teaching their students how to practice dark […] The post Far-Left Universities Set Up Classes To Teach Satanism, Witchcraft appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Why Was It So Hard For Elite Universities To Condemn Hamas Terrorism?

Why Was It So Hard For Elite Universities To Condemn Hamas Terrorism? Authored by Marc Zvi Brettler & Michael B. Poliakoff via RealClear Wire, America’s leading universities have an antisemitism problem—and it starts at the top. This past week, university presidents and deans across the country wrote to their students and faculties to express concern in the aftermath of […]

Democratic Rep. Gottheimer calls on universities to censor Israel critics

Rep. Josh Gottheimer is pressuring Princeton University and the University of Pennsylvania to censor pro-Palestine sentiment on their campuses. Source

TikTok Donated Millions to U.S. Universities for Race-Based Medical Scholarships: Report

By The College Fix Not only has TikTok’s parent company donated $10 million to U.S. universities for race-based Source

Elite Universities Strategize To Maintain Diversity In Admissions Despite Supreme Court Ruling

Elite Universities Strategize To Maintain Diversity In Admissions Despite Supreme Court Ruling Authored by Charlotte Allen via The Epoch Times, It’s no secret that the vast majority of the people who operate U.S. colleges and universities are unhappy about the Supreme Court’s June 29 decisions that the use of race in admissions decisions at Harvard […]

65 Iranian universities among top Asian institutions

TEHRAN – The Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2023 has placed 65 Iranian universities among the top Asian institutions. Source

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