Posts Tagged ‘bombshell’

German Gov’t Bombshell: “We Lied About COVID Shots Being Safe”

Leaked internal documents from Germany’s health agency reveals that top government officials knew the experimental mRNA jabs were dangerous but advocated for vaccine mandates anyway. On July 23, independent journalist Aya Velázquez published the un-redacted minutes of […] The post German Gov’t Bombshell: “We Lied About COVID Shots Being Safe” appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Craig Mokhiber dissects the ICJ’s bombshell ruling on the Israeli occupation

Craig Mokhiber discusses the importance and impact of the International Court of Justice’s ruling that the Israeli occupation of Palestine is illegal. Source

Bombshell Ruling Spells BAD NEWS for Vax Pushers

First Pfizer, now companies are getting SUED for pushing the deadly COVID-19 shots. In a stunning verdict, a former BlueCross BlueShield employee who refused the company’s vaccine mandate was awarded nearly $700,000 in back pay and damages. It gets even better. The federal jury found the firing of the BlueCross employee, Tanja Benton, who cited […]

Bombshell Ruling Spells BAD NEWS for Vax Pushers

First Pfizer, now companies are getting SUED for pushing the deadly COVID-19 shots. In a stunning verdict, a former BlueCross BlueShield employee who refused the company’s vaccine mandate was awarded nearly $700,000 in back pay and damages. It gets even better. The federal jury found the firing of the BlueCross employee, Tanja Benton, who cited […]

COVID “Vaccines” Hit By New Bombshell

First, a court ruled that the COVID shots aren’t vaccines after all. Now, the architect 1989 Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act is calling them “weapons of mass destruction.” Dr. Francis Boyle says, “It is my expert opinion that ‘COVID-19 nanoparticle injections’ or ‘mRNA nanoparticle injections’ or ‘COVID-19 injections meet the criteria of biological weapons and weapons […]

De-Dollarization Bombshell

MAY 13, 2024 The Coming of BRICS+ Decentralized Monetary Ecosystem PEPE ESCOBAR Get ready for what may well be the geoeconomic bombshell of 2024: the coming of a decentralized monetary ecosystem. Welcome to The Unit – a concept that has already been discussed by the financial services and investments working group set up by the BRICS+ Business […]

Cancer Surgeon Drops Ivermectin Bombshell

You know that drug that everyone called “horse dewormer”? It now turns out that it has multiple anti-cancer effects. Cancer surgeon Dr. Kathleen Ruddy has seen several late-stage cancer patients make dramatic recoveries after taking ivermectin. One patient had a grim future, and then something remarkable happened. This man had stage four prostate cancer and […]

Dr. Greer DROPS Bombshell Information! Catastrophic Disclosure!

The Disclosure Project Intelligence Archive is available NOW for FREE. Support our Archive Crowdfunding Site to KEEP the archive FREE and available to ALL. The archive is still a work in progress. There is much work to be done in terms of refinement, categorization, labeling etc., but we felt it was important to get the […]

BOMBSHELL EVIDENCE! These are actual photographs of Israeli military explosive experts wiring the 91st floor of the World Trade Center for the 9/11 controlled demolition of the Twin Towers

Notice the “BB18” stamped on the boxes in the first two photos that follow.  Also, check out how these Israeli demolition experts are rigged up to accomplish a very serious job on the 91st floor of the World Trade Center. *BB18 is a three-phase busbar terminal power feed lug, which is intended for use with […]

US Senators Drop a Bombshell on the World Health Organization

In a shocking turn of events, all Republican senators (49), led by Senator Ron Johnson, have formally urged President Joe Biden to withdraw his support in expanding the World Health Organization’s (WHO) pandemic authority. The letter, sent ahead of the 77th World Health Assembly scheduled from May 27 to June 1, 2024, in Geneva, Switzerland, […]

BOMBSHELL: CIA, government insiders illegally kept intelligence information from President Trump

(NaturalNews) During his tenure in the White House, President Donald Trump was purposely kept in the dark about important matters that the intelligence community… Source

Thomas Renz drops bombshell on Brighteon TV about Trump campaign manager Susie Wiles who has dark ties to Big Pharma, deep state

(NaturalNews) You may be wondering why Donald Trump continues to endorse RINOs (Republicans in name only) who time and time again stab him in the back. Well, it… Source

Aaron Rodgers Drops Bombshell: ‘Fauci Created AIDS in 80’s as Part of Depopulation Experiment’

New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers has declared that Dr. Anthony Fauci created AIDS in a lab in the 1980’s as part of a sick depopulation experiment on humanity. According to Rodgers, AIDS was the blueprint for the elite’s to test various methods of depopulating the globe. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered […]

Lawsuit Drops Bombshell on FDA’s Orwellian Lie About Ivermectin

In a massive win for truth and medical freedom, the FDA has to remove ALL social media content and consumer advisories on ivermectin usage. Dr. McCullough previously said that the FDA should be sued for misleading the public by spreading misinformation on Ivermectin’s ability to treat COVID-19 – causing unnecessary deaths. Now, it’s happening. The […]

CDC Hit By New Bombshell Warning from Robert Kennedy Jr.

Seventy-five years. That’s how long Pfizer and the FDA tried to hide the Pfizer documents from public view — long after just about everyone affected is dead. It wasn’t until renowned attorney Aaron Siri led a FOIA case against the FDA that a federal judge ordered the documents to be released in 108 days, the […]

Dr. Phil Drops Bombshell Discoveries from the Southern Border

In an eye-opening interview on the Joe Rogan Experience Tuesday, Dr. Phil told the world’s most popular podcast host that he was shocked by what he saw at the southern border. In a viral video earlier this month, Dr. Phil called the border crisis, “a humanitarian crisis unlike anything we’ve seen before.” He outlined why that is […]

CDC Bombshell: ‘Fatal Heart Attack Risk Skyrockets Post-COVID Vaccination’

Scientists at the CDC have published a bombshell report warning that the risk of a fatal heart attack or stroke skyrockets after receiving the mRNA COVID vaccination. According to the alarming report, the risk of […] The post CDC Bombshell: ‘Fatal Heart Attack Risk Skyrockets Post-COVID Vaccination’ appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Dr. Pierre Kory Drops “Sudden Death” Bombshell

On the Jimmy Dore show, renowned critical care physician Dr. Pierre Kory revealed a disturbing statistic about “sudden” and “unexpected” deaths. Dr. Kory shared an account from a disabled veteran — who suspected he lost some friends due to the COVID-19 shots — conducted a comprehensive analysis of obituaries spanning the last seven years that […]

BOMBSHELL! Prince Andrew’s Ex Blows Whistle, Says Jeffrey Epstein Had ‘Prior Knowledge’ of 9/11

Baxter Dmitry THE PEOPLE’S VOICE Jeffrey Epstein and his VIP associates had “prior knowledge” of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in the months before they happened, according to Prince Andrew’s ex-girlfriend Lady Victoria Hervey. Hervey took to social media to break her silence regarding what she knows about Andrew’s relationship with the […]

Bombshell: Israel KNEW of the Hamas attack over a year ago but did nothing to stop it

(NaturalNews) In a startling revelation, Israeli officials possessed detailed information about Hamas’ battle plan for the October 7 terrorist attack over a year… Source

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