Posts Tagged ‘whistle’

Top Doctor Blows Whistle About Bill Gates Plan To Force Vaccinate 500 Million Children by 2030

A leading doctor has blown the whistle on Bill Gates’ plan to force vaccinate over 500 million children with experimental jabs by the year 2030. Dr. Paul Thomas, a pediatrician and co-author of the upcoming […] The post Top Doctor Blows Whistle About Bill Gates Plan To Force Vaccinate 500 Million Children by 2030 appeared […]

Biden DOJ Targets Texas Doctor Who Blew the Whistle on Transgender Treatment for Children

While the LGBTQ community celebrate “Pride Month”, legal, cultural, medical, and ideological battles are being fought over gender interventions for children. As “Pride Month” comes to a close, the Biden administration continues to advocate for controversial treatments for transgender people, including by targeting a doctor who has been indicted after alleging that Texas Children’s Hospital […]

Top Cancer Surgeon Blows the Whistle: ‘Ivermectin Cures Cancer’

Top cancer surgeon Dr. Kathleen Ruddy has blown the whistle on how ivermectin is one of the world’s most effective cancer cures which is being suppressed by Big Pharma. According to Dr. Ruddy, she has […] The post Top Cancer Surgeon Blows the Whistle: ‘Ivermectin Cures Cancer’ appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Medical Coder Blows The Whistle On The COVID-19 Illusion

Joining me today is medical whistleblower, Zowe Smith, here to discuss what she witnessed during the alleged pandemic while working as a medical coder — one who translates medical data into standardized codes used for billing, insurance claims and medical research. All departments submit their codes for treatments given and actions taken, giving the medical […]

Senior Boeing Official Blows the Whistle: “Max Airplanes Are Deathtraps”

A high-ranking Boeing official has blown the whistle on how the 737 MAX planes are severely compromised due to the alarming number of safety protocols that were ignored during the manufacturing process. Ed Pierson was […] The post Senior Boeing Official Blows the Whistle: “Max Airplanes Are Deathtraps” appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

FBI Informant Who Blew the Whistle on Biden-Burisma Bribery Scheme Arrested AGAIN on Same Charges – His Lawyers Ask Judge For Emergency Hearing

FBI Informant Who Blew the Whistle on Biden-Burisma Bribery Scheme Arrested AGAIN on Same Charges – His Lawyers Ask Judge For Emergency Hearing Source

Top Oncologist Blows Whistle on mRNA Fallout: ‘We’ve Never Seen Cancers Behaving Like This’

Rare cancers are exploding in number around the world and behaving in aggressive and unpredictable ways never before seen, according leading oncologist Dr. William Makis who says that some of his young and healthy patients […] The post Top Oncologist Blows Whistle on mRNA Fallout: ‘We’ve Never Seen Cancers Behaving Like This’ appeared first on […]

The persecution of long time whistle blower Dr Vernon Coleman: the dirty tricks used to make life miserable & difficult for him & his wife


Top Doctor Blows The Whistle, Admits Vaccinated People Are Developing Full Blown AIDS

A world renowned cardiologist and epidemiologist has blown the whistle, revealing that staggering numbers of vaccinated people around the world are now being diagnosed HIV positive. During a recent interview, Dr. Peter McCullough warned that […] The post Top Doctor Blows The Whistle, Admits Vaccinated People Are Developing Full Blown AIDS appeared first on The […]

BOMBSHELL! Prince Andrew’s Ex Blows Whistle, Says Jeffrey Epstein Had ‘Prior Knowledge’ of 9/11

Baxter Dmitry THE PEOPLE’S VOICE Jeffrey Epstein and his VIP associates had “prior knowledge” of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in the months before they happened, according to Prince Andrew’s ex-girlfriend Lady Victoria Hervey. Hervey took to social media to break her silence regarding what she knows about Andrew’s relationship with the […]

Prince Andrew’s Ex Blows Whistle, Says Jeffrey Epstein Had ‘Prior Knowledge’ of 9/11

Jeffrey Epstein and his VIP associates had “prior knowledge” of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in the months before they happened, according to Prince Andrew’s ex-girlfriend Lady Victoria Hervey. Hervey took to […] The post Prince Andrew’s Ex Blows Whistle, Says Jeffrey Epstein Had ‘Prior Knowledge’ of 9/11 appeared first on The […]

Pro-Vax Doctor Blows Whistle, Warns Public About ‘Major Cover Up’ of ‘Devastating Side Effects’

From A pro-vaccine doctor who administered thousands of shots has decided to blow the whistle and alert the public about a “major cover up” of “devastating side effects” including cancer and cardiac arrest caused by the Covid mRNA injections. The article “Pro-Vax Doctor Blows Whistle, Warns Public About ‘Major Cover Up’ of ‘Devastating Side Effects’ was originally published […]

The Whistle Blower Data: New Zealand’s MoH finally replied to one of Steve Kirsch’s email prompts

Liz Gunn spoke to Steve about this and more today in an update with Steve in the latest in Steve’s attempts to get someone at the Ministry of Health to respond to his prompts to acknowledge his analysis of this data. For Steve this is all about saving lives. That’s the motivation. Steve asks for […]


WHISTLE BLOWER EXPOSES PFIZER VAX  Fri 2:37 pm +01:00, 1 Dec 2023   posted by David 2 This is an EDIT of the @LizGunn18 @NZLoyal video: The irrefutable Data on New Zealand’s Excess Deaths From The Covid Jabs. Mainly just where they show some of the data. Repeat, this is an EDIT. There is more […]

New Zealand Gov’t Official Blows Whistle on Major Covid Vaccine Deaths Cover Up

New Zealand government vaccination database official has gone rogue and blown the whistle on the real numbers of deaths related to the mandatory Covid vaccine roll-out in the world’s most vaccinated country. The whistleblower was involved in building and implementing a vaccine payment system for providers. He says he noticed large numbers of people dying […]

Zelensky Insider Blows Whistle on Massive Elite Pedophile Ring in Ukraine


Top Cardiologist Blows Whistle: ‘mRNA Jabs Causing Millions To Have Heart Attacks’

One of the world’s leading cardiologist’s has blown the whistle on Covid vaccines, warning the public that millions of mRNA recipients are suffering heart attacks as a result of getting the jab. “We’re seeing a […] The post Top Cardiologist Blows Whistle: ‘mRNA Jabs Causing Millions To Have Heart Attacks’ appeared first on The People's […]

Told “never to discuss side effects” – a Big Pharma whistle blower – now deceased – made shocking revelations on the industry

The pharmaceutical industry is now turning its attention to children said this Big Pharma whistle blower, because the baby boomers are dying out. This is why the upsurge in children’s ‘diseases’ and ‘disorders’ he said. This is a must watch video featuring the late Dr. John Rengen Virapen who also wrote books on the pharmaceutical […]

Son of Hamas Leader Blows Whistle: ‘They Are a Globalist Psy-Op Group’

The son of a founding leader of Hamas has blown the whistle on how the terror organization doesn’t really care about Islam, but is actually a globalist psy-op designed to terrorize the world into accepting […] The post Son of Hamas Leader Blows Whistle: ‘They Are a Globalist Psy-Op Group’ appeared first on The People's […]

MOSSAD agent and whistleblower Joseph Moshe bravely blew the whistle on the Ukraine bioweapon labs and bioengineered H1N1 epidemic in Europe several years ago, now watch what they did to him! (Video)


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