Posts Tagged ‘public’

Public opposition to Project 2025 surges as Trump distances himself

Awareness and disapproval of Project 2025 increase significantly despite Trump’s attempts to disassociate from the controversial conservative policy agenda. Source

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Those Without A Big Public Profile

Peter Brimelow announces that he is resigning from his role at VDARE and that the organization’s website is shutting down. Brian Brown reacted to Brimelow’s announcement by praising him as “an old friend and great man.” Jackson Lahmeyer says that fellow MAGA pastor Greg Locke is a “charlatan.” Ivan Raiklin, Trump’s self-proclaimed “secretary of retribution,” […]

Nearly 1 million Californians rely on 385 failing public water systems

(NaturalNews) A new report shows that hundreds of public water systems in California fall short of the recommended drinking water safety standards, and it’s… Source

The false public image of Australia’s Prime Minister Anthony Albanese

The people in authority would have the serfs think that they are all about equality and non discrimination, but the reality is far from their so called ‘advertising’, especially within the ‘brotherhood’ community. First and foremost homosexuality is against all the Abrahamic religious beliefs, that being Christianity, Judaism and Islam. One of the biggest lies […]

German police cracking down on “foreigners out” chant as public turns against mass illegal immigration

(NaturalNews) As Germans become increasingly unhappy about the number of crimes being committed by foreign people there, the government has been trying to curb… Source

THE GREEN STINK: WEF urges public to wash clothes less frequently to combat climate change

(NaturalNews) The World Economic Forum (WEF) has issued new guidelines encouraging people to wash their clothes less often to mitigate the impact of climate… Source

CIA was paid to mislead the public on Covid

June 23 2024 — “Sudden And Unexpected” (@toobaffled) June 23, 2024 _______________________________ If you like our work please consider to donate : Donate Crypto _______________________________ If you are looking for solutions (lawyer, form, gathering, action, antidote, treatments, maybe this could help you:HERE If you want to fight back better: Find the others: […]

Oklahoma Superintendent Orders Public Schools to Teach Bible as White Christian Nationalists Go ‘On Offense’

Oklahoma’s Christian nationalist state superintendent of education Ryan Walters this week instructed all public schools to teach the Bible, which the New York Times called “an extraordinary move that blurs the lines between religious and instruction and public education.” Walters, an energetic supporter of former President Donald Trump, actively seeks the media spotlight for his aggressive Christian nationalism […]

Public Health is AWOL

Public Health is a vast sprawling enterprise funded to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars each year by the federal government, plus substantial private donations by nonprofits and some of society’s wealthiest people. We are scolded that such a robust well-funded behemoth is absolutely vital and indispensable to maintaining and promoting the general […]

The WHO’s Proposed Pandemic Agreements Worsen Public Health

Much has been written on the current proposals putting the World Health Organization (WHO) front and center of future pandemic responses. With billions of dollars in careers, salaries, and research funding on the table, it is difficult for many to be objective. However, there are fundamentals here that everyone with public health training should agree […]

Public Health by Way of the Surveillance State

Background  WED. May 01, 2024, four long years after the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak collapsed the economy and global population numbers alike, EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak faced the bipartisan House Select Committee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, during Wednesday’s hearing.  Daszak, with few, if any allies, was grilled by Democrats and Republicans alike related to the safety […]

Public statement from Emory arrestees

The arrests and violence against protesters are meant to tire the movement for liberation and scare us into complacency. They are afraid of the power we hold as a collective. Source

DACODAI Avoids Public Criticism

In September 2021 Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced the formation of the Defense Advisory Committee on Diversity and Inclusion (DACODAI). A year later, upon appointment of its members headed by former USAA Chairman of the Board and DEI stalwart General (ret) Lester Lyles, it formally began the task of inculcating DEI into every aspect of […]

UK Govt To Make Single Sex Toilets Compulsory In All New Public Buildings

Seperate male and female toilets are set to become a legal requirement in all new restaurants, public toilets, shopping centres and offices in England under proposed legislation, the UK government has said. The law would […] The post UK Govt To Make Single Sex Toilets Compulsory In All New Public Buildings appeared first on The […]

Obama Tells Public To Believe Everything on MSNBC: ‘They Don’t Make Stuff Up’

The liberal mainstream media is trustworthy and the public should believe everything they say, according to former President Barack Obama, who said “they aren’t just going to make stuff up.” Obama was commenting on the […] The post Obama Tells Public To Believe Everything on MSNBC: ‘They Don’t Make Stuff Up’ appeared first on The […]

The Black Hole of Public Broadcasting

When I lived in North Jersey, I sometimes listened to WFMU, a free-form indie radio station, unaffiliated with NPR. FMU prided itself on the offbeat music it played and on the quirky personalities of its DJs, who were all unpaid.  As FMU transmitted no ads, it conducted pledge drives to pay whatever bills a radio […]

Syphilis case increase sparks Colorado public health order

An alarming spike in syphilis cases in Colorado prompted a statewide public health order, particularly focused on treating the disease among pregnant woman and babies. Colorado Gov. Jared Polis (D) announced Thursday the state would implement more measures to combat congenital syphilis, which has “increased dramatically” over the past several years. The main focus of… […]

Public Comments Now Being Accepted. James Roguski

A Big Thank You A big thank you to those of you who attended the AV13 Conference in Milton Keynes. It was fantastic to finally get back together and welcome old friends and newcomers to a very enjoyable and memorable event. We are already already working on the next AV events. If you didn’t make […]

How Operation Mockingbird, an undercover CIA initiative, manipulated public perception through the media

How Operation Mockingbird, an undercover CIA initiative, manipulated public perception through the media Fox News host Jesse Watters recently shed light on Operation Mockingbird, an undercover Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) initiative aimed at manipulating public perception through the media. This operation involved the infiltration of journalists and informants into prominent U.S. media outlets, to advance […]

We study America’s biggest public health crisis. This is why we speak out against the Gaza genocide.

Recently, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken finally admitted to the fact that the situation in Gaza is nothing short of a humanitarian catastrophe. This comes after multiple UN agencies have warned that Gaza is at imminent risk of famine — a preventable crisis caused by the Israeli blockade of aid shipments. This has been the […]

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