Posts Tagged ‘toilets’

UK Govt To Make Single Sex Toilets Compulsory In All New Public Buildings

Seperate male and female toilets are set to become a legal requirement in all new restaurants, public toilets, shopping centres and offices in England under proposed legislation, the UK government has said. The law would […] The post UK Govt To Make Single Sex Toilets Compulsory In All New Public Buildings appeared first on The […]

From Pits to Flushes: The Strange History of Toilets (Video)

Throughout history, human waste disposal has undergone a remarkable transformation. In ancient India, as early as 2500 BC, the Indus Valley showcased a rudimentary toilet and sewer system that was ahead of its time, with rooms dedicated to waste disposal.  Read more Section:  Artifacts Ancient Technology News Videos History Ancient Traditions Read Later  Source

Scottish Govt To Put Menstrual Products In Men’s Toilets In All Government Buildings

Women’s groups have criticised the decision to make sanitary products available in male bathrooms in Scottish government buildings. Tampons and other sanitary products have been placed in the men’s toilets in case they are needed by transgender civil servants. The move was apparently introduced by the cabinet to top up its equality index. RT reports: […]

Parents Keep Children At Home In Protest At ‘Open Plan’ School Toilets

Furious parents are keeping their daughters at home in protest against a Catholic school’s decision to remove the front wall of a girls’ toilet block, which they say is making pupils feel “scared and unsafe”. The entire wall was removed, leaving the area ‘open plan’ and the toilet cubicles exposed. The decision has sparked outrage […]

Sadiq Khan Bringing ‘Gender Neutral’ Toilets to London to ‘Reflect the Incredible Diversity of the City’

Sadiq Khan Bringing ‘Gender Neutral’ Toilets to London to ‘Reflect the Incredible Diversity of the City’ Breitbart November 30, 2017 Londons left-liberal mayor is issuing detailed guidance to developers calling for gender neutral toilets to reflect the incredible diversity of the capital. Labour politician Sadiq Khan declared he had vowed to be a mayor for […]

Parents Outraged After School Installs CCTV Cameras In Toilets

Pupils at a UK  secondary school have been avoiding going to the toilet after their school installed CCTV cameras in the toilets. School bosses at Summerhill School in Kingswinford argue that the cameras are to combat bullying and vandalism, but parents are furious calling the surveillance ‘creepy and intrusive’. They also fear inappropriate images of […]

Huge list of food retailers reject GMO salmon: Safeway, Albertsons, Vons, Costco, Trader Joe’s and more

(NaturalNews) When genetically modified salmon became the very first GMO animal to get the go-ahead from the FDA for sale in the U.S., the reception was generally chilly, with a majority of consumers unwilling to take a chance eating something that has absolutely no established safety record. Now Canada is getting in on […]

Huge list of food retailers reject GMO salmon: Safeway, Albertsons, Vons, Costco, Trader Joe’s and more

(NaturalNews) When genetically modified salmon became the very first GMO animal to get the go-ahead from the FDA for sale in the U.S., the reception was generally chilly, with a majority of consumers unwilling to take a chance eating something that has absolutely no established safety record. Now Canada is getting in on […]

Apple Boss: Next Generation of Children ‘Will Not Know What Money Is’

Apple Boss: Next Generation of Children ‘Will Not Know What Money Is’ November 11th, 2015 Well, most adults don’t know what money is, so… I’ve maintained for years that the whole thing isn’t cashless already because of the drug trade being run by intelligence […]

Public Toilets vs. Homeless Veterans

by Robert Rosebrock   Councilman Rosendahl You and your office staff not come to the aid of a homeless Female Veteran last weekend who was denied shelter and care at the Los Angels VA. Tragically she was forced to live for five days on the public sidewalk until LA County Supervisor Antonovich from across the […]

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