Posts Tagged ‘compulsory’

UK Govt To Make Single Sex Toilets Compulsory In All New Public Buildings

Seperate male and female toilets are set to become a legal requirement in all new restaurants, public toilets, shopping centres and offices in England under proposed legislation, the UK government has said. The law would […] The post UK Govt To Make Single Sex Toilets Compulsory In All New Public Buildings appeared first on The […]



Judge Orders Female Only Spa With Compulsory Nudity To Admit ‘Trans Women’ With Male Genitalia

A spa that for years has only served females has been told it must now admit trans women who still have male genitals if they claim to be women, a judge has ruled. The womens […] The post Judge Orders Female Only Spa With Compulsory Nudity To Admit ‘Trans Women’ With Male Genitalia appeared first […]

“Compulsory cooperation is not debatable”: the 1992 Earth Charter & their plans for reducing your numbers

“Compulsory cooperation is not debatable with 166 nations, most of whose leaders are irresolute, conditioned by localist “cultures,” and lacking appropriate notions of the New World Order. Debate means delay and forfeiture of our goals and purpose.” SOURCE CONFIDENTIAL: COBDEN CLUBS, Secretariat for World Order 814-631-9959, September 20, 1991 INITIATIVE FOR ECO-92 EARTH CHARTER 1. […]

Compulsory COVID vaccination in the Russian military: Just the facts, please

The Scamdemic with forced Killer Jabs is a Ratschild INC. Human Herd Culling operation. In the year 0740 AD, the Khazarians, a Turkmen, Mongolian mongrel people who had a kingdom or Empire in the Steppes of Modern Russia and Ukraine, Mass converted to the Judaic End of Times Death Cult religion called Judism. Jew is […]

Children’s Rights Group Urges Government to Withdraw the New Compulsory Covid Vaccine Pass for Children

Dr. Chuang Shuk-kwan, head of the Communicable Disease Branch of the Centre for Health Protection in Hong Kong, confirmed on Sept.1. that the Hong Kong government will announce as early as this week, that it will lower the vaccine pass age limit to include children as young as five years old.  That means children five […]

The Growing Specter of Compulsory Vaccination

The Growing Specter of Compulsory Vaccination by Marco Cáceres Published December 5, 2021 The pace of discrimination against people who have opted not to get a COVID-19 vaccine is increasing around the world as the ominous specter of compulsory vaccination grows. On Nov. 19, 2021, the Chancellor of Austria, Alexander Schallenberg, announced at a press […]

“Double Dose” Omicron Booster Every 3 Months, Compulsory Jabs Are Here & The PCR Illusion Continues

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Email | RSS Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (11/30/21). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for […]

Deadline looms for French health workers to get compulsory COVID jab

French healthcare workers have until Wednesday (September 15) to be vaccinated against COVID-19 or risk suspension. President Emmanuel Macron announced in a speech earlier this summer that medical professionals and those working with vulnerable people — including nursing homes’ non-medical staff — must get the jab. The demand affects 2.7 people. Official figures released last […]

A reminder: Ardern said the VX will NOT be compulsory Remember this also: The CV Jab: Compare possible side effects listed by the NZ Govt with those listed by the FDA Here are those supplied by the authorities in NZ: The most common reported reactions are: pain or swelling at the injection site feeling tired or fatigued headache muscle aches chills joint pain fever […]

UK Govt Plans To Make Covid Booster Jabs Compulsory For Trips Abroad & Care Home Staff

Government ministers in the UK are discussing plans to make booster jabs compulsory for care home staff and travel abroad as millions are set to offered a third vaccination from September. ‘The assumption is that you will be required to have the most up-to-date health passport, meaning if the advice is to have a booster […]

Mass Protests Erupt in Greece against Government after Compulsory Vaccinations and Passports

Home » Europe, Protests » Mass Protests Erupt in Greece against Government after Compulsory Vaccinations and Passports     Thousands took to the streets in two of Greece’s largest cities to protest new health mandates, which bar the unvaccinated from many public spaces and require medical staff to take the shot, as well as plans […]

French Riot Against Compulsory Vaccination and QR Code Pass System

Home » Europe, Protests, Social » French Riot Against Compulsory Vaccination and QR Code Pass System     People in France have taken to the streets to protest against the government’s decision to make Covid-19 vaccination compulsory for health workers and to introduce a health pass to access bars and restaurants. Protests took place across […]

French President Makes COVID-19 Vaccination Compulsory for Healthcare Workers

French President Emmanuel Macron cranked up the pressure on everyone to get vaccinated against the coronavirus (COVID-19). Macron introduced new measures Monday night, July 12, making vaccination compulsory for all healthcare workers by Sept. 15. He also held out the possibility of extending the requirement to others. Only 42 percent of hospital workers and 49 percent […]

“France has Lost all her Freedom” Reader Laments as France Rolls Out Compulsory COVID-19 Vaccine Policies

by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News A distraught Health Impact News subscriber from France emailed me today regarding new COVID-19 mandatory vaccine policies that were just announced by the President of France, Emmanuel Macon. The President has spoken and the vax is compulsory for people working in hospitals, medical center, with old people event at […]

NHS trusts in London preparing to make Covid vaccinations compulsory for workers, leaked email reveals

Leaked letter reveals trust aims to to unilaterally change NHS staff contracts to require vaccinations Shaun Lintern Health Correspondent @ShaunLintern <img src=”; alt=”<p>NHS staff could be required to have a Covid vaccination at a major London NHS trustNHS staff could be required to have a Covid vaccination at a major London NHS trust(Getty Images) A […]

France Threatens To Make Covid Jabs Compulsory For Health Workers Because Of ‘Unacceptable’ Uptake

The French government claims that the level of Covid-19 vaccine uptake among health care workers “is not acceptable” and warns that if vaccination rates don’t improve it could make the jab compulsory. Government spokesman Gabriel Attal told Le Parisien newspaper: “For the last year our health workers have been heroic, but the vaccination rate among […]

Compulsory vaccination and associated penalties for refusal are unlawful (Australia)

The Commonwealth Constitution of Australia states categorically that Political Party ‘Governments’ cannot force compulsory vaccination upon the public. This section cannot be altered and any penalties such as banning kids from school or a loss of social security payments to parents are unlawful. Any amendment to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 MUST be […]

Germany extends Covid-19 lockdown, makes masks compulsory amid fears of new virus strains

Chancellor Angela Merkel and Germany’s 16 state leaders have agreed to extend the country’s current lockdown until the middle of February in response to the spread of Covid-19 and the appearance of new variants. Confirming the extension on Tuesday evening, Merkel said the country’s efforts to control Covid-19 were being threatened by a spreading new […]

Christian Group: Compulsory Lessons in Sex and Atheism ‘Could Cause Chaos’ in Welsh Schools

(The Christian Institute) — The Welsh government’s new education bill has been criticized by The Christian Institute for its controversial plans for religious education and sex education subjects. The Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Bill scraps all existing safeguards with nothing offered in their place and imposes a compulsory “Relationships and Sexuality Education” curriculum on all […]

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