Posts Tagged ‘military’

Mercenary or scholar: disrupting military-funded research at the University of California 

Militaries need universities to develop technologies of war. Student researchers who are vital in developing these technologies are uniquely placed to disrupt them. Source


by Paul Cudenec When the smoke cleared in Europe in 1945 it revealed a continent in physical and psychological ruins. Millions lay dead from the second terrible war in a couple of decades; surviving populations were traumatised by bombing raids and invasions; great cities had been reduced to rubble and the US and Soviet military empires were dividing […]


by Paul Cudenec When the smoke cleared in Europe in 1945 it revealed a continent in physical and psychological ruins. Millions lay dead from the second terrible war in a couple of decades; surviving populations were traumatised by bombing raids and invasions; great cities had been reduced to rubble and the US and Soviet military empires were dividing […]

Hundreds of Israeli Officers Requested Discharge from Military Service as Gallant Highlights Need for Extra Troops

July 1, 2024 Israeli Channel 12 reported that, in 2024, around 900 military officers requested to discharge from the army, adding that the annual average of those requests is less than 150. The channel considered the sharp increase in the number of officers requesting discharge as a “crisis for the state, not just the army,” […]

Yemen carries out military operations against 4 ships

1 Jul 2024 Source: Agencies Listen By Al Mayadeen English The Yemeni Armed Forces carried out four operations targeting several US, Israeli, and British ships in continuation of Yemen’s declared operations aimed at halting the aggression on Gaza. The Yemeni Armed Forces announced on Monday that they conducted four significant military operations targeting ships belonging […]

All US Military Bases In Europe On High Alert For Possible Terror Attack

All American military bases throughout Europe have been placed on high alert due to a potential terrorist attack against facilities or personnel. An unnamed official told Fox News: “There is credible intel pointing to an […] The post All US Military Bases In Europe On High Alert For Possible Terror Attack appeared first on The […]

Yemeni Military Media Shows “Destructive Flood” Unmanned Boat Targeting “TRANSWORLD NAVIGATOR” in Support of Gaza

June 30, 2024 Footage of the Yemeni Armed Forces targeting the ship “TRANSWORLD NAVIGATOR,” owned by a company violating the ban on entering ports in occupied Palestine, was released by the Yemeni Military Media. The attack was carried out on June 23, 2024, using the guided drone boat “Tufan Al-Mudammer” “Destructive Flood”, showcasing its maneuverability […]

Israeli military investigation reveals many Oct. 7 Israeli casualties were caused by IDF rather than Hamas

(NaturalNews) Israel has used the events of October 7 to justify a lengthy and very bloody war in Gaza that has caused the deaths of tens of thousands of… Source

Military and intelligence officials arrested in Bolivia over coup attempt

The United States, China, and Russia, which compete for influence and access to resources in Bolivia, have remained largely silent since the coup. Arce’s government has prompted discontent in Washington by signing agreements with Chinese and Russian firms to exploit reserves of lithium, which are ample in Bolivia. Lithium is essential for the production of […]

Brad Miller Interview – A Declaration Of Military Accountability & Foreign Influence Over US Policy

Joining me today is Brad Miller, here to discuss the current status of COVID-19 injection mandates, where he thinks this agenda could go next, as well as his overview of COVID-19 as an agenda. We also discuss a very important letter that has been signed by hundreds of current and former members of the military […]

Dominionist Johnny Enlow Says Trump Legal Woes Justify Military Coup

Johnny Enlow, a Seven Mountains dominionist and QAnon conspiracy theorist, declared this week that all three branches of the federal government have been so “corrupted” that the U.S. military will have to “step in.” Enlow called it a “long shot” that the November 5 election would take place “before the whole thing is interrupted by […]

WOKE MILITARY SCANDAL! Judicial Watch Receives Records Detailing U.S. Air Force Drag Events Paid for By Taxpayers

Judicial Watch Receives Records Detailing U.S. Air Force Drag Events Paid for By Taxpayers Source

New bill seeks to extend U.S. military benefits to Americans serving in the IDF

A new bill in Congress would extend some U.S. military benefits to the estimated 20,000 Americans currently carrying out the Gaza genocide as members of the Israeli military. Source

Desperate Zelensky Drafts Prisoners To Join Military As Ukraine Suffers Heavy Losses Against Russia

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has begun drafting prisoners in the country to join the military as Ukraine sustains heavy losses in its war against Russia. Ukraine’s parliament passed an emergency bill last week allowing prisoners […] The post Desperate Zelensky Drafts Prisoners To Join Military As Ukraine Suffers Heavy Losses Against Russia appeared first on […]

Ukraine’s parliament passes bill allowing certain PRISONERS to join the military

(NaturalNews) Ukraine’s parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, has passed a bill allowing certain types of prisoners to enlist in the armed forces. The passage of this… Source

Toronto school promoting Israeli military deemed ‘charity’

Canada’s largest private high school recently organized a genocide solidarity trip in which students cooked for Israeli soldiers. In a sane world, the school’s charitable status would be revoked. Source

Epic Battles in Rafah as Israeli Military Claims Soldiers “Stung by Wasps”

May 10, 2024 Live News – Middle East – News – Palestine – Story of the day – Top The battlefield has the final say in Gaza as the Palestinian resistance fighters engage in heroic confrontations against Israeli occupation forces in the eastern region of the southern city of Rafah. Friday battles were resounding as fighters of the Palestinian resistance movements valiantly defended Rafah against […]

How Israel turned hospitals into ‘military targets’ by lying about international law

The bar for hospitals to lose protected status under international law is set very high. Those conditions were not met for any of the 36 hospitals in Gaza that Israel destroyed. Source

Biden faces key test over Israel’s military actions in Gaza

President Biden is facing a key test this week in delivering a report to Congress on Israel’s conduct in Gaza, which has the potential to cut off U.S. assistance to Israel. The report is mandated by National Security Memorandum 20 (NSM 20), which Biden issued in February, and is due by May 8. It requires… […]

BOMBSHELL EVIDENCE! These are actual photographs of Israeli military explosive experts wiring the 91st floor of the World Trade Center for the 9/11 controlled demolition of the Twin Towers

Notice the “BB18” stamped on the boxes in the first two photos that follow.  Also, check out how these Israeli demolition experts are rigged up to accomplish a very serious job on the 91st floor of the World Trade Center. *BB18 is a three-phase busbar terminal power feed lug, which is intended for use with […]

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