Posts Tagged ‘caused’

Israeli military investigation reveals many Oct. 7 Israeli casualties were caused by IDF rather than Hamas

(NaturalNews) Israel has used the events of October 7 to justify a lengthy and very bloody war in Gaza that has caused the deaths of tens of thousands of… Source

TLAV Lawfare, Sudan War Caused/Exploited By US/Israel & Damning UN Reports Destroy Israeli Narrative

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (6/13/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Study – Heart Inflammation In Childhood Caused By Vaccine NOT Covid

Mmyocarditis and pericarditis was only seen in the Covid-vaccinated children and adolescents, according to a preprint study from Oxford University In the ‘Results’ section the study said “Among both adolescents and children, myocarditis and pericarditis were documented only in the vaccinated groups”. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered news delivered straight to your […]

An Oil Price-Fixing Conspiracy Caused 27% of All Inflation Increases in 2021

Diabolical. Via: BIG by Matt Stoller: Last Sunday, I wrote a piece alleging that U.S. shale oil producers colluded with the Saudi government from 2021-2023 to drive up gas prices. That essay was based on some reporting I had done, as well as a complaint from a savvy Kansas City class action law firm, Sharp Law, […]

New Study Finds Gender Dysphoria Caused by Vaccinations

A new study has found gender identity and gender dysphoria are primarily influenced by vaccinations. American entrepreneur Steve Kirsch conducted a survey recently to see whether sexual orientation, gender identity and gender dysphoria are influenced […] The post New Study Finds Gender Dysphoria Caused by Vaccinations appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Human-caused carbon emissions have no discernible effect on climate, study finds

Despite lots of very loud and very influential people claiming otherwise, the so-called “carbon emissions” caused by humans is “non-discernible,” to quote a prominent researcher, when it comes to having an impact on the climate. Demetris Koutsoyiannis, a professor in Greece, published a paper recently that explains using scientific data how the expansion of a […]

London’s Muslim Mayor Claims City’s Problems Caused By ‘Not Enough Immigration’

London needs a “pipeline” of new immigrants according to Mayor Sadiq Khan who said he has “no hesitation” in calling for more migrants for the “cultural” and “social” benefits. According to Khan, there is a skills shortage and labor shortage in the city that can only be solved by opening the border to increased migration. […]

WEF Scientists Warn Cold Weather Is Actually Caused by ‘Global Boiling’

WEF scientists are now warning that the cold weather in the U.S., Britain, and Europe is actually caused by so-called ‘global boiling.’ According to WEF-funded Oxford scientist Beatriz Monge-Sanz, man-made climate change is to blame for the frequency and intensity of cold spells this winter: BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered news delivered […]

PANDEMIC OF HERNIAS! Caused By COVID-19 Bioweapon & Weaponized Covid Vaccines

Submitted by The Hernia Coach SOTN Exclusive Let me first describe my background and experience as a Hernia Coach for context. I was Board Certified in Integrative Medicine early in my career as a Holistic Health Coach and Wellness Counselor.  I eventually became a Hernia Coach as a result of creating my own holistic hernia […]

KFC Abandoning Chicago Due To ‘Rampant Crime’ Caused By Leftist Policies

Three KFC locations have joined the mass exodus of businesses leaving Chicago due to rampant crime caused by leftist policies making it increasingly difficult to earn an honest living in the city. Residents of Chicago […] The post KFC Abandoning Chicago Due To ‘Rampant Crime’ Caused By Leftist Policies appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Hungarian President Resigns after Backlash Caused by Pardoning of Child Rapist

Hungarian President Katalin Novák resigned from her post on Saturday after she admitted to making mistakes in relation to the presidential pardon of a convict who helped to cover up child abuse in a Budapest children’s home. Former justice minister and the governing Fidesz party’s lead candidate in the upcoming European elections, Judit Varga, also […]

mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Caused More Deaths Than Saved: Peer-Reviewed Study

mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Caused More Deaths Than Saved: Peer-Reviewed Study Authored by Naveen Athrappully via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), With considerably lower efficacy rates, mRNA COVID-19 vaccines cause more deaths than save lives, according to a new study whose researchers called for a “global moratorium” on the shots and “immediate removal” from childhood immunization […]

Dr. Pierre Kory: The Smear Campaign Against Ivermectin Caused Millions to Die Around the World

Ivermectin is often recognized – 2nd to penicillin – for having the greatest impact on human health. Its discovery even won the Nobel Prize. But the propagandists told you it was a “dangerous horse dewormer.” Now, why would they do such a thing? Because ivermectin’s existence threatened a multi-hundred billion dollar vaccine enterprise. The COVID […]

Guidance for injuries caused by vaccine administration – COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme

What the scheme covers The scheme covers losses or expenses of $1,000 and above due to administration of a TGA-approved COVID-19 vaccine, or due to an adverse event that is recognised to be caused by a COVID-19 vaccination. See Services Australia for more information about making a claim under the COVID-19 vaccine claims scheme, including: […]

Leaked EU Files Reveal ‘Fast Vax’ In Development For ‘Next Pandemic’ Caused By ‘Disease X’

The European Union (EU) has admitted it is urgently developing a cutting-edge “fast vax” in anticipation of “pandemics on the horizon” including the mysterious “Disease X” which has been included on a list of “analyzed […] The post Leaked EU Files Reveal ‘Fast Vax’ In Development For ‘Next Pandemic’ Caused By ‘Disease X’ appeared first […]

FDA Admits They Knew mRNA Jabs Caused Heart Problems

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) knew the mRNA jabs caused heart attacks but hastily approved them anyway, according to newly released documents. One of the companies that was awarded emergency use authorization (EUA) for […] The post FDA Admits They Knew mRNA Jabs Caused Heart Problems appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

WHO’s Edict Caused the Lockdown Disaster

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, supported by Bill Gates and his money, was the WHO director when the organization decreed China’s lockdown solution should be emulated by every nation. As Dr. Meryl Nass keeps warning us, the WHO might soon have far more power over our lives. Jeffrey Tucker of Brownstone Institute […]

Scammer Banksters Caused the 2008 Crash & Taxpayer Money Paid Their Bonuses + $26 TRILLION To Bail Them Out; They Will Do This Again on a Mega Scale in 2024 “26 TRILLION Dollars In Bank Bailouts! That’s Not Including TARP!” Alan Grayson… My Comment: Now you know why the Media was so determined to take him down with really bad press during his divorce-he was exposing Bankster crimes & Fraud and they are the Rothschild Banks who control what goes into our Media […]

Massive Rise in Childhood Leukemia ‘Likely’ Caused by Glyphosate


Satanyahu Has Caused Sadistic Suffering to ALL in GAZA; He Needs to Be TRIED FOR WAR CRIMES!

Comment:  The Synagogue of Satan (British Empire) Created Israel to be their Crime Capitol of the World. Sickening How Americans Don’t Think For Themselves Comment:  Almost All Jews supporting Israel here.  You will not make it in Hollywood Unless you are a Jew or MARRIED to a Jew. Israel’s Culture of Deceit Israel, which […]

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