Posts Tagged ‘childhood’

Study – Heart Inflammation In Childhood Caused By Vaccine NOT Covid

Mmyocarditis and pericarditis was only seen in the Covid-vaccinated children and adolescents, according to a preprint study from Oxford University In the ‘Results’ section the study said “Among both adolescents and children, myocarditis and pericarditis were documented only in the vaccinated groups”. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered news delivered straight to your […]

Explosive Report Drops a Bomb on the Entire Childhood Vaccine Schedule

It turns out that the shots forced on children to attend school have “negligible or non-existent benefits” but “documented side effects.” This is true for many of the most widely-used vaccines, including the MMR, DPT, flu, and the tetanus shots. This information came to light from a comprehensive report written by popular Substack author, A […]

Landmark study reveals gas stove emissions boost childhood asthma rates, adult deaths

The study, published Friday in Science Advances, represents the first time researchers have quantified the link between gas stoves and asthma from NO2 exposures inside homes. Source

This childhood vaccine schedule is not what we thought

12 april 2024 Dr. McCullough Delivers Message All Parents Need to Hear “This childhood vaccine schedule is not what we thought… I’m telling you, in total, it doesn’t look good.” The 1986 Vaccine Injury Act even admits vaccines come with “unavoidable harms.” Five separate studies now show that “if children go natural, no vaccines whatsoever, […]

Childhood Vaccine Schedule Led to ‘Greatest Decline in Public Health in Human History’

Public health agencies have refused to study or to publicly release data comparing the health outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated children, according to experts who spoke during Monday’s U.S. Senate roundtable discussion on “Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel.” 02/29/24 By  Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. Miss a day, miss a lot. Subscribe to The Defender’s Top […]

Sports After a Stolen Childhood

In a surprising turn of events that I’m not sure anyone expected from our team, the baseball team I coached won the league championship at the local little league. It was an interesting experience for me. As the coach, I was tasked with helping my players navigate the intense emotions winning or losing a game […]

The Global Wave of Childhood Pneumonia

The news that Northern China is dealing with a mystery pneumonia outbreak in children was headlined in many news outlets worldwide. Chinese health officials failed to alert the world about a former novel coronavirus outbreak in 2003 (SARS) and 2019 (SARS-CoV-2). The WHO has stated: Chinese authorities claimed there has been no detection of any […]

US Has Highest-Ever Childhood Vaccine Exemption Rate In History

Authored by Marina Zhang via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours) The United States now faces its highest-ever childhood vaccine exemption rate in history, according to a U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report published on Nov. 10. A vial of the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine at the International Community Health Services […]

CDC Reports ‘Record High’ in American Families Rejecting Childhood Vaccinations

More American families than ever before are rejecting childhood vaccinations for their children, as the people of the world continue waking up to the agenda of the globalist elite. According to the CDC’s latest findings, […] The post CDC Reports ‘Record High’ in American Families Rejecting Childhood Vaccinations appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Recommended antibiotics are shockingly ineffective for common childhood illnesses, study finds

(NaturalNews) A new study shows a shocking drop in the efficacy of several common childhood antibiotics when it comes to treating serious infections, raising… Source

Massive Rise in Childhood Leukemia ‘Likely’ Caused by Glyphosate


Childhood mortality dropped during lockdowns when many children couldn’t get routine vaccinations

Childhood mortality dropped during lockdowns when many children couldn’t get routine vaccinations During the pandemic, health authorities were worried about people avoiding getting routine healthcare, whether it was out of fear of being infected with the virus or due to lockdown restrictions. One area of particular concern was children missing routine vaccinations. However, something very […]

World Council for Health Proposes New Approach for Childhood Vaccines

Cautionary Message to Parents in Wake of Growing Safety Concerns PETER MCCULLOUGH, MD SEP 12, 2023 CROSS-POST FROM COURAGEOUS DISCOURSE WITH DR. PETER MCCULLOUGH & JOHN LEAKE Dr Peter McCullough and I will be discussing childhood vaccination among many other issues of these times with a small audience in Bath on the 19th September. Do join […]

The most common trigger for autism is childhood vaccinations. Here’s how vaccines cause autism

BY RHODA WILSON ON AUGUST 7, 2023 • ( 14 COMMENTS ) Conventional wisdom proclaims that there is no evidence vaccines cause autism. In reality, there is a great deal of evidence showing they do, but the same playbook used to cover up the wave of covid injection adverse reactions was also used to cover up the brain damage many children have […]

Understanding Your Rights and Responsibilities in Childhood Vaccination: A Guide for Parents

Understanding Your Rights and Responsibilities in Childhood Vaccination: A Guide for Parents Posted on August 4, 2023 Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash Dr Paul Thomas With summer winding down and schools about to open, parents around the country (USA) have received or will receive letters of exclusion from their child’s school. The letter will state […]

CDC confirms aluminum in vaccines linked to childhood asthma and AUTISM

CDC confirms aluminum in vaccines linked to childhood asthma and AUTISM 10/06/2022 / By Ethan Huff A new study funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirms that aluminum compounds found in childhood vaccines are linked to an array of illnesses, including neurological disorders, asthma, and the Big A: autism. Though the study’s authors tried their best to […]

Childhood Jabs And Placebo-Controlled Safety Testing & The Artificial “Trans Movement” Is Dangerous

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (6/29/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

RFK Jr. Delivers In-Depth Overview of Vaccines and Childhood Injuries and Disease on Joe Rogan Podcast

06/21/23 In an appearance last week on “The Joe Rogan Experience,” Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Children’s Health Defense chairman on leave, laid out the case for thorough, scientifically sound safety testing of vaccines and greater transparency on the part of agencies responsible for approving and recommending the vaccines. By  The Defender Staff Miss a day, […]

Beware of Studies Concluding Autism is Not Associated with Childhood Vaccination

Originally posted on The Most Revolutionary Act: Dr Peter McCullough As an epidemiologist, I can tell you it takes considerable training and scholarship to determine whether or not a study is valid and to determine if the conclusions are supported by the data. When it comes to childhood vaccines, the world is becoming skeptical of… […]

Childhood Exposure to Glyphosate Linked to Liver Inflammation and Metabolic Disorder

Childhood Exposure to Glyphosate Linked to Liver Inflammation and Metabolic Disorder by Sustainable Pulse May 12, 2023   New research from the UC Berkeley School of Public Health in the U.S. shows that childhood exposure to the world’s most widely used weed killer, glyphosate, is linked to liver inflammation and metabolic disorder in early adulthood, […]

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