Posts Tagged ‘mortality’

US postpartum mortality rate 395 percent higher than other wealthy countries

A recent report from The Commonwealth Fund reveals that the United States continues to have the highest rate of maternal deaths among high-income nations. The findings show that, despite improvements since the pandemic, the U.S. maternal mortality rate remains alarmingly high, with significant disparities affecting Black women. The report highlights that, in 2022, the U.S. […]

Australian Senate to Investigate Excess Mortality

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL Some people claim that 60 percent of all statistics, like this one, is just made up out of thin air. All statistics in relation to Covid – numbers infected, infection and case fatality rates, deaths from and with Covid, the number of lives saved by lockdowns, masks, and vaccines, the […]

Mortality Watch and Agendas Promoting The Great Depopulation

Before we get into this sensitive topic, let us be clear. There is nothing ‘great’ about The Great Depopulation in the sense of being positive or good. Although there are those on both sides of this spiritual and information war whom do believe it is either wholly good, or a necessary evil. It has greatly saddened me lately to […]

Childhood mortality dropped during lockdowns when many children couldn’t get routine vaccinations

Childhood mortality dropped during lockdowns when many children couldn’t get routine vaccinations During the pandemic, health authorities were worried about people avoiding getting routine healthcare, whether it was out of fear of being infected with the virus or due to lockdown restrictions. One area of particular concern was children missing routine vaccinations. However, something very […]

AMPS Launches Inquiry into Australia’s Excess Mortality

The colony’s governments, both state and federal, have been lying to the people about the mortality rate, effectiveness and safety of the alleged ‘vaccine’. Australia’s hopelessly corrupt and inept government refuses to investigate so AMPS is investigating excess mortality related to the mRNA jabs. Let’s see if the people will finally be told the truth. […]

Excess Mortality Just Got Even Worse: Ed Dowd Drops Alarming New Data

Originally Published on Vigilant News Former Blackrock asset manager and prominent data analyst Ed Dowd recently brought forth worrying data on the Dr. Drew show. Death rates among children in the UK are climbing — and fast. According to yearly excess death data, available at, the years 2020 and 2021 had negative excess mortality […]

Infant Vaccines Linked to Increase in All-Cause Mortality, New Research Shows

A new study finds developed countries requiring the most vaccine doses for infants have higher childhood mortality rates, contradicting assumptions that more vaccines equate to lower deaths. The data suggest unintended consequences may increase all-cause mortality. Source

Amish Communities Defying CDC Covid Guidelines Had ’90x Lower Mortality Rate’ Than Rest of US

Amish communities that defied CDC guidelines during the Covid-19 pandemic experienced 90 times less deaths than mainstream America, according to the results of a stunning new study which raise serious questions about the efficacy of […] The post Amish Communities Defying CDC Covid Guidelines Had ’90x Lower Mortality Rate’ Than Rest of US appeared first […]

Magic, Mortality, Masturbation, and Meaning in ‘The Green Knight’

My Turn has proved unpredictable, so it’s only natural that Patrick ended this cycle on The Green Knight, the 2021 film starring Dev Patel as pre-knighthood Gawain of the mythical roundtable of Camelot. The Green Knight is rife with actions turned into symbolism, otherworldly visuals, and a sense that magic and nature are one in […]

The Pfizer-Gate Scandal: Mortality Rates reveal a Shocking Truth as 2 Million Excess Deaths are recorded across USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand & Europe

BY THE EXPOSÉ ON JANUARY 22, 2023 • ( 15 COMMENTS ) The world was in a state of panic as an alleged Covid-19 pandemic swept across the globe, restricting freedom, and seeing a new dawn of global dictatorships. This took the lives of countless individuals in one way or another. Although the public was told the alleged COVID virus was to […]

Massachusetts Death Certificates Show Excess Mortality Could Be Linked to COVID Vaccines

Massachusetts Death Certificates Show Excess Mortality Could Be Linked to COVID Vaccines After analyzing more than seven years of Massachusetts death certificates, independent investigator John Beaudoin, Sr., uncovered evidence that thousands of deaths in 2021 may have been linked to COVID-19 vaccines. By    Madhava Setty, M.D.   Miss a day, miss a lot. Subscribe […]

EXCESS MORTALITY: Over 2400 Americans are DYING each day following vaccine mandates… Ed Dowd unveils alarming, evidence-based data

Wednesday, November 16, 2022 by: Mike AdamsTags: badhealth, badmedicine, CDC, COVID, depopulation, Ed Dows, excess mortality, FDA, immunization, mRNA, pandemic, Plandemic, Vaccine deaths, Vaccine injuries, vaccines This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author Copy URL 23KVIEWS (Natural News) Today we feature an interview with Ed Dowd, author of Unknown Causes: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022. Ed Dowd, along with his team of analysts, […]

EU countries with highest vaccination rates also have the highest excess mortality rates

(Natural News) On October 10, 2022, a committee convened at the European Parliament to investigate fraud, crimes, and mortality associated with the covid-19 vaccines and the government’s sordid response. The committee included representatives from the twenty-seven European Union (EU) member states. Christian Terhes, the representative from Romania, brought forth evidence showing that high vaccination rates […]

Insights from a NZ Funeral Director on our high mortality rate

Brenton Faithfull is a Funeral Director and a Justice of the Peace. He is well aware of the importance of the truth. Hear his interview with Dr Matt Shelton of the NZ Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS). READ MORE AT THE LINK Photo: Source

Global Excess Mortality Rates — Where’s the Investigation?

Global Excess Mortality Rates — Where’s the Investigation? Are scientists and the media deliberately overlooking COVID-19 vaccines as a possible factor in global excess mortality rates? By   Rob Verkerk Ph.D.   Miss a day, miss a lot. Subscribe to The Defender’s Top News of the Day. It’s free.We have previously pointed to official data in […]

Europe: The Country with the Lowest Vaccination Rate Has the Lowest Excess Mortality

Not surprisingly, the country with the highest vaccination rate also has the highest excess mortality. Link Share now! Source

Europe: The Country with the Lowest Vaccination Rate Has the Lowest Excess Mortality

Not surprisingly, the country with the highest vaccination rate also has the highest excess mortality. Link Share now! Source

Did Lockdowns Cause Increased Mortality Rates?

Emerging statistics paint an alarming picture – far more have died after the rollout of this ‘super potion’ than during the height of the COVID pandemic in 2020. Yet the mainstream media are desperately trying to divert your attention from this elephant in the room. STORY AT-A-GLANCE Emerging statistics on excess mortality rates paint an […]

Canadian Doctors Now On 4th Shot • Recently 30 Young Doctors Dead • Doctor Mortality Doubled in 2021

Hundreds of Canadian Doctors Dead,  30 Recently :  Genocide Confirmed after 4th Booster Made Mandatory for Medical Field [VIDEO]The Liberty Beacon  /  TLB Staff ER Editor: The short Stew Peters interview with Odessa Orlewicz of Lbrti, a fairly new Canadian organisation formed during the Covid nonsense, is most interesting. She reveals that: Doctors are now […]

Huge German Study Finds 2021 Excess Mortality Near Exactly Correlates With COVID Jab Administration

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (8/28/22). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

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