Posts Tagged ‘exactly’

Exactly What Are WHO Member States Voting for?

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL [Full PDF of report is available below] With Member States of the World Health Organization (WHO) negotiating new agreements to centralize management of pandemics with an annual budget of over $31.5 billion, it would be reasonable to assume that everyone was clear on what a pandemic actually is. Surprisingly, this […]


A Big Thank You A big thank you to those of you who attended the AV13 Conference in Milton Keynes. It was fantastic to finally get back together and welcome old friends and newcomers to a very enjoyable and memorable event. We are already already working on the next AV events. If you didn’t make […]

What is Medical Freedom, Exactly?

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL The beginning of wisdom is the definition of terms. ~ Socrates The phrase “medical freedom” has become common usage in the wake of the Covid-19 catastrophe. But like many buzzwords and neologisms, “medical freedom” is perhaps ill-defined or even undefined. We all know more or less what it means in […]

Remember What Exactly?

That Weapons of Mass Destruction liar Tony Bliar is now a ‘knighted’ member of The Order of The Garter? That my MP Herr Gruppenführer Matt Midazolam Morphine ‘good death’ Hancock, who ate animal penis in the jungle for £300K, probably sits on a £multi-million nest egg for profiting from covid1984 after instructing my village to […]

Israeli intelligence suddenly knows exactly where Hamas is

(NaturalNews) It’s interesting how last week Israel had no idea what Hamas was up to, and yet this week they know every mosque, school and hospital that Hamas is… Source

Isn’t this exactly how Zelensky is extorting every billion from completely captured Biden?


As Shutdown Looms, Questions Mount About Exactly How Much Leverage House GOP Holds

House GOP efforts to advance government funding vehicles that would exert the leverage of the party that controls just one half of one-third of government have thus far failed, and with a Sept. 30 deadline just days away, several top conservatives are concerned that the Republicans might have blown it. Source

Destiny Rezendes Interview – A 2019 CIA Epidemic Plan Outlines Near Exactly What Happened In 2020

Joining me today Destiny Rezendez, here to discuss yet another of her very revealing and insightful threads. Destiny discovered a very important document from 2019 (that I had not seen prior to her work) in which In-Q-Tel, the venture capital firm of the CIA, outlined near exactly what later took place during the COVID-19 illusion […]

Report: Joe Biden Was Told Exactly Who Brought Cocaine To White House

According to a report citing multiple security sources, Joe Biden was informed by the Secret Service as to exactly who it was that brought cocaine into the White House last month. The claim is made by journalist Susan Katz Keating in Soldier of Fortune, who states that three independent sources confirmed that the individual resides within […]

Elites Show Exactly How CBDC Will Be Used: Chase Bank “De-Banks” Dr. Mercola, No Explanation #BoycottCBDCFedNow

#BoycottCBDCFedNow “if you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever,” — George Orwell, 1984 Chase bank has shut down our business bank accounts along with the accounts of my CEO and CFO, as well as their family members (including spouse and child). They've refused to provide any reason […]

Elites Show Exactly How CBDC Will Be Used to Control Population: Chase “De-Banks” Dr. Mercola, No Explanation #BoycottCBDCFedNow

#BoycottCBDCFedNow “if you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever,” – George Orwell, 1984 Chase bank has shut down our business bank accounts along with the accounts of my CEO and CFO, as well as their family members (including spouse and child). They've refused to provide any reason […]

PROOF Dr. Buttar Was Murdered by Big Pharma, Exactly How He Predicted

Yet another holistic doctor working against Big Pharma has been found dead in highly suspicious circumstances, as the community of physicians attempting to work outside the confines of the pharmaceutical industry, exposing their agenda, continues to be eradicated. Dr. Rashid Buttar, the British-American physician who was responsible for waking up millions of people to the […]

Confused About MRNA Vaccines In Meat? That’s Exactly How They Want It

FOOD FRAUD: Confused About MRNA Vaccines In Meat? That’s Exactly How They Want It – By Luther Daisy SM  Source – “…Unfortunately, if you’ve been eating pork from the grocery stores, even organic pork, it’s probably been treated with mRNA because pork producers have been using mRNA products since 2018.  Merck’s SEQUIVITY platform is used with […]

Exactly how will the 2023 Therapeutic Products Bill affect the Availability of Natural Health Products?

From Guy Hatchard An Open message to Parliament. Why are they regulating natural health products? How will the therapeutic products Bill affect us? VIDEO AT THE LINK (Transcript below, note the transcript refers to some products that are not named but are pictured in the video) What does the public want? The public are aware […]

TUT:Exactly what is it that we Jews are celebrating on Hanukkah?

December 20, 2022 By tuteditor ed note–as covered and discussed here extensively as of late, a proper understanding of the true scope of what encompasses the Judaic celebration of Hanukkuh (or as the late, great, and greatly-missed Mike Piper used to refer to it–‘H’nooka’) is absolutely intrinsic to understanding the nature of the war which Judea, Inc […]

The Big Tech Companies Are Telling Us Exactly Where The Economy Is Headed In 2023

If you didn’t like economic conditions in 2022, then you are definitely not going to be pleased by what is coming in 2023.  This year we have had to deal with rampant inflation, very sluggish economic activity and the beginning of a horrifying housing crash, and that hasn’t been fun.  But it appears that next […]


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Around 200 Whales Die On Australian Beach Where Hundreds More Died Exactly 2 Years Ago

HOBART, Australia (AP) — Wildlife experts on Thursday rescued 32 of the 230 whales that were found stranded on the wild and remote west coast of Australia’s island state of Tasmania a day earlier. Half the pod of pilot whales found stranded in Macquarie Harbour were presumed to still be alive on Wednesday, the Department […]

The FDA just approved the new Covid booster based on a trial of exactly 8 mice.

Inconsistency of Ba5 Booster makes it uniquely dangerous! Igor Chudov So, the FDA just approved the new Ba.5 bivalent booster, based on a trial of exactly 8 mice. See: FDA Charlatans Engage in Medical Quackery Steve Kirsch, in a reply to my previous post about the Ba.5 booster being medical quackery, asked a question, what […]

The FDA just approved the new Covid booster based on a trial of exactly 8 mice.

Inconsistency of Ba5 Booster makes it uniquely dangerous! Igor Chudov So, the FDA just approved the new Ba.5 bivalent booster, based on a trial of exactly 8 mice. See: FDA Charlatans Engage in Medical Quackery Steve Kirsch, in a reply to my previous post about the Ba.5 booster being medical quackery, asked a question, what […]

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