Posts Tagged ‘shutdown’

3G Network shutdown, governments useless and media silence

The colony’s governments state and federal, are deliberately useless on many fronts, where all that is of concern is how much they can get away with, ripping off the general population. MANY in the Information Technology and Communications industry have been aware of the 3G telecommunications network shutdown, especially those in government, as they too […]

CENSORSHIP: Israeli government orders SHUTDOWN of Al Jazeera news and broadcast offices

(NaturalNews) Israel’s Ministry of Communications recently banned the Al Jazeera Media Network’s news channel from airing in the country and raided its… Source

“A Pork Fest Of Epic Proportions”: Congress Passes Spending Package To Avert Shutdown

By Jacob Burg of The Epoch Times Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-La.) makes a statement alongside (L–R) Rep. Mike Turner (R-Ohio), Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), and Mike McCaul (R-Texas) outside the White House on Jan. 17, 2024. (Samuel Corum/Getty Images) The Senate passed six government funding bills on March 8 to avoid an impending […]

Congress avoids government shutdown

Image Credit: Kenny Holston/The New York Times After the House of Representatives voted to pass a stopgap spending measure introduced by U.S. Speaker of the House, Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.), the Senate passed the measure (87 to 11) today to avoid a government shutdown. The temporary funding bill will keep some government offices open through […]

Israel-Hamas ‘War’ – Another Excuse To Shutdown Free Speech

By Kit Knightly As a brand new war-narrative unfolds, there’s already efforts underway to parlay the conflict into Source

Government once again at risk of shutdown following Republican infighting over who will be the next House speaker

(NaturalNews) The government is once again at risk of shutting down after several Republican hardliners voted with Democrats to oust House Speaker Kevin McCarthy… Source

Embattled Congress lurches toward midnight shutdown

Congress is lurching toward a shutdown that would begin early Sunday morning, with House Republicans battling one another and the Senate moving forward with a bipartisan plan that Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has not committed to bringing to a vote in the House. Senators are poised to vote Saturday afternoon on a bill to fund… […]

“No Path Forward”: McCarthy Says Senate Stopgap Bill DOA As Shutdown Approaches

“No Path Forward”: McCarthy Says Senate Stopgap Bill DOA As Shutdown Approaches Update (2157ET): It looks like the Senate isn’t willing to strip Ukraine funds from the continuing resolution. In a Friday night tweet, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said that the “misguided Senate bill has no path forward and is dead on arrival.” After […]

BREAKING: House Republicans Fail to Pass Short-Term Spending Bill as Government Shutdown Looms

BREAKING: House Republicans Fail to Pass Short-Term Spending Bill as Government Shutdown Looms Source

States brace for impact of government shutdown

ALBANY, N.Y. — If Congress won’t pay the bills, states will. Governors and legislators — fearing what a federal shutdown would do to tourism and services to support the migrants flooding major cities — say they’re preparing to dip into their own coffers to fund programs if the spigot is shut off. The growing experience […]

House Speaker McCarthy warns of GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN if Biden doesn’t agree to protect the border

(NaturalNews) House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has warned President Joe Biden that there will be a government shutdown if he refuses to compromise with Republicans on… Source

House funding bills see mixed results as shutdown looms: live coverage

The race to avoid a government shutdown collided with House Republicans’ impeachment inquiry Thursday. In the House, Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) is continuing his attempt to push full-year funding bills through while marching toward a vote on a short-term funding patch before Sept. 30. Votes are about to start late Thursday, but at least one… […]

US To Keep Paying Salaries For Tens Of Thousands Of Ukrainians During Government Shutdown

US To Keep Paying Salaries For Tens Of Thousands Of Ukrainians During Government Shutdown BY TYLER DURDEN TUESDAY, SEP 26, 2023 – 06:25 AM A newly aired “60 Minutes” segment entitled The unexpected way American tax dollars are being used in Ukraine has uncovered that the US government is paying the salaries of some 57,000 Ukrainian civic services […]

Moderate Republicans plot last-ditch shutdown plan with Democrats

A small but significant number of moderate GOP lawmakers are plotting a path toward potentially working with Democrats to fund the government past Sept. 30 and combat a shutdown. At least three Republicans — Reps. Mike Lawler (N.Y.), Don Bacon (Neb.) and Brian Fitzpatrick (Pa.) — have expressed an openness to joining Democrats in signing… […]

As Shutdown Looms, Questions Mount About Exactly How Much Leverage House GOP Holds

House GOP efforts to advance government funding vehicles that would exert the leverage of the party that controls just one half of one-third of government have thus far failed, and with a Sept. 30 deadline just days away, several top conservatives are concerned that the Republicans might have blown it. Source

Alarm bells ring as lawmakers prep for possible shutdown

Alarm bells are ringing in Washington as some lawmakers begin to make preparations for a government in shutdown. House Republicans left town Thursday without a deal for a short-term funding patch, also known as a continuing resolution (CR), scrapping expected weekend votes. Congress has little over a week until the looming deadline to prevent a… […]

Jayapal slams GOP over looming government shutdown: ‘Republicans cannot govern’  

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) on Wednesday sharply criticized her Republican colleagues for failing to find a path forward to avert a government shutdown before the looming deadline at the end of the month. “At this rate, we are headed to a Republican shutdown,” Jayapal said during a CNN interview with Wolf Blitzer. “And that gives… […]

Inside Dems’ shutdown strategy

Government funding lapses in less than 11 days, and a shutdown has never seemed so certain — especially to House Democrats. Thursday’s floor meltdown, where five Republicans conspired to tank a procedural vote on Pentagon spending, confirmed for many Democrats that they had already suspected: There will be a shutdown, and the only remaining question […]

House GOP tensions in shutdown drama boil over

Tensions in the House GOP over how to avoid — or not avoid — a potential government shutdown are coming to a boil, with frustrations spilling over into public jabs and airing of grievances without a clear path forward to fund the government past Sept. 30. “It’s an unmitigated disaster right now on the majority… […]

Why We Should Non Comply With a New Government Shutdown-Destroys Livelihoods & Economy!

AUGUST 25, 2023 FOUR REASONS WHY A GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN IS HARMFUL Government shutdowns occur when policymakers fail to enact legislation to fund the federal government by the end of the fiscal year on September 30. Each year, Congress must pass, and the president must sign, legislation to provide funding for most government agencies. That legislation […]

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