Posts Tagged ‘looming’

IDF issues evacuation order to 100,000 in Rafah as looming assault sparks fear of bloodbath in Gaza

Israel Defense Forces order more than 100,000 Palestinians to evacuate Rafah ahead of an impending military offensive, despite warnings of humanitarian catastrophe. Source

Looming Ozempic Nightmare With Former Pharma Insider Calley Means

Americans are fatter and sicker than ever, with obesity rates and chronic illness at an all-time high. In response, there’s a controversial recommendation advocating for widespread use of Ozempic for individuals struggling with obesity, including children. Former Pharma insider Calley Means says that’s a disastrous idea. He joins Maria Zeee on Media Blackout to shed […]

Ex-Pharma Insider Warns of Looming Government-Funded ‘Medical Disaster’

More American tax dollars are destined to be spent on a “medical disaster.” Enter Ozempic, a diabetes and weight loss drug that is “going to be the highest-funded drug by the US taxpayer in history.” Ozempic has some severe problems, according to ex-pharma insider Calley Means: 1. Gastrointestinal issues and stomach paralysis: • “The drug […]

Pfizer Makes Big Bet on Looming “Heart Failure Pandemic”

Wow. Scientists are now warning that the latest COVID variant could trigger a “heart failure pandemic.” And get this: Pfizer, the same company that sold you the so-called vaccines, is making a big bet on that “heart failure pandemic.” The pharmaceutical giant recently acquired several companies. This includes a major $6.7 billion cash acquisition of […]

Blinken: Protect Civilians In Gaza, Israel Ahead Of Israel’s Looming Ground Assault

“None of us want to see suffering by civilians on any side, whether it’s in Israel, whether it’s in Gaza, whether it’s anywhere else,” U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said. Source

Jayapal slams GOP over looming government shutdown: ‘Republicans cannot govern’  

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) on Wednesday sharply criticized her Republican colleagues for failing to find a path forward to avert a government shutdown before the looming deadline at the end of the month. “At this rate, we are headed to a Republican shutdown,” Jayapal said during a CNN interview with Wolf Blitzer. “And that gives… […]

A monumental UFO scandal is looming

A monumental UFO scandal is looming by Marik von Rennenkampff, Opinion Contributor – 08/04/23 The decades-long saga of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) is barreling headlong toward one of two stunning conclusions. Either the U.S. government has mounted an extraordinary, decades-long coverup of UFO retrieval and reverse-engineering activities, or elements of the defense and intelligence establishment […]

California Democrats Maneuver Ahead of Looming Feinstein Senate Exit

California’s 2024 U.S. Senate race poses to be highly contentious among Democrats if 89-year-old Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) decides to retire after three decades in office, as many expect her to do. Source

Inside Gaza’s looming mental health crisis

In light of the mental health crisis affecting nearly everyone in Gaza, including medical staff, how long can resilience and steadfastness last? Source

A Natural Gas Shortage Is Looming For The U.S.

Last week, the media rushed to report that natural gas prices in the United States had fallen sharply after trade unions and railway companies reached a tentative deal that averted a potentially devastating strike. Indeed, natural gas prices fell by nearly a dollar per million British thermal units, helped by a respectable build in inventories. And yet, […]

A New World Order is Looming and the West Doesn’t Like It

On Tuesday of last week the Russian president Vladimir Putin addressed the 10th Moscow Conference on International Security. The meeting was attended by a large number of delegates from what are commonly referred to as Third World countries. The western nations showed no interest in the conference and coverage in the western media was correspondingly […]

Australia Considers Mask Mandates Amid Looming Third Covid Wave & Raging Flu Season

Face masks could become mandatory again across Australia as a looming ‘Covid and flu crisis’ is reportedly threatening to bring the nation to a standstill. Around 250,000 Australians have ‘tested’ positive for Covid in the […] The post Australia Considers Mask Mandates Amid Looming Third Covid Wave & Raging Flu Season appeared first on News […]

Global Food Shortage: U.N. Chief Guterres Warns of Looming ‘Catastrophe’

The world faces the prospect of a mass starvation “catastrophe” driven by an unprecedented food shortage, U.N. chief Antonio Guterres warned Friday.

Supply Chain Shutdown Looming? A Major Strike Could Be Coming to West Coast Ports

Supply Chain Shutdown Looming? A Major Strike Could Be Coming to West Coast PortsDate: April 2, 2022Author: Nwo Report Source: WILLOne of the key pieces of the global economy and international supply chain is the system of ports that facilitates international commerce. Without a well-oiled machine to keep commerce flowing and needed goods arriving where […]

Austria: Tens of Thousands Gather In Vienna To Protest Looming Lockdown

Huge crowds of people gathered in Vienna on Saturday after the Austrian government announced they were imposing a nationwide lockdown satrting next week and mandatory vaccinations from February. The opposition Freedom Party, who vowed to combat the new restrictions, was among those who called for the protest. Demonstrations against covid restrictions also took place in […]

The US Military Shell Game: Reports Of Looming US Drawdown From Iraq Whilst NATO Mission Expands

According to reports, US officials agree that by the end of 2021 American ground forces in Iraq should be out of the country, leaving behind their air-force as the primary aid to the Iraqi governments fight against ISIS cells operating in the country – But is this the reality? The reports of a coming US […]

Changes Are Looming on the Horizon: What Is America Preparing For the Region?

July 7, 2021 By Ali Abadi Are black clouds gathering over the region? Are we headed back to the days of Daesh [Arabic acronym for “ISIS” / “ISIL”] in Iraq and Syria in 2014 and the internal cracks in other Arab countries in 2011? Here are some indicators that warn of new challenges: – A […]

Vulnerable House Democrats Pondering Looming Potential Exits Threatens Nancy Pelosi’s Majority in Midterms

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) hopes of maintaining her slim majority are dwindling as droves of vulnerable far-left Democrats look to exit the House. A growing list of vulnerable House Democrats who face major redistricting or tough reelections look to exit the House, potentially costing Pelosi her already very slim majority. Rep. Charlie Crist (D-FL) is the […]

The Supreme Court’s looming dark money decision

For more than 40 years, arguments against “dark money” have lost at the Supreme Court. Now, however, the Court could reinforce the growing influence of this type of secret funding for political campaigns. In Americans for Prosperity Foundation v. Rodriquez, to be argued on April 26, the justices will consider the right to confidentiality for […]

D.C. ‘blob’ undergoes ‘sea change’ on Israel — amid peace process collapse and looming apartheid declarations

A battle that broke out during the Democratic primaries in 2020 is now heating up in Washington, over the idea of conditioning U.S. aid to Israel over its human rights violations. The issue has divided the Israel lobby, but the Democratic base is demanding limits on aiding the Israeli persecution of Palestinians. The right-wing Israel […]

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