Posts Tagged ‘preparing’

“Over 98%” of world’s central banks are preparing to unleash the global cashless society

(NaturalNews) There is not much time left before all your paper and coin cash becomes obsolete, followed by its replacement with digital cash.In a new report,… Source

Right Wing Round-Up: Preparing For A National Divorce

Time is ticking! Year-end is here, and with our generous 4X-match, your donation to fight back against Trump Republicans will go four times as far! Stand with us to uphold Norman’s legacy in defending democracy, protecting free speech, and safeguarding our rights from an increasingly hostile right-wing. Act now – let’s make 2024 a year […]

NATO Preparing for US To Quit the Bloc

The US will leave NATO if Donald Trump is re-elected this November, several diplomats from the bloc’s member states have warned. Europe’s NATO countries are being urged to develop a strategy to deal with the consequences of such an eventuality and reconsider the bloc’s defense capabilities, according to a report by the Telegraph. BYPASS THE […]

Mark Zuckerberg is Stockpiling on Gold Reserves, Preparing to Move to Bunker

    In a noteworthy trend, millionaires and elites are reportedly amassing gold as part of their doomsday preparations, intending to use it for potential bartering in times of crisis, according to insights from Jonathan Rose, the CEO of Genesis Gold Group in Beverly Hills, California. The surge in gold sales, attributed to factors ranging […]

German banks preparing for wave of loan defaults in the face of major real estate crisis

(NaturalNews) German real estate lender Deutsche Pfandbriefbank is preparing for what it says will be the steepest drop in commercial property values seen in the… Source

Millions of Americans ‘Preparing for Apocalypse’ As Mass Food Shortages Reach Unprecedented Levels

Hundreds of millions of people around the world are “facing chronic starvation,” and that number is set to become billions in the next few years. According to the UN’s World Food Program, “a food shortage of unprecedented proportions” is unfolding before our eyes right now. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered news delivered straight to […]

Australia is now Preparing for All-Out War with Russia

Australia has to seriously consider reintroducing conscription to increase its troop numbers in the face of a looming “all-out war” with Russia, according to defence analyst Dr Alexey Muraviev. His comments comes days after similar comments were made by European leaders, including former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson. In his Daily Mail column on Saturday […]

Before Preparing for Pandemics, We Need Better Evidence of Risk

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL [Full PDF of report is available below] Perceptions of threat The world is currently reorienting its health and social priorities to counter a perceived threat of increased pandemic risk. Spearheaded by the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Bank, and the Group of 20 governments (G20), this agenda is based […]

Sweden is Preparing its Medical Ambulances for World War 3

In response to the escalating global tensions and the potential for World War III, the Swedish government is taking proactive measures to expand its medical transport capabilities. Concerned about the impact of a potential outbreak of war, the government has tasked several authorities with coordinating transports to ensure the nation is adequately prepared. The National […]

Hamas leaders preparing for “permanent war” with Israel

(NaturalNews) Top Hamas leaders have admitted the militant group’s desire to engage in a permanent state of war with Israel as it urges allies in the Arab and… Source

US preparing public opinion to replace Netanyahu

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Kevork Almassian Interview – Is The US Government Preparing To Assassinate President Assad In Syria?

Joining me today is Kevork Almassian, here to discuss a very concerning development that his research has uncovered and his sources in Syria have confirmed; the US government appears to be considering the assassination of the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad. We go over why this is being considered, what the geopolitical implication would be, and […]

Report from Gaza: fears that Israeli army is preparing for ethnic cleansing

As Israel massacres entire families and wipes out whole neighborhoods, the Israeli army’s calls for Gazans to flee to the Egyptian border are stoking fears of genocide and ethnic cleansing. Source

As Strikes Devastate Gaza, Israel Says It’s Preparing For Possible Ground Assault

In Gaza, Palestinians fleeing airstrikes can be seen running through the streets, carrying their belongings and looking for a safe place. Source

Video: Obama Goes Silent When Asked If Michelle Is Preparing To Run For President

Barack Obama refused to answer when asked if his wife Michelle is preparing to replace Biden as the Democratic Party establishment choice for president. Obama was caught emerging from Funke, an exclusive restaurant in Beverly […] The post Video: Obama Goes Silent When Asked If Michelle Is Preparing To Run For President appeared first on […]

ALERT! US Government preparing to Announce Aliens, this is not Conspiracy, this is the real thing

The US government could be forced to disclose if aliens have visited Earth under new legislation. The Senate passed an amendment in July that will be part of the National Defense Authorization (NDAA) for 2024. Known as the Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) Discloser Act, it says Government agencies with records, samples of craft or ‘biological’ […]

Obama Insider Confirms Michelle Obama Is Preparing To Enter 2024 Presidential Race

Obama insider and biographer Joel Gilbert has confirmed Michelle Obama is preparing to enter the 2024 presidential race and become the Democratic nominee allegedly due to Biden’s declining cognitive health and moribund poll numbers. “Look […] The post Obama Insider Confirms Michelle Obama Is Preparing To Enter 2024 Presidential Race appeared first on The People's […]

Jack Smith Preparing Pretrial Detention for Donald Trump To Prevent 2024 Presidential Run

Special Counsel Jack Smith is preparing to hold Donald Trump in “pretrial detention” to prevent him from running for President in the 2024 election, according to reports. A key 2021 court ruling and recent precedent […] The post Jack Smith Preparing Pretrial Detention for Donald Trump To Prevent 2024 Presidential Run appeared first on The […]

Is the federal government preparing Americans for a nuclear attack?

(NaturalNews) Over the past year, much has been said and done with regard to medical countermeasures in the event of a nuclear attack. Numerous federal agencies… Source

Kennedy accuses Biden of preparing for ‘war with Russia’


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