Posts Tagged ‘banks’

BlackRock & Wall Street banks are profiting from Israel’s crimes in Gaza, UN experts say

Top UN human rights experts called on Western weapons corporations to stop sending arms to Israel, saying they could be complicit in war crimes. Asset managers like BlackRock and Wall Street banks are also profiting. Source

Status of US Dollar as Global Reserve Currency: Central Banks Diversify from USD-Assets to Other Currencies and to Gold


“Over 98%” of world’s central banks are preparing to unleash the global cashless society

(NaturalNews) There is not much time left before all your paper and coin cash becomes obsolete, followed by its replacement with digital cash.In a new report,… Source

Unification Of CBDCs? Global Banks Are Telling Us The End Of The Dollar System Is Near

This article was written by Brandon Smith and originally published at Birch Gold Group World reserve status allows for amazing latitude in terms of monetary policy. The Federal Reserve understands that there is constant demand for dollars overseas as a means to more easily import and export goods. The dollar’s petro-status also makes it essential for […]

Expert warns: Banks will claim that your money is no longer yours, may freeze bank withdrawals

(NaturalNews) Hedge fund manager and macro-economic expert Hugh Hendry has alerted the banking system and the American economy as a whole.”President Joe… Source

Amidst Israel’s #GazaGenocide, AXA divests from all Israeli banks EXCEPT ONE! Escalate #BoycottAXA now!

Amidst Israel’s #GazaGenocide, AXA divests from all Israeli banks EXCEPT ONE! Escalate #BoycottAXA now! Update New research by Ekō  shows that AXA has sold all its shares from Israel Discount Bank and Bank Leumi that finance Israel’s illegal settlements, but still owns shares worth $2.6 million in Bank Hapoalim, one of the largest Israeli commercial banks that is blocklisted […]

Western Banks Warn Against EU Plans to Give Russian Funds to Ukraine

Some Western banks are lobbying against an EU plan to use profits made by Russian central bank funds that are frozen in Europe to arm Ukraine, Reuters reported on Thursday. The European Commission has proposed sending up to 3 billion euros to Ukraine per year using the revenue. About 90% would go to a fund called the “European Peace […]

In order to curtail the tyranny of central banks and espionage agencies, Americans must starve the state – central banks and domestic spies go hand in hand in our once-free republic

(NaturalNews) Central banks and espionage agencies are insidious threats to any free people. The former manipulate the value of money, and the latter manipulate… Source

American banks are taking part in central bank digital currency trials funded by Epstein-linked MIT lab

(NaturalNews) American banks have been quietly taking part in a trio of pilot programs for central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), and some of the funding for… Source

German banks preparing for wave of loan defaults in the face of major real estate crisis

(NaturalNews) German real estate lender Deutsche Pfandbriefbank is preparing for what it says will be the steepest drop in commercial property values seen in the… Source

Banks warned by Biden Admin that Christians who Buy Bibles are Extremists

An agency of the federal government “flagged” Bible purchases as an indication of “extremism” in communications with banks following the events of January 6, 2021. “We now know the federal government flagged terms like ‘MAGA’ and ‘TRUMP,’ to financial institutions if Americans completed transactions using those terms,” Rep. Jim Jordan, R-OH, wrote on X. “What […]

Major European Banks At Center Of Complex Iran Sanctions Evasion Scandal

Major European Banks At Center Of Complex Iran Sanctions Evasion Scandal Ever since Obama’s very short-lived nuclear deal with Iran was scrapped by the subsequent Trump administration, Tehran has ramped up its efforts at sanctions evasion, which has especially relied on a fleet of ‘ghost tankers’ sailing primarily to China. But the story of the […]

China’s central bank attempting to spark growth in 2024 by SLASHING banks’ reserve requirements

(NaturalNews) Last year was a lackluster year for China’s economy, so China’s central bank, the People’s Bank of China, is slashing the reserve requirements for… Source

The Fed Has a Dirty Little Secret: It’s Been Allowing the Wall Street Mega Banks to Calculate their Own Capital Requirements


Twelve states sound the alarm: Globalist banks are conspiring with the UN to WIPE OUT U.S. farms and food production

(NaturalNews) The following analysis of today’s Brighteon Broadcast News audio program is created by “Neo,” our in-house Language Model that’s currently being… Source

“It Must Be Stopped”: 12 Agriculture Officials Warn Largest U.S. Banks About Net Zero Agenda

A dozen Republican state agriculture commissioners have penned a letter to six U.S. megabanks, informing them that their push for ESG investing could wind up leading to price increases and may impact food availability. The letter was sent to executives at Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley and Wells Fargo and took exception […]

Failed State — Lebanese Banks Steal Reader’s Money

“Run by an unholy, mostly undeclared, coalition of warlords, businessman and clerics, this trinity has recently orchestrated what could be defined as the only government-sponsored Ponzi scheme the world has ever witnessed. Citizens’ (and Expats’) bank deposits – the majority of which in the form of lifelong savings, mine included – have evaporated overnight.”  “Prior to […]

Three Wall Street Mega Banks Hold $157.3 Trillion in Derivatives – That’s $56.7 Trillion More than the Entire World’s GDP Last Year

At recent Congressional hearings on federal bank regulators’ newly proposed rules to force the largest banks in the U.S. to hold more capital against their riskiest trading positions (so that taxpayers aren’t on the hook for more bailouts), the banks and their sycophants holding Senate and House seats made it sound like it’s the American […]

1.8M fraudulent transactions led banks to close accounts of innocent customers without warning or explanation

1.8M fraudulent transactions led banks to close accounts of innocent customers without warning or explanation Multiple suspicious activity reports (SARs) in banks most likely led to the eviction of customers’ accounts, and federal laws have little to say about the trigger for account cancellations. Reuters reported that in 2022, banks filed over 1.8 million SARs. […]

Big Banks LAYING OFF tens of thousands of workers, including over 20,000 employees in the U.S. alone

(NaturalNews) Big Banks all over the world are breaking records after laying off tens of thousands of employees, including over 20,000 American… Source

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