Posts Tagged ‘stopped’

ESG investing in “net zero” climate agenda “must be stopped,” say Republican agriculture commissioners, or food inflation and FAMINE will follow

(NaturalNews) Twelve Republican state agriculture commissioners have sent a letter to six of America’s largest mega-banks letting them know that the relatively new… Source

“It Must Be Stopped”: 12 Agriculture Officials Warn Largest U.S. Banks About Net Zero Agenda

A dozen Republican state agriculture commissioners have penned a letter to six U.S. megabanks, informing them that their push for ESG investing could wind up leading to price increases and may impact food availability. The letter was sent to executives at Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley and Wells Fargo and took exception […]

If Earth Stopped Using Oil 6 Billion Would Die

All over the United Kingdom and in some parts of Europe, orange vest-wearing climate fanatics are blocking traffic to raise awareness about their fears about oil and natural gas use, which at least one of their members says “is genocide.” It turns out that, were oil and gas to go away, upwards of six billion […]

The US Could Have Stopped Israel’s Genocide In Gaza, Opted For Unlimited Killing

The US government stood alone at the United Nations Security Council last Friday as it vetoed a resolution that called for a humanitarian ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. Every other nation spoke with passion about the humanitarian catastrophe unfolding, with most issuing condemnatory remarks. But the US chose to blame Hamas for the suffering of […]

Mr. Beast Must Be Stopped

Isn’t Mr Beast helping 500,000 black Africans have access to safe, clean drinking water just another form of colonialism? Please share this video! SUBSCRIBE on YouTube: Follow on Twitter: Follow @PrisonPlanet ——————————————————————————————————————— Brand new merch now available! Get it at ALERT! In the age of mass Silicon Valley censorship It is crucial that […]

One Regulation Could Have Stopped a Nationwide Car Theft Wave. Why Don’t We Have It?

The U.S. is dealing with an unprecedented wave of car thefts as thieves target some nine million Kias and Hyundais manufactured between 2011 and 2021. People who bought those vehicles had no idea they were buying cars with built-in vulnerabilities. Many have had their cars stolen multiple times, which causes real hardship in both stark […]

Britain Stopped Hitler’s Generals from Deposing Him in 1938

 (Admiral Wilhelm Canaris. Is this Masonic hand gesture the explanation of German generals’ docility?) In August 1938, the German General Staff  informed the British that they were ready to oust Hitler. All the British had to do was resist Hitler’s demands.  Instead, at Munich, they handed Czechoslovakiato him, its armaments and its gold. This is further  […]

‘No Free Press In America’: Tucker Carlson Reveals Deep State Stopped His Putin Interview

Unnamed figures in Washington D.C. stopped Tucker Carlson from interviewing Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to the former Fox News host who said the Deep State is determined to crush alternative media and restore legacy […] The post ‘No Free Press In America’: Tucker Carlson Reveals Deep State Stopped His Putin Interview appeared first on […]

Israel’s ‘slay-for-play’ practice must be stopped

For many Israelis, killing Palestinians with impunity is a state-sponsored sport. Source

France never stopped looting Africa, now the tables are turning

AUG 8, 2023 As developments in West Africa demonstrate, the francophone countries are no longer willing to accept French neo-colonialism. With the fear factor finally removed, Africa’s quest for genuine independence is steadily coming to fruition. Brad Pearce The 26 July coup in the West African nation of Niger, which threatens to undermine French and US military […]

Why I Stopped Resisting Jewish…

Why I Stopped Resisting Jewish Domination   by Lord Alfred Douglas  From The Autobiography of Lord Alfred Douglas (1929) pp.302-305 “No other paper, with the exception of The Morning Post did as much as Plain English to open the eyes of the public to what the Jews were doing…My present view about the Jews is that […]

The Proxy War Against Russia Could be Stopped Immediately and Thus a Third World War Prevented

The Proxy War Against Russia Could be Stopped Immediately and Thus a Third World War PreventedBy Dr. Rudolf HänselGlobal Research, July 12, 2023 Click the share button above to email/forward this article to your friends and colleagues. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles.*** The Role Model […]

Ukraine war: Russia claims it stopped ‘large scale’ Ukrainian military offensive

In a statement early Monday morning, the Ministry of Defence in Moscow claimed it had killed 250 Ukrainian soldiers and destroyed tanks – or if this was the long-anticipated Ukrainian counteroffensive. Russia says it has thwarted a large Ukrainian attack in the eastern province of Donetsk, although it’s not clear if this is the start […]

Charge Reduced for Indonesian Official Who Stopped Service

Local official Wawan Kurniawan stops worship service in Rajabasa Jaya village, Indonesia, on Feb. 19, 2023. (Morning Star News screenshot from YouTube) SURABAYA, Indonesia (Morning Star News) – Authorities have reduced a blasphemy charge to one of mere “intrusion” for an official on western Indonesia’s Sumatra Island who broke up a worship service, sources said.  […]

Israeli and US officials push to have Nakba events stopped

The Israeli government is pushing member countries to boycott the United Nations’ first official commemoration of the Palestinian Nakba. Source

His Daughter Vanished In A Tsunami And Nuclear Disaster. He Never Stopped Searching.

Norio Kimura shares the heartbreaking story of losing his 7-year-old daughter after the 2011 earthquake in Japan’s Tohoku region. Source

9/11 is When Russia’s Decline Stopped, End of Unipolarity – Crypto-jew Alexander Dugin

This video was very hard to find, had to do some serious digging to find it. This confirms that not only was the Israeli Mossad and its American collaborators behind the 9/11 false-flag, but that Soviet Russia assisted in the plot. Russia also had a lot to gain from the attacks and the Zio-constructed “War […]

‘Our Brains Have Stopped Working Right On Schedule’

‘Our Brains Have Stopped Working Right On Schedule’ – Terry Wolfe January 26, 2023 Decker *** “Contemplation goes extinct when we are always on our toes.” Our brains have stopped working right on schedule – Terry Wolfe – The hopeless state of rationality in a world bent on schizophrenia Are we living in a […]

Joy Behar: ‘All Gun Owners Have a Mental Illness’ and ‘Must Be Stopped Immediately’

The View co-host Joy Behar lashed out at law-abiding gun owners on Thursday, accusing those millions of Americans of having a “mental illness” and declaring they “must be stopped immediately.” “We need to grow up,” […] The post Joy Behar: ‘All Gun Owners Have a Mental Illness’ and ‘Must Be Stopped Immediately’ appeared first on […]

260,000 illegal immigrants have been stopped by Greece from Invading Europe in 2022

An official said on Saturday that Greek authorities stopped 260,000 migrants from entering the country illegally from Turkey in 2017. Takis Theodorikakos, Greece’s Minister for Citizens’ Protection, accompanied ambassadors from the European Union and the United Kingdom to the country’s border wall with Turkey, which is now being expanded. In order to lessen the burden […]

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