Posts Tagged ‘proxy’

Donald Trump’s Son-In-Law, Jared Kushner – Is He Proxy President?

U.S. president Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, which we weren’t aware of back in 2016 when Trump first came to power as president. It turns out that billionaire Jared Kushner owns a New York City building called 666 Fifth Avenue. His Company Lucent (Lucifer) Technologies Inc. conducts research into RFID chips, which are meant to […]

“Tranhausen By Proxy?” Parents’ Personality Disorders Driving Surge In Trans Kids: Psychiatrists


Boyle: Israel is a PROXY of the U.S. to control the Middle East and secure energy supplies

(NaturalNews) President Joe Biden has vowed all-out support to Israel amid the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip, where Israel has been mounting catastrophic… Source

Exclusive — Rep. Warren Davidson, Sen. Mike Lee Propose Bill to Define Ukraine ‘Proxy War’ Strategy to End ‘War Hawk Regime’s Latest Obsession’

Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH) introduced legislation to define America’s strategy with Ukraine and avoid “endless war.” Source

Ohio’s special election has become a proxy war over abortion rights

Millions of dollars are pouring into Ohio for a ballot measure that has become a proxy war for abortion rights. The measure, known as Issue 1, would raise the threshold for future ballot initiatives — moving the requirement for passage from a simple majority to 60 percent of the vote. In normal times, such a […]

The Proxy War Against Russia Could be Stopped Immediately and Thus a Third World War Prevented

The Proxy War Against Russia Could be Stopped Immediately and Thus a Third World War PreventedBy Dr. Rudolf HänselGlobal Research, July 12, 2023 Click the share button above to email/forward this article to your friends and colleagues. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles.*** The Role Model […]

USA Which Is Illegally In Syria Supporting Israel’s Proxy Terrorist Organization ISIS, Claims they are Illegally in Syria To Fight ISIS US Central Command lied Monday that US commandos Illegally Occupying Syria in an International war crime conducted a “successful” early morning helicopter raid on an ISIS hideout funded by the US taxpayer in Northern Syria, resulting in the death of a suspected senior Syrian ISIS leader. And the wheels of the Ratschild’s bus goes […]

ISIS (Israhell’s Proxy Terrorist Group) Holocaust Over 30 Syrians in Syria

‘ISIS Commander’ Arrested by Libyan Authorities Exposed as Israeli Mossad Agent Rothschild’s private fiefdom Illegally occupying Palestine, Israhell’s proxy terrorist group Israhell Secret Intelligence Service (ISIS) has Holocausted 26 or more Syrians people in an attack by Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) terrorists in Syria’s province of Hama, SANA news agency reported on Sunday. […]

US Meddling in Thai Elections: Seeking to Create an Anti-China Proxy

The Southeast Asian Kingdom of Thailand is slated to hold general elections in May of this year. Thailand, with the second largest economy in ASEAN and with a population of nearly 70 million people, has grown far too close to China for Washington’s liking. Because of this, Washington sees the elections as an opportunity to […]

What Happens Next In The Ukraine Proxy War? A New Russian Offensive In Spring

From the very beginning of the Ukraine conflict I have been following developments on both sides. My concern has always been the larger implications in geopolitics and economics. Because globalism has pushed most nations into interdependency, an ongoing war in Ukraine could very well set off a chain of dominoes that tests America’s already unstable […]

The US Wants To Train A Proxy Force To Fight Palestinians — CIA Intervenes Again

The US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, requested that the Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority (PA) accept Washington’s proposal to form a special Palestinian task force, trained by the US, that would hunt down Palestinian resistance fighters in the West Bank. The proposal follows a long history of anti-democratic intervention by the US government into Palestinian affairs […]

Don’t close your eyes to the US proxy war being waged against Iran

Former US national security advisor John Bolton says he wants “regime change” in Iran. He boasted earlier this month that weapons are being smuggled into the country from Iraqi Kurdistan. (Gage Skidmore/Flickr) With the Islamic Republic of Iran doing better than expected at this year’s football world cup, there has been a lot of disparaging […]

Israel’s assassination campaign continues among signs of proxy warfare in Nablus

Israel kills two Palestinians in 24 hours, including one resistance fighter, as confrontations also continue between Palestinians and the Palestinian Authority. Source

NATO prolongs the Ukraine proxy war, and global havoc

The Ukrainian military’s routing of Russian forces from Kharkiv, which relied extensively on US planning, weaponry and intelligence, has sparked triumphant declarations that the tide has turned. According to The Atlantic’s Anne Applebaum, “Americans and Europeans need to prepare for a Ukrainian victory,” one so overwhelming that it may well bring “about the end of Putin’s regime.” Beyond the […]

Lend-lease: A Declaration of Proxy War on Russia for all Practical Purposes?

The American policymakers, when wanting to isolate and antagonise Russia, must have asked, “What ‘redline’ would have to be crossed for Putin to act?” In retrospect, in light of Putin’s Victory Day Speech which coincided with Russian successes in the Donbass region and the East of Ukraine as a whole, the answer is clear. Did […]

On Ukraine, ‘progressive’ proxy warriors spell disaster

The unanimous vote by progressive lawmakers for the $40 billion Ukraine funding bill has been followed by a near-unanimous refusal to defend it. To date, no member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus – with the sole exception of Cori Bush – has publicly explained why they chose to hand over billions of dollars to the weapons […]

Mike Benz: Bill Gates Opened a ‘Pandora’s Box’ of Censorship in Proxy War Against Elon Musk

Mike Benz, a former diplomat in Donald Trump’s State Department and the founder of the new anti-censorship organization the Foundation for Freedom Online, appeared on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with Alex Marlow this morning to discuss Breitbart’s report on Bill Gates’ network of NGOs, and their war against Elon Musk.

Funding the Ukraine proxy war, Bernie Sanders and the Squad abandon progressives and peace

By voting to enrich the US arms industry and escalate a proxy war against Russia, Congressional progressives are enabling a militarist agenda that threatens their political cause, and the planet.

Stop The Denial: Ukraine Is A Proxy War That Will Lead To Wider World War

At the onset of the Russian incursion into Ukraine I argued in my article ‘Order Out Of Chaos: How The Ukraine Conflict Is Designed To Benefit Globalists‘ that US boots would be on the ground within a few months. I was wrong – As it turns out, US and European military boots were ALREADY on […]

Mitch McConnell Donates to Liz Cheney, Joining GOP Proxy War

The ringleader of the establishment Republicans, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), announced on Thursday a donation to Democrat ally Rep. Liz Cheney’s (R-WY) reelection campaign. Cheney, who is no longer recognized as a Republican by the Wyoming GOP, has received a campaign contribution from the Senate GOP leader, McConnell told Axios. When asked if he will hold a fundraiser or […]

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