Posts Tagged ‘disorders’

“Tranhausen By Proxy?” Parents’ Personality Disorders Driving Surge In Trans Kids: Psychiatrists


After Long Silence On ‘Long Vax’, Science Magazine Links Autoimmune Disorders To COVID Shots

Science reported that in addition to abnormal blood clotting and heart inflammation, the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines give rise to “another apparent complication”. Source

3 Reasons why Americans suffer from sleep disorders

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) A study by the American College of Cardiology has found that up to eight percent of deaths from any cause could be attributed to poor sleep patterns. Those with healthier sleep habits, meanwhile, are less likely to die prematurely.Sadly, many Americans have poor sleep patterns. In fact, a recent survey conducted by … […]

Studies show high percentages of transgender individuals have debilitating personality disorders, autism

(Natural News) It may come as no surprise that people who wish to mutilate their genitals are experiencing some type of mental illness, but one study shows just how strong the need for psychological help is among people seeking sex reassignment surgery. Researchers at the Iran University of Medical Sciences found that 81 percent of… […]

Thousands of Scandinavian Women Report Menstrual Disorders After Vaccination Against COVID-19

Thousands of Scandinavian women have reported menstrual disorders after being vaccinated against COVID-19. In Sweden, there have been as many as 400 cases, according to the Medical Products Agency, while Denmark has reported over 1,000 cases of menstrual abnormalities in connection with the vaccination. Image: © AP Photo / David Goldman “These are menstrual abnormalities […]

Neurological Disorders, Cardiac Problems, Blood Clots, & DEATH Follow These Kill Shots

by Admin · Published July 19, 2021 · Updated July 19, 2021 “Jabbed” about the Covid-19 Non-Vaccines ( Source

Europe: 19,916 ‘Eye Disorders’ Including Blindness Following COVID Vaccines

by Celeste McGovern Hundreds of cases of blindness are among the 19,916 reports of “eye disorders” to the World Health Organization’s European drug monitoring agency following injection of experimental COVID-19 vaccines. Image: The nearly 20,000 eye disorders reported to VigiBase, a database for the WHO maintained by the Uppsala Monitoring Centre(UMC) in Uppsalla, Sweden, […]

Latest VAERS Data Show Reports of Blood Clotting Disorders After All Three Emergency Use Authorization Vaccines

The Most Revolutionary Act By  Megan Redshaw VAERS data released today showed 795 reports related to blood clotting disorders with 400 attributed to Pfizer, 337 to Moderna and 56 to Johnson & Johnson between Dec. 14, 2020 and April 8, 2021. Data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the […]

FDA: Death, heart attacks, stroke, blood disorders all possible side effects of COVID vaccine

The Most Revolutionary Act < By Michael HaynesLife Ste WASHINGTON D.C, December 8, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – A document drawn up by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), listing the possible side-effects from a COVID-19 vaccine, includes strokes, encephalitis, auto-immune disease, birth defects, and Kawasaki disease among the potential side-effects to be monitored. A slideshow presentation compiled by […]

The Root Cause of Mental, Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: A Dysfunctional Digestive System

November 18th, 2020 By Raluca Schachter Contributing writer for Wake Up World What do depression, anxiety, ADHD, autism, epileptic seizures and many other mental and behavioral disorders have in common? A dysfunctional digestive system. The digestive system has been called the “second brain”. The enteric nervous system (ENS), a branch of the autonomic nervous system, which is […]

Related Epidemics? Teen Mental Health Crisis & Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Next Story Via The World Mercury Project Team It has never been easy to be an adolescent, but by the look of things, twenty-first century teenagers may be having a harder time than ever. One contributing factor—the one that public health agencies and the media seem most willing to discuss—is a ballooning epidemic of mental health problems in teens. […]

How Statins Can Cause Heart Problems, Neurodegenerative Disorders Like Parkinson’s

Next Story If you’ve never heard of the commonly used pharmaceutical drug “Statin,” it’s basically a prescription used to decrease “bad” cholesterol levels. It’s common for people with heart disease to take them, despite the fact that half of all heart attacks occur in people with normal cholesterol levels. In reality, cholesterol doesn’t necessarily cause heart disease. […]

Antidepressant exposure in utero increases risk of psychiatric disorders in children

     Antidepressant use during pregnancy is tied to an increased risk of psychiatric illnesses, especially mood disorders, in children, according to a new study. The overall risk is low, though. Only about 3 percent of the nearly 905,383 children in the study were diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder by age 16. But compared to the […]

How to Help Heal Mental Health Disorders with Nutrition

September 16th, 2017 By Dr. Joseph Mercola Contributing writer for Wake Up World Can you use specific nutrients to improve your mental health? Yes, you can. William Walsh, Ph.D., president of the nonprofit Walsh Research Institute in Naperville, Illinois, and author of “Nutrient Power: Heal Your Biochemistry and Heal Your Brain“, specializes in nutrient-based psychiatry and nutritional […]

Pregnant women who take antidepressants increase risk of psychiatric disorders for their kids

(Natural News) Mothers-to-be who are mulling over the decision about whether to take antidepressants while pregnant might want to take note of a recent study out of Aarhus University that reveals that doing so raises a child’s risk of having a psychiatric disorder later in life. In the study, which looked at nearly a million […]

Top 5 reasons "ADD" and "ADHD" are misdiagnosed and often NOT actually disorders at all

(Natural News) You’ve heard it before and you’ve probably experienced it yourself – you just can’t seem to pay attention long enough in some class to absorb the information, or you’ve already learned what is necessary and you’re bored out of your mind. Other classmates keep asking too many questions and the teacher keeps repeating […]

Low-Dose Naltrexone: A Miracle Therapy for Fibromyalgia, Cancer and Autoimmune Disorders?

August 5th, 2017 By Carolanne Wright Contributing writer for Wake Up World A little known therapy is gaining ground in treating some of our most devastating disorders and diseases: low-dose naltrexone (LDN). Originally used to help heroin and opiate addicts overcome their addiction, naltrexone works by attaching to the opioid receptors in the brain, which in […]

Oxford University: Vaccines Cause Autoinflammatory Disorders

Doctors should not take a one-size-fits-all approach to vaccination schedules, and should be very cautious when administering vaccines to patients with different health concerns and medical histories, according to a new academic study published by the Oxford University journal Rheumatology. The study investigated the reactions to vaccines in patients with cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes (CAPS) and found that many have […]

USDA running massive glyphosate cover-up, refuses to test foods for traces of cancer-causing herbicide chemical used on GM crops

(NaturalNews) Consumer groups have been calling on the U.S. government to test foods for glyphosate residues on behalf of the public, amid a growing body of evidence showing that the chemical is harmful to human health. Microbiologist Bruce Hemming was hired two years ago to test breast milk samples for residues of glyphosate, […]

Jo Cox Murder Suspect: “Death to traitors, freedom for Britain”

Thomas Mair accused of murdering Labour MP Jo Cox appeared in court on Saturday. Labour MP Jo Cox, 41, a humanitarian and a mother of two, was stabbed and shot to death outside her surgery in Birstall on Thursday. Mair gave his name as “Death to traitors, freedom for Britain” during his first court appearance. […]

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