Posts Tagged ‘therapy’

South Carolina Bans Sex Change Surgeries & Hormone Therapy For Minors

South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster has signed into law a ban on sex change surgeries and hormones for minors. The law became effective immediately after being signed by the governor and makes South Carolina the […] The post South Carolina Bans Sex Change Surgeries & Hormone Therapy For Minors appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Germophobia Therapy: Reality Check Edition

The following is an excerpt from Chapter 1 of Fear of a Microbial Planet: How a Germophobic Safety Culture Makes Us Less Safe. When my sister goes into a hotel room for the first time, she takes a container of disinfecting wipes with her, and wipes down every surface that could have conceivably come into contact […]

DARPA & Moderna teamed up to create mRNA Gene Therapy Injections which led to a Deadly COVID “Vaccine”

BY THE EXPOSÉ ON SEPTEMBER 21, 2023 • ( 10 COMMENTS ) DARPA has openly bragged on Twitter that Moderna’s mRNA vaccine technology, and by extension Moderna’s Covid vaccine, was a product of their ADEPT program. Below, Spartacus takes a look at the paper trail that shows Moderna is just another front in the Biodefence Mafia. The introduction of foreign nucleic acids […]

Dr. Len Ber, Ozone Therapy Proponent, has worked with DARPA and the CIA on Mind Control.

I think it’s time to start looking at the Front Line Protocol proponents a little closer. They are clearly a tight knit bunch, and very few deviate from the narratives. If we look really close, we can see the anatomy of controlled opposition. Recently I was asked about Oxone Therapy promoted by Dr. Len Ber. […]

DARPA & Moderna Teamed Up To Create mRNA Gene Therapy Injections Which Led To ‘Covid’ Jabs

Moderna is just another front in the Biodefence Mafia. DARPA has openly boasted that Moderna’s mRNA vaccine technology, and by extension Moderna’s so called Covid Vaccine, was a product of their ADEPT program. ADEPT is […] The post DARPA & Moderna Teamed Up To Create mRNA Gene Therapy Injections Which Led To ‘Covid’ Jabs appeared […]

Germophobia Therapy: Hand Sanitizer Edition

During the COVID pandemic, the world was drowned in a flood of hand sanitizer. At my daughters’ school, every classroom had a tower dispenser right at the door, and kids were forced to apply every time they entered the room. Some kids took things even further, likely encouraged by their parents, keeping an extra bottle […]

Chemo-Therapy and Radiation is Just Another Lie pureblood – August 1st, 2023 Source

Media Continue to Lie About Gene Therapy Jab


New Research Paper: mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Are Gene Therapy Products

Now that the pandemic has ended, researchers are urging regulatory agencies to consider the safety issues associated with the rapid approval of COVID-19 vaccines—and to correctly classify messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines as gene therapy products (GTPs) to prevent pharmaceutical companies from bypassing regulatory standards. Source

Texas Bans Transgender Hormone Therapy for Children

    Texas has become the latest state to ban children from receiving puberty blockers and hormone treatments billed by the left as “gender-affirming care.” CNN reported: Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott on Friday signed into law a ban on gender-affirming care for most minors in the state, making Texas the largest state in the […]

Texas Bans Hormone Therapy & Puberty Blockers For Children

Texas has become latest state to ban transgender kids from receiving hormone treatments and puberty blockers which the left describe as “gender-affirming care.” The bill #SB14 was signed into law by governor Greg Abbott and goes ino effect on September 1 Of course, there was uproar from some quarters…..The American Civil Liberties Union even defended […]

Psilocybin therapy for depression appears to have a curious effect on the brain’s response to music

Psilocybin therapy for depression appears to have a curious effect on the brain’s response to music by Eric W. Dolan May 12, 2023 Patients tend to have a stronger brain response to music the day after receiving psilocybin-assisted therapy, according to new research published in the Journal of Affective Disorders. The stronger response to music […]

What is Terrain Therapy?

From Dr Sam Bailey @ If you’ve not come across NZ MD, Dr Sam Bailey yet, check out her website & video channels (link above). In short, true health is not found in a bottle of pharmaceutical pills as most of us have been trained to believe. Featured here is Dr Bailey’s book by […]

Ancient Maggot and Leech Therapy Sees Revival to Fight Antibiotic Resistance

A sharp increase in global antibiotic resistance has caused scientists to search for viable alternatives. Read more Section:  News Science & Space History Ancient Traditions Read Later  Source

This Type of Therapy Can Save Your Eyes

Note: Due to censorship of Dr Mercola’s articles he archives them to paid sub soon after publishing. I’ve therefore published this in its entirety however you may find the source link will no longer work. EWR Story at-a-glance Vision is one of your five senses and protecting it has an impact on your overall physical […]

Terrain Therapy

December 6th, 2022. Buy Terrain Therapy: Buy Virus Mania Paperback: _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over A unified pushback against the globalist agenda It’s finally here, the Global Walkout begins September 4th at 8pm London time and continue every weeks. Next step december 11th. One step at a time, hand in hand, we are […]

Rediscovering the Art and Science of Sound Therapy

Rediscovering the Art and Science of Sound Therapy Posted on: Thursday, October 13th 2022 Written By: John Stuart Reid John Stuart Reid and Annaliese Reid illustrate how sound is fast regaining its place as a powerful healing modality. Having first been used by the ancients, sound therapy has undergone a period of re-discovery and is now poised […]

Video: Bayer Exec Confesses mRNA Shots Are ‘Gene Therapy’ Marketed as ‘Vaccines’

Big Pharma companies used the global pandemic to trick the public into receiving experimental mRNA gene therapy, a top executive has confessed. Speaking at the opening of the World Health Summit 2021 last November, Bayer Pharmaceuticals Division President Stefan Oelrich confessed that if the public hadn’t been brainwashed into a state of fear, the experimental […]

Covid Jabs are an Example of “Cell and Gene Therapy”. Endorsed by the WHO, Big Pharma, the WEF and the EU

By Free West Media Global Research, January 03, 2022 Theme: Biotechnology and GMO, Science and Medicine It is no longer a conspiracy theory: In the course of this year’s World Health Summit, Stefan Oelrich, CEO of pharmaceutical giant Bayer, referred to the mRNA jabs as “cell and gene therapy” in his speech. Mockingly, he […]

Woke Colleges Offering ‘Therapy’ for Students ‘Traumatized’ by Rittenhouse Verdict

Dozens of far-left colleges and universities across America are now offering ‘therapy’ for students ‘traumatized’ by the Rittenhouse verdict. Yes, really. The Libs of Tik Tok Twitter account shared a list of hysterical reactions by administrators at colleges, universities, and even high schools across America to the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict. reports: We’ve broken down […]

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