Posts Tagged ‘edition’

Vote With Your Wallet: The Top 5 Black Friday Deals (Parallel Economy Edition)

(Note: Thank you for supporting this sponsored message, which helps keep this Substack running to bring you uncensored news). This Christmas, don’t give a penny of your hard-earned money buying gifts from corporations that hate you. Last week, Apple, Comcast, Disney, IBM, and more announced they were willing to pull the plug on X based […]

Germophobia Therapy: Reality Check Edition

The following is an excerpt from Chapter 1 of Fear of a Microbial Planet: How a Germophobic Safety Culture Makes Us Less Safe. When my sister goes into a hotel room for the first time, she takes a container of disinfecting wipes with her, and wipes down every surface that could have conceivably come into contact […]

Pearl Harbour: Gulf Edition – coming soon?

Last Saturday, the world looked on as the Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas movement, launched Operation Al-Asqa Flood, the largest military incursion into the state of Israel since the 1973 October War, the 50th anniversary of which had occurred just one day beforehand. Though lauded by many as a legitimate military response […]

Lux Luthor — Part 3: Monopoly Board: the New Zealand Edition with Social Impact Bonds to Manage Crises!

From Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards @ substack In Part 3 “Monopoly Board”, the National Party’s stealthy social engineering agenda is teased out through a re-examination of Chris Luxon’s rhetoric on how he’d fix the nation if he were Prime Minister. The reader is steered to a proposed ‘Social Investment Fund’, stashed in the bowels of National’s […]

The Apprentice: GOP Primary Edition – Trump Slams Opponents as ‘Job Candidates’

Former President Donald Trump bashed his Republican primary opponents on Wednesday while speaking to striking autoworkers in Michigan, stating they “are all running for a job” in his administration if he is elected and that he does not think he sees vice president material in the field.  Source

Germophobia Therapy: Hand Sanitizer Edition

During the COVID pandemic, the world was drowned in a flood of hand sanitizer. At my daughters’ school, every classroom had a tower dispenser right at the door, and kids were forced to apply every time they entered the room. Some kids took things even further, likely encouraged by their parents, keeping an extra bottle […]

Interview 1819 – From My Cold, Dead Hands! (AM Radio Edition) – #NewWorldNextWeek

This week on the New World Next Week: the WHO admits aspartame causes cancer; the BRICS are set to expand as the New World Order takes shape according to plan; and AM radio in cars may be a thing of the past. The post Interview 1819 – From My Cold, Dead Hands! (AM Radio Edition) […]

MAGA GOP vs The Rule of Law: Trump Indictment Edition

Analysis Former President Donald Trump was indicted and arraigned this week on multiple criminal charges arising from his obstruction of an FBI investigation into classified documents he took from the White House, kept in boxes in a bathroom and ballroom at his Mar-a-Lago estate, and showed to people without security clearances. Reactions from Trump and […]

Appendix 203: “Eyes Wide Open: Lockdown Edition” (2020) Book pdf by Fiona Barnett, Australian SRA/Mind Control/Child-Sex Trafficking Victim, Whistleblower, and TI

I. Eyes Wide Open, 3rd Edition, by Fiona Barnett, 2020. pdf Contents Introduction I. The LuciferianCover-up 1. Watergate was Pedogate 2. Royal Whitewash 3. Victorian Pedophile Network 4. NSW Pedophile Network 5. Bond University Pedophile Network 6. Satan’s Seat 7. Witches in the Workplace 8. Conspiracy Fact II. The Luciferian Philosophy 9. Soviet-Fascist Agenda 10. […]

Bud Light Attempts To Win Back Christians With John MacArthur Edition

ST LOUIS, MO — Finding themselves in hot water with Christians and conservatives this week, Anheuser-Busch has extended an olive branch to the Christian community with its new John MacArthur edition of Bud Light. Source

Bad-clown Rising – MINDLESS Edition

Bad-clown Rising – GHOSTED Edition

Bad-clown Rising – RETRACTED Edition



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The Daily Wrap Up: Clean Up Edition – All The Unseen Tabs

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Email | RSS Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (9/10/22). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for […]

Joel Osteen Releases New Edition Of Bible With All Words Redacted

HOUSTON, TX — Houston pastor Joel Osteen has released an exciting new study Bible where he has carefully gone through and redacted every single word of the text: The Redacted Study Bible. Osteen is calling the new edition of the Bible “the most transparent study Bible in history” and claims the redactions were made for […]

Putin Says He Will Only Trade Brittney Griner For A First Edition Foil Charizard

MOSCOW — As the U.S. State Department continues to negotiate with the Kremlin for the release of Brittney Griner, Russian President Vladimir Putin has made it clear that he will not let go of the WNBA star for anything less than a 1st edition foil Charizard Pokemon card. Source

‘Syrian chemical attack’ – Ukraine edition coming soon?

Over the past two weeks, media headlines worldwide have been dominated by the Russian military intervention in Ukraine – launched in response to almost nine years of Western provocations, beginning with the CIA and MI6 orchestrated Euromaidan colour revolution in November 2013, following then-President Viktor Yanukovych’s decision to suspend an EU trade deal in favour […]

Watch top news stories today | January 10th – Evening edition

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Watch top news stories today | January 8th – Evening edition

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