Posts Tagged ‘words’

What is “international law” really? All words but no teeth? Novara Media discusses

A Big Thank You A big thank you to those of you who attended the AV13 Conference in Milton Keynes. It was fantastic to finally get back together and welcome old friends and newcomers to a very enjoyable and memorable event. We are already already working on the next AV events. If you didn’t make […]

Malcolm X’s final written words were about Zionism. Here is what he said.

The ongoing genocide in Gaza, coupled with the recent martyrdom anniversary of Malcolm X, has sparked interest in what the renowned activist thought and wrote about Palestine. But a reader of The Autobiography of Malcolm X would learn little; indeed, there is no mention of Malcolm’s 1964 trip to Gaza, or of his scathing article […]

Full spectrum warfare: Israel’s weaponization of words against Palestine

MAR 7, 2024 Photo Credit: The Cradle Ali Choukeir He mobilized the English language and sent it to the field. In a multipolar world where great powers are vying to influence global public opinion, language is paramount. “Words, after all, are the building blocks of our psychology“and shape our perception of good and evil, right […]

Words and Numbers run the world

In this episode Richard Vobes is joined by author, Gary Fraughen, to learn about the occult secrets of words and numbers. Richard Vobes “I am Richard Vobes, also known as The Bald Explorer and now also as one half of The English Couple. I have begun to use this channel to express my concerns over […]

Weasel words

“Crimestop means the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments if they are inimical to Ingsoc, and of being bored or repelled by any train of thought which […]

Words and Wisdoms of Franco Vitaliano

Let me introduce you to the voice of Franco Vitaliano via his alias Francis Vale from his VXM website and his”Got A Bug Up Your Ass?” podcasts from July 2005. Franco discusses God and evolution, quantum computers, “shit house science”, … clearly an atheist and sees multiverse as better and mentions a virus brought by […]

In his own truthful words — A remorseful IDF soldier (Video)


PLANNED UKRAINE GENOCIDE THEN RE-POPULATION IN THE JEWS OWN WORDS The genocide of Ukraine’s young men would appear to be part of a Zionist master plan for a NEW ISRAEL Source

Here’s a New One… Joe Biden Starts Screaming, Mumbling, Garbling His Words During Speech to the Gays

Here’s a New One… Joe Biden Starts Screaming, Mumbling, Garbling His Words During Speech to the Gays Source


“The Wounded Knee Massacre: The Forgotten History of the Native American Gun Confiscation” Source

Indo-European words for God – The Meaning of God Through Etymological Exploration

A look at the meaning for words for god or the gods in various Indo-European languages. This is Source

New Words For An Old Ceremony

New Words For An Old Ceremony September 25 2023 Also Watch: On Brother Nathanael Channel! HERE! ___________________________________ More Vids! Let’s Do Jewish Memes! Here! +BN Classic! 9/11–’Jewish Remembrance Month!’ Here! +BN Vids Archive! HERE! ___________________________________ Support The Brother Nathanael Foundation! Br Nathanael Fnd Is Tax Exempt/EIN 27-2983459 Or Send Your Contribution To: The Brother Nathanael […]

Nobel Words on Paper, No Constitution or Contract, Can Overcome The The Evil In The Souls Of A People With No Honor

I used to blame the little children raping, bribe tanking, insider trading treasonous whores from DC for the 3ed world evil shit hole America has become. But then I realized no matter who is blackmailing the political prostitutes with videos of raping underage children, taking brines and such, if the people of America did not […]

POLITICO’s Przybyla: Other than Hunter’s Own Words, GOP Doesn’t Have Evidence Against Joe

On Friday’s edition of PBS’s “Washington Week with The Atlantic,” Politico National Investigative Correspondent Heidi Przybyla stated that the only documentation Republicans have for the claims behind the impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden “is a family cell phone plan” Source

‘Forgive me, dad’: Last words of Libya teen killed in deadly Derna floods

Deadly floods in Libya caused by a huge storm swept through the eastern Derna city, where families were left scattered or killed entirely as Storm Daniel has ravaged the region, Anadolu Agency reports. The devastating Mediterranean storm on Sunday hit the eastern region of Libya, causing massive floods in Derna and leaving thousands dead and […]


German Primer – Words to Kameraden

The either/or of this war for Germany, and for Europe, is the choice between money or blood. It is a war for Europe’s peace. A world order that earns its money with human blood should be destroyed! Source

Catch Words For Ticklish Goys

Catch Words For Ticklish Goys August 22 2023 Watch: ‘Censor-Free!’ HERE! ___________________________________ More Vids! The Good Jew Here! +BN Classic! Invasion Of The Nation Snatchers Here! +BN Vids Archive! HERE! ___________________________________ Support The Brother Nathanael Foundation! Br Nathanael Fnd Is Tax Exempt/EIN 27-2983459 Or Send Your Contribution To: The Brother Nathanael Foundation, POB 547, Priest […]

Words and Wisdoms of EQORIA’s James Qor Angelo.

IMPORTANT MESSAGE: In the Vitaliano patents he specifically said that this technology was not AI but a self learning system attached to a Quantum Computer. In my assessment and on speaking with James Angelo…. if people don’t know they have the Nanotechnology in them then they will get sick because that is all they FEAR….illness, […]

ACH (2152) Edgar Steele – In His Own Words…

Unfortunately due to illness there will be no Limeys show today. However, in today’s show originally broadcast on May 15 2023, Andy presents a fascinating prison interview with Edgar Steele which took place in 2011, and is believed to be his last recorded interview. You can either listen to the audio of the interview via […]

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