Posts Tagged ‘teeth’

What is “international law” really? All words but no teeth? Novara Media discusses

A Big Thank You A big thank you to those of you who attended the AV13 Conference in Milton Keynes. It was fantastic to finally get back together and welcome old friends and newcomers to a very enjoyable and memorable event. We are already already working on the next AV events. If you didn’t make […]

The Fourth Beast with Teeth of Iron

Originally posted on Red Sky in the morning: The prophet Daniel wrote amazingly detailed prophecies, particularly about our times. Alexander the Great was predicted in the Old Testament Book of Daniel before he was born, and when he visited Jerusalem, the high priest showed Alexander those Bible prophecies about his reign. That’s how accurate Daniel… […]

Queen Elizabeth I Had Beggarly Black Teeth

Queen Elizabeth I of England was particularly fond of sugar. This was a time of great conquests and explorations to the New World for the royal houses of Europe, accompanied by expanding trade and the arrival of exotic luxury goods, including sugar. Read more Section:  News Weird Facts Read Later  Source

‘Gold Teeth’ Ukraine Recovered From ‘Russian Mini-Auschwitz Torture Chamber’ Were Actually From Village Dentist – Report

The Ukrainian Defense Ministry on Tuesday posted a photograph of a box of “gold dental crowns” they claimed were extracted from Ukrainian victims in a “torture chamber” in Pisky-Radkivski they dubbed a “mini Auschwitz.” Source

NATO’s closest unit to Ukraine war bares its teeth in Romania

NATO’s closest unit to the war in Ukraine has been carrying out scheduled military exercises to prepare for a possible invasion. Based in Romania near Ukraine’s southern border, soldiers held a dress rehearsal for enemy forces advancing from the north. The NATO battlegroup, which consists of French and Dutch soldiers, was deployed there as a direct […]

Researchers Find Evidence that Teeth Evolved from The Scales of Sharks

When it comes to determining the origin of various body parts and systems in mammals and other creatures, evolutionary scientists are confronted with an endless number of complex puzzles to solve. Read more Section:  News Evolution & Human Origins Read Later 

Shea Lies Through Her Teeth as Lebanon’s Electricity Crisis Worsens

August 30, 2022 By Mohammad Youssef More than a year ago, US Ambassador to Lebanon Dorothy Shea has given a promise to help Lebanon with power supplies from Egypt and Jordan. A year later, all those promises have proven to be utter lies. Meanwhile, the new Iranian ambassador to Lebanon, Mojtaba Amani, has repeated his […]

Fossil Teeth Offer New Insights Into Human and Primate History

A new window into human history has been opened up by a global team of scientists who have discovered an innovative method to identify ancient seasonal climates using teeth. The scientists have developed a novel way to establish the role that ancient seasonal climates and behaviours played in the development of both primates and humans, […]

These Anti-Stress Magnesium Gummies Finally Stopped My Teeth Grinding

It was summer 2021, and my jaw had been clenched tight for almost a year, with no end in sight. As a result, it got sore when I stretched it out and tired when I ate literally anything. I was terrified of what the dentist would think. At first I assumed it was just a […]

Ancient Romans Brushed Their Teeth with Urine

While today we flush our urine away without giving it a second thought, in ancient times it was considered a valuable commodity. Urine contains a wide array of important minerals and chemicals such as phosphorus and potassium.  Read more Section:  News Weird Facts Read Later 

Ancient Norse Teeth Plaque Helps Explain Pandemics

A team of Norwegian scientists have been tracking the evolution of diseases in medieval bodies. Not only have they added to the understanding of how diseases become pandemics, but they’ve revealed new insights into the long-term effects of ‘elite breeding’ patterns. Ready for a mouthful? Salmonella enterica serovar Paratyphi C causes what’s known as ‘enteric […]

France ships Police Armed to the Teeth to Black Island of Guadeloupe to Stop Vaccine Riots

    France has imposed a curfew on its overseas territory of Guadeloupe and is sending extra police to the island, citing days of “violence,” unrest and vandalism in response to harsh pandemic restrictions. “Given the ongoing social unrest and acts of vandalism, the prefect of Guadeloupe has decided to establish a curfew starting today […]

Paranthropus “Nutcracker” Teeth Theory Debunked in New Study

Living approximately between 2.6 million years ago and 0.6 million years ago, the  Paranthropus genus is closely related to our genus,  Homo sapiens , serving as a long-standing close fossil relative to our species. They lived from the end of the Pliocene to the Middle Pleistocene, and both these genera are believed to have evolved from […]

80-Million-Year-Old Shark Teeth Found in the City Of David, Israel

A stash of 29 “out of place” 80-million-year-old shark teeth have been discovered at a 2,900-year-old site in the City of David neighborhood in Jerusalem, Israel. The find has challenged scientists as the ancient teeth were discovered over 50 miles (80 km) away from where such fossils are generally discovered. Archaeologists used isotopic dating to […]

Blinken lied through his teeth about Israeli and U.S. accountability to victims– that’s the real scandal

Daniel Larison made the central point about the Ilhan Omar controversy. People should be outraged about Antony Blinken’s comment and not hers. “The real outrage in this exchange was Blinken’s claim that victims of U.S. and Israeli war crimes can get justice from the governments responsible for those crimes, because all of us, Blinken included, […]

8,000-Year-Old Elk Teeth “Dancing Rattlers” Are Recreated

Imagine this: 8,000-years-ago ancient hunters ritualistically danced wearing rattling elk teeth to enhance their hypnotic states of consciousness. Now, a Finish researcher has recreated an ancient elk tooth rattle and danced while wearing it for six hours, thereby accessing the soundscape of the ancient world. The researcher recreated the 8,000-year-old ritual clothing and after a […]

Putin: If They Try To Bite Russia, We’ll Knock Out Their Teeth So That They Cannot Bite!

Posted on May 24, 2021 by martyrashrakat [please make sure to press on the ‘cc’ at the bottom of the screen to see the English subtitles] May 20, 2021 [embedded content] Share this: Like this: Like Loading… Related Filed under: NATO, Putin, Russia | Source

Putin Warns Enemies ‘If You Try To Bite Russia, We’ll Knock Out Your Teeth’

President Vladimir Putin has issued a stark warning to those who are are intent on bringing about the breakup of Russia. Putin said that Russia’s enemies are afraid of the size and the resources of his country. The country’s foreign foes dream about biting off pieces of the country’s vast territor, Putin claimed warning that […]

Mary Rose Crew Exposed By Teeth Analysis

A team of researchers in England have analyzed the teeth of eight crewmen recovered from King Henry VIII’s sunken ghost ship, the Mary Rose. Not only have the crew been dubbed a “multicultural” bunch, but the new research has even taken a stab at identifying each of their professions. The Mary Rose was the famous […]

After The Bear Showed Its Teeth The Ukraine Filed For Peace?

First the Ukraine said it would use force to recover the renegade Donbass region as well as Crimea. It then moved heavy troops towards the contact lines. The ceasefire at the contact line was broken multiple times per day. Several Ukrainian soldiers died while attempting to remove a minefield in preparation of an attack. It became clear […]

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