Posts Tagged ‘victims’

ICC Prosecutors Interview Gaza Victims Over Netanyahu War Crimes

International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutors have held meetings with the staff of Gaza’s two largest hospitals in order to gather evidence against Netanyahu for war crimes his administration has committed. Two unnamed sources confirmed to Reuters on […] The post ICC Prosecutors Interview Gaza Victims Over Netanyahu War Crimes appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Modern-day “Pirates of the Caribbean” make off with an American-own yacht, hijack victims feared dead

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Hungary Releases photos of victims targeted in Budapest by Italian Antifa

After Italy’s government criticized the treatment of a suspected Antifa terrorist who prosecutors say helped brutally beat innocent civilians in Hungary in February of last year, the Hungarian government has released photographs showing the damage to victims targeted by the gang. Viewer discretion is advised Authorities accuse the 39-year-old Ilaria Salis of being instrumental in […]

Facebook and YouTube Censored Victims of AstraZeneca COVID Vaccine

Some of the censored content included clips from the official UK Covid Inquiry. Source

The Palestinian People: Victims of Israeli Genocide, Media Propaganda, Human Heartlessness And Evangelical Hypocrisy

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Dr. Drew Reveals 50% of mRNA Victims Now Have ‘Permanent Heart Damage’

Fifty percent of young men who were told their cases of post-Covid vaccine myocarditis were mild and nothing to worry about now have “permanent heart damage” according to a new study. “It took my breath […] The post Dr. Drew Reveals 50% of mRNA Victims Now Have ‘Permanent Heart Damage’ appeared first on The People's […]

In US, Concern Over An Increasing Number Of Boy Victims Of Human Trafficking

Renegade Editor’s Note: Why do you think politicians were seeking to ensure a steady stream of “unaccompanied children”? Source

GOP lawmakers tap victims of violent crime as witnesses in latest effort to show DC is soft on crime 

House Republicans called victims of violent crimes in Washington, D.C., to act as witnesses in a Thursday Judiciary Committee hearing as part of their latest effort to highlight the abundance of violence in the District. GOP members of the subcommittee on crime and the federal government continued their months-long attempt to highlight the pitfalls of… […]

For Victims Of Morocco And Libya Disasters, Devastation Goes Beyond The Death Toll

“When people meet each other, they meet each other with condolences. The first question they asked is not who died, but who survived.” Source

South Korea Begins Paying Out MILLIONS to Victims of mRNA Jabs – No Questions Asked

The government in South Korea has agreed to begin paying out millions of dollars in compensation to victims of the COVID-19 vaccine, no questions asked. From September, families can get up to 30 million won […] The post South Korea Begins Paying Out MILLIONS to Victims of mRNA Jabs – No Questions Asked appeared first […]

‘Don’t just watch TV’, Libyan teacher rallies pupils to help flood victims

A Libyan headmistress in Tripoli gave an impassioned speech to her students in the wake of deadly floods in Derna, imploring them to act and not just watch the tragedy on TV. Despite an ongoing civil war, Libyans from across the divide are rallying to help their country-people in the flood affected areas, sending food […]

Hezbollah Offers Condolences to Families of Earthquake Victims in Morocco

September 9, 2023 Hezbollah issued on Saturday a statement which voices deep sympathy with the brotherly Moroccan people and affirms standing by them to face this tragic and painful repercussions of the powerful earthquake. The Resistance Party offered the families of the victims the deepest condolences and sympathy, asking God to grant the injured and afflicted […]

Sebastian Gorka: Jack Smith’s Hidden Victims

Spare a thought for the invisible victims of Special Counsel Jack Smith’s state-sponsored political persecution: humble, hardworking Americans like President Trump’s butler Walt Nauta and Mar-a-Lago’s property manager Carlos De Oliveira. Source

‘It’s Murder’: Remdesivir Victims Decry FDA’s Shocking New Move

There is no “SARS-COV-02” “virus” lyingly said to “cause” the mythical “COVID-19” “illness. 217 health/science institutions worldwide all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever No Worries No Virus There never was a pandemic. There was a SCAMDEMIC Which was perpetrated on humans with the help of the 30 […]

Predators Victims Reveal the Nature of the Predator If Only We Listen

Deborah Schurman-Kauflin Ph.D. Disturbed MASS SHOOTINGS The Ghosts of Norway: How the Victims Tell Us About Murderer Anders Breivik How victims of mass murder tell us about their killers Posted August 2, 2011 Share Tweet Share Email So much has been written about Anders Breivik, but little has focused on the victims of the atrocities. As […]

Victims of US military action meet in Hanoi to discuss the disposal of hazardous chemicals

On July 5, the ASEAN Working Group on Chemicals and Waste held a meeting in Hanoi, the capital of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. In addition to the ASEAN member states, other countries in the Asia-Pacific region also participated in the meeting. The agenda included the issue of the proper treatment and disposal of hazardous […]

Turkish aid agency inaugurates park in Palestine to honor victims of 2016 defeated coup

Turkiye’s development aid agency has inaugurated a new park in the occupied West Bank in memory of the victims of the defeated July 2016 coup bid, reports Anadolu Agency. “On July 15, under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkish people blocked a treacherous and bloody coup and invasion attempt,” Ankara’s Consulate General […]

Domestic Abusers Are Using Abortion Bans to Control Their Victims

When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, people warned abortion bans would become another tool for people to abuse their partners. A year later, early data indicates those warnings were right. In the year before Roe fell, roughly 1,230 people told the National Domestic Violence Hotline that they had endured some kind of what […]

NCLA Challenges Government’s Censorship of Support Groups for Victims of Covid Vaccine Injuries

Originally published on Today, the New Civil Liberties Alliance, a nonpartisan, nonprofit civil rights group, filed a lawsuit challenging the Source

Oprah is an Evil HANDLER of Victims For the Sick Degenerate Elite Rapists…As FAKE As They Come

Comment:  Oprah is about GREED , GREED, Greed, works for the Degenerate CABAL and the British Monarchy & Empire. Source

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