Posts Tagged ‘control’

Mark Glenn – Satanist Rabbis Control Israeli Leaders

“Israeli leaders take their ‘cue’ from the Rabbinical class, the real power brokers behind this anti-Gentile criminal conspiracy known as ‘La Kosher Nostra’…as much as defenders of the Jewish State constantly paint it as a ‘democracy’, it ISN’T. It is a theocracy that…wears the outward appearance of being a western, liberal, secular entity, but which […]

Total Control: Weaponized Psyops And How The Government Normalizes Totalitarianism

From engineered violence to the manufactured culture war and propaganda fueled “entertainment”, the methods the federal government has at its disposal to manipulate the minds of the masses are as numerous as the crimes they have committed. Becoming aware of it is the first step towards resisting it. THE FREE THOUGHT PROJECT JUL 11, 2024 […]

Bird Flu Plandemic 2.0 — Another Attempt to Control the Food System and Make a Profit

READ HERE:   Source


The Constitution says that ‘intercourse among the States … shall be absolutely free’. When the Commonwealth tried to stop Dulcie Johnson crossing state borders to see her fiancé one last time before he headed off to war in World War II, it failed. When Western Australia closed its border to Clive Palmer during the COVID […]

“Damage Control Underway”: Cargo Ship Hit By Missile In Gulf Of Aden In Suspected Attack By Houthi Rebels

“Damage Control Underway”: Cargo Ship Hit By Missile In Gulf Of Aden In Suspected Attack By Houthi Rebels More than six months since the Biden administration launched Operation Prosperity Guardian to defend the critical maritime chokepoint Bab al-Mandab Strait from Iran-backed Houthis and ensure freedom of navigation in the Red Sea, we’re witnessing yet another alarming development. Late Saturday, rebels targeted a Western-linked […]

To cover for war crimes, Israel claims it ‘lost control’ over soldiers

Israel’s claim to have lost control over military units in Gaza is an attempt to gain legal cover for its troops’ war crimes, and masks a far deeper issue of systemic impunity inside the occupation army. Several months after media commentators began predicting a “strategic defeat” for Israeli forces in Gaza, Israel’s military high command […]

Can Biotechnology Control Human Behavior?

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL Every so often you find a study that breaks new ground and advances human understanding. The journal Transplantology has published a paper entitled “Personality Changes Associated with Organ Transplants,” which documents the experiences of individuals who received a range of donated organs including hearts, kidneys, liver, and lungs. It is […]

Sonic Mind Control on US Citizens

In 2018, the World Economic Forum discussed the possibilities of Mind Control using sound waves. This is something that several people have claimed to be a target of. They have become known as “targeted individuals.” A subcommittee for Homeland Security was recently held to discuss this technology and the targeting of US government employees and their […]

Israel has always exerted complete control over the hostage situation so they can use it like this to further incite the Gaza genocide and justify their ongoing land theft.

They even found 3 photogenic crisis actors to play the part of the hostage dead bodies. ___ Source

Governments Are Using Doppler Radar to Control the Weather

H/T InfoWars Contributed by Alexandra Bruce Contact The post Governments Are Using Doppler Radar to Control the Weather first appeared on Forbidden Knowledge TV. Source

China’s regime gains more control of critical infrastructure in Latin America

China is seeking to conquer America’s backyard. Source

WHO’s Pandemic Treaty: Technocrats Planning On Total Control Of Everything

The WHO Pandemic Treaty has turned out to be a Trojan Horse inside another Trojan Horse. As you pull all the layers apart, you see the hand of global elitists vying for total control over everything on earth, from biologics to inorganic material to all the systems between them. The U.S. should drop-kick the UN […]


This impression was confirmed by an official poster for Paris 2024, depicting the city as an amusement park constructed for the passing pleasure of the international leisured classes. Source

Russia is manipulated by the same elite financial interests that control the West

BY RHODA WILSON ON MAY 2, 2024 • ( 19 COMMENTS ) Even the most astute among us can fall victim to a well-crafted deception, and I fear that this is precisely what is happening to many Westerners regarding the alleged “tensions” between Russia and the West. Many are well-versed in the machinations of the central banking cabal and its grip on […]

UPDATED: The Covid 19 Suspects and Their Ties to Eugenics and Population Control/Reduction

Why was Anthony Fauci pictured with the main billionaire funders of the modern eugenics movement, including David Rockefeller, George Soros, Ted Turner and Bill Gates Sr? On Tuesday, we republished our most important investigation ever: Solving Covid – The Covid-19 Eugenics, and Vaccine/Drug Scam Timeline, after discovering that well over a dozen entries had mysteriously disappeared […]

Trump allies draft plans to seize control over Federal Reserve amid election campaign

Emerging reports reveal a secretive push by Trump supporters to curtail the Federal Reserve’s autonomy, threatening the independence of U.S. monetary policy. Source

NPR gives a masterclass on how not to do damage control

What, exactly, are we taxpayers paying for here? Source

NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden says Congress is about to hand control of the internet over to the Deep State


GLADIO GUN CONTROL MCE! Two Dead, 14 Wounded, shot at Memphis “Block Party”, part of America’s Lawless Leftist Cities

Two Dead, 14 Wounded, shot at Memphis “Block Party”, part of America’s Lawless Leftist Cities Source


Submitted by The Armchair Prophet SOTN Exclusive Let’s get right on it. Jesus the Christ, himself, never founded a religion called Christianity. Jesus the Christ never said that he was the ONLY Son of God.  In fact, he said that we are all sons and daughters of the same Almighty God.  That we are all […]

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