Posts Tagged ‘latin’

China’s regime gains more control of critical infrastructure in Latin America

China is seeking to conquer America’s backyard. Source

Juan Orlando Hernández, Honduras and the Israeli Connection to the Latin American Drug Cartels

The recent revelations from the trial of the former President of Honduras Juan Orlando Hernández regarding the role of Israeli officials in supporting, aiding and enabling the vicious drug cartels of central and south America in their operations has unsurprisingly barely been covered in the Anglophone media. The synopsis of the charges against Hernández are […]

Two Latin American states ask ICC to probe Israel’s WAR CRIMES against Palestinians

(NaturalNews) Two countries in Latin America – Mexico and Chile – have asked the International Criminal Court (ICC) to probe possible war crimes committed by… Source

Latin America On Edge As Venezuela’s Maduro Holds Referendum Whether To Invade Oil-Rich Neighbor Guyana

In a move that has prompted many to wonder which is the bigger banana republic, Venezuela or the US, Joe Biden’s new BFF, Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro (who has promised to export a few barrels of oil to the US president – now that draining the SPR is no longer an option – to keep […]

The Rise Of Socialists In Latin America Is Giving Terror Groups A Home

Authored by Marcos Schotgues via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), The new wave of leftist governments in Latin America, along with an increasingly brazen posture from Tehran has given Iran and its proxy terrorist groups a favorable environment to mingle with organized crime, cross borders with impunity, and engage in more direct state-to-state exchanges, analysts […]

Cuellar: We’re Not Doing Enough to Stop Wave of Migrants Crossing Latin America, Might Need ‘Pressure’ on Countries

On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “José Díaz-Balart Reports,” Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) stated that there are massive numbers of migrants crossing the Darién Gap “and we’re not doing enough to stop them at their 20-yard line, and everything is being done Source

At UN, Latin America’s presidents call for establishing a free Palestine

Latin American heads of state proclaimed the rights of Palestinians and called “for the necessity of establishing a free Palestinian state” at the United Nations General Assembly’s 78th Session. Held between 19-26 September, the UN meet brought together heads of government from around and heard the leaders of Chile, Cuba, Brazil, Bolivia and Colombia calling […]

Child refugees hit record in Latin America, Caribbean as climate crisis, poverty grip region

“The unprecedented scale of the child migration crisis in Latin America and the Caribbean urgently requires a stronger humanitarian response as well as the expansion of safe and regular migration pathways for children and families,” said one international advocate. Source

Health attachés to be dispatched to Africa, Latin America

TEHRAN – Iran is planning to send special envoys as health attachés to certain countries in Africa and Latin America. “We have negotiated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the appointment of health attachés in the embassies of some countries with whom we cooperate in the fields of medicine, medical equipment, science and technology, […]

Mystery of the Latin Inscribed Artifacts Found in Arizona (Video)

Charles Manier’s serendipitous discovery in 1924 led to the unearthing of 32 lead artifacts inscribed with Latin text near Tucson, Arizona. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News Unexplained Phenomena Videos Read Later  Source

Interview 1783 – Latin America Preparing Regional Currency – #NewWorldNextWeek

This week on the New World Next Week: Brazil and Argentina prepare to form a common currency; smart appliance manufacturers sad that people are not connecting their toasters to the internet; and a Utah doctor is facing charges for saline shots and simple sabotage. The post Interview 1783 – Latin America Preparing Regional Currency – […]

Latin Papyrus Texts Reanimate Fossils of the Roman World

The PLATINUM project claims to be a “Partnership for Learning and Teaching in University Mathematics.” The study began with the goal of analyzing existing Latin papyrus texts dating to the 1st to 8th centuries AD to learn more about Roman Orientalism as an aspect of “multiculturalism in Antiquity and Late Antiquity.” But this study of […]

Woman Forbidden to Sing as a Child Wins Latin Grammy at 95 After Grandson Records Her Songs

A 95-year-old Cuban-American grandmother has won best new artist at the Latin Grammy Awards after being forbidden to pursue music as a child. She is the oldest musician ever to be nominated in this category. In her speech, the nonagenarian thanked her grandson, a composer, who recorded her voice, which earned her the stardom she […]

Brazil’s ‘Arab Latinos’ project seeks to strengthen Arab-Latin America ties

The acceptance of difference and respect for all, regardless of race or creed, are fundamental Brazilian values which have enabled immigrants to enter Brazil and blend into society with relative ease. In the 19th and 20th centuries, Arab migrants came mainly from the Levant: Lebanon, Palestine and Syria. According to the International Organisation for Migration, […]

Tehran following strategy to deepen ties with Latin America: Raisi

TEHRAN- President Ebrahim Raisi on Tuesday reiterated the Islamic Republic’s objective to foster relations with nations in Latin America, particularly Venezuela. At a meeting with Ramon Velasquez, the Venezuelan president’s special representative and minister of transportation, Raisi stated that Tehran-Caracas relations are fast developing and that Iran has been a friend of Venezuela in its […]

Sanctions against Russia are leading Latin America to the abyss

June 27, 2022 Machine translated from: The war situation between Russia and Ukraine, together with the numerous extortions that the United States and its allies have imposed against Moscow, not only hit economically this nation but also Latin American countries. One of the most affected is Ecuador because if in 2021, 20% of the bananas […]

From an Ox to an “A”: The Ancient Egyptian Origins of the Latin Alphabet

As crazy as it sounds, it’s now well attested that the letter “A” started out its evolution as the Egyptian hieroglyph for an ox. But its truly mind-blowing transformation came when turquoise miners in ancient Egypt  Read more Section:  Artifacts Ancient Writings History Ancient Traditions Read Later 

Latin America Is Moving Towards Plurinationalism

Above Photo: A Bolivian man holding the Indigenous flag, the Wiphala. Indian Country Today. Slowly But Definitely. In recent years, various progressive leaders across the region have presented proposals for a plurinational state to achieve true decolonization. The Latin American and the Caribbean region is advancing towards breaking free from colonial mentality and recognizing nationalities […]

Russian diplomat refuses to rule out military deployment to Latin America

A top Russian diplomat on Thursday refused to rule out a military deployment to Cuba and Venezuela if the US and allies don’t stop military activities on Russia’s doorstep. Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said he could “neither confirm nor exclude” the possibility of Russia sending military assets to Latin America. “It all depends on […]

China and Latin America: Washington is Losing Ground

The global Sino-American confrontation that has unfolded in recent years affects all spheres of the world economy and all regions. China stubbornly squeezes the United States in every area, including its traditional sphere of influence in Latin America. At the moment, the United States is the leading trading partner of Latin American countries as a […]

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