Posts Tagged ‘connection’

The Zionist NAZI Connection and the Creation of Israel

Innocent Jews are under siege from the blowback of the malfeasance of the Jewish Mafia in recent years. There is a rise of anti-semitism, due to the war in Gaza and due to so many treasonous Biden administration officials involved in the COVID genocide being Jewish Mafia, in addition to many Biden executives facilitating the […]

The Mexico-Israel connection: repression and resistance 

While the Mexican government has looked toward Israel for help in repressing dissent, Indigenous communities and activists see a common cause with Palestine as “todos somos Palestina” has reverberated across the country since October. Source

Destroying Our Connection to God with Gene Editing Injections

by Greg Reese More than a hundred years ago, Rudolf Steiner wrote that, “In the future, we will eliminate the soul with medicine. Under the pretext of a ‘healthy point of view’, there will be a vaccine by which the human body will be treated… so that the human being cannot develop the thought of […]

Yale students launch hunger strike over school’s connection to Gaza assault

Fourteen students at Yale University are on a hunger strike over the school’s connection to arms manufacturers currently supplying Israel with weaponry. The group sent Yale University Peter Salovey a letter declaring that their strike would begin if the school did not take immediate action on the issue. “We here at Yale University have witnessed […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: The Nebraska Connection

Lance Wallnau reveals that he was the one who connected Charlie Kirk with “prophet” Hank Kunneman, whose church recently hosted a TPUSA rally aimed at pressuring the Nebraska legislature to change the way allocates its electoral votes for the benefit of Donald Trump. South Dakota state Rep. Nico Rios mourns the passing of O.J. Simpson: […]

Juan Orlando Hernández, Honduras and the Israeli Connection to the Latin American Drug Cartels

The recent revelations from the trial of the former President of Honduras Juan Orlando Hernández regarding the role of Israeli officials in supporting, aiding and enabling the vicious drug cartels of central and south America in their operations has unsurprisingly barely been covered in the Anglophone media. The synopsis of the charges against Hernández are […]

The Ancient Name for Scotland has a Greek Connection

Caledonia: The Ancient Name for Scotland has a Greek Connection December 10, 2016 by History Disclosure Team in Knowledge   Caledon (ΚΑΛΥΔΩΝ in Greek) is the name of an ancient city-state in the region of Aetolia in Western Greece. The oldest reference to Caledon comes from Homer. Homer mentions Caledon as one of  the Aetolian cities that participated in […]


THE IRISH CONNECTION TO THE GREEK TRIBE OF DAN by Moe | May 30, 2015 | History of the Brotherhood, Irish History | 4 comments “It is certainly no coincidence that the Irish Gaelic word Dun or Dunn means “Judge,” just as Dan does in Hebrew!” – Raymond McNair The ancient connections between the Irish Tuatha Dé Dannan and the Greek Tribe of Dan have […]

Zionism Vs Nazism, Israel’s Connection To Extremist Ideology & ADL’s History of Faking Nazi Marches

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/24/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

The Growing Connection Between AI And Cancer Research

Cancer research has evolved significantly over time. In 1882, a surgeon performed the first mastectomy to treat breast cancer. By 1950, researchers linked smoking to lung cancer. In 2010, the FDA approved a vaccine to treat prostate cancer. Now, as Visual Capitalist’s Jenna Ross and Sabrina Fortin explain below, researchers have found another weapon in […]

Oxitec Mosquitos and the Bill Gates-Epstein-Harvard connection

Posted by Tanngrisnir’s Newsletter Cases of malaria are now being reported in Florida and this is after the company Oxitec released genetically modified mosquitos ostensibly to keep them from transmitting the virus. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation helps fund Oxitec. The MSM is, of course, running cover for Bill Gates and Oxitec. The crap-piece […]

WTF Is Going on With the Mysterious Connection Between UFOs and Water?

Encounters is now streaming on Netflix. Legends of underwater civilizations have existed for centuries, and many have speculated that they are connected to extraterrestrials. The link between aliens and the ocean even has some real-life basis: The Pentagon announced in 2022 that its UFO investigation department will study “transmedium objects”—unknown entities that can travel seamlessly […]

The Moms for Liberty – Michael Flynn Connection Strengthens

An ally of far-right conspiracy theorist and political operative Michael Flynn has been named chair of the Moms for Liberty chapter in Sarasota, Florida. The alliance with Flynn is particularly revealing for a group that objects to criticism of its extremism; when former President Donald Trump suggested earlier this year that he would bring former […]

Is There A Connection Between Quantum Physics & Positive Thinking?

SACRED GEOMETRY: ‘Information Leakage’, Is There A Connection Between Quantum Physics & Positive Thinking? – By Mitch Horowitz SM  Source – “…Neville Goddard,2 a mid-twentieth century mystical writer and lecturer who reasoned that our thoughts create an infinitude of realities and outcomes. Neville…argued that everything we see and experience, including one another, is the product of […]

Vanessa Beeley Interview – The Wagner Play, The Syria Connection & The Coming Ukrainian False Flag

Joining me today Vanessa Beeley, here today to get us caught up on some new developments in Syria, a possible connection between the actions taking place in Syria with what recently took place in Russia involving the Wagner Group, and the reality of the western agenda in the Middle east.   ( (   Source Links […]

ACH (2145) Mallificus Scott And Shelley Tasker – The Limeys #120 – The Kernow Connection

In today’s show originally broadcast on May 8 2023, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-hosts Mallificus Scott and Shelley Tasker for a show entitled, “The Kernow Connection.” We discussed: The Kernow Connection clip that we played during the show intro segment; the Laurel And Hardy actress, Mae Busch; Shelley’s interesting conversation of the week; […]

Rudolf Steiner’s System of Anthroposophy Has a Unique Take on the Connection Between 5G and Viruses

Rudolf Steiner’s System of Anthroposophy Has a Unique Take on the Connection Between 5G and Viruses March 24, 2020 Phillip Schneider, Staff Writer Waking Times Having served as Vice President of the Physicians Association for Anthroposophical Medicine and as a founding board member of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Dr. Thomas Cowan is a leader […]

The DISTURBING Connection Between Mass Shootings & Microwaves

Apr 13, 2023 — Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Interview We have seen an unprecedented rise in mass shootings in America, but what is the real cause? Joining us today is Dr. Reiner Fuellmich to help connect the dots. _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over A Message to Humanity: The Time for Silence is Over A […]

Greek railway inspector detained in connection with fatal February crash

Dimitris Nikolaou, 63, was the chief inspector at the station on duty the night of the tragedy. Nikolaou was charged with “disturbance of traffic safety”, which caused the death of several people, and “manslaughter by negligence”, according to the same source. The inspector is the second employee of Greece’s railway system placed in pre-trial detention… […]

A North Korean connection in Lee Jae-myung case

The Lee Jae-myung’s saga continues, however, today we’ll not focus on the developments in his main case, which has resulted in an arrest warrant, but on the fact that after one accusation a second, potentially much more devastating, looms. We are talking about a lingerie company, Ssang bang wool and its manager, Kim Seong-tae. He is […]

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