Posts Tagged ‘creation’

The Zionist NAZI Connection and the Creation of Israel

Innocent Jews are under siege from the blowback of the malfeasance of the Jewish Mafia in recent years. There is a rise of anti-semitism, due to the war in Gaza and due to so many treasonous Biden administration officials involved in the COVID genocide being Jewish Mafia, in addition to many Biden executives facilitating the […]

Blending Reality: The WEF Calls for Creation of Metaverse Identity in Latest Push for Digital Dystopia

The latest report from the World Economic Forum outlines a vision of the blending of the physical world with the virtual metaverse dystopia, and claims digital identity is a necessary step in this direction. On March 12, the World Economic Forum released a new report titled, Metaverse Identity: Defining the Self in a Blended Reality […]

Hamas is Israeli creation

Hamas is Israeli creation  Tue 7:36 pm +01:00, 2 Apr 2024   posted by Tapestry Here’s more proof of the war:  go to to view the pictures describedBecause, you know, you can’t fake a smoke plume by burning a pile of wood or something. Or withCGI. Mossad doesn’t have that tech.Here’s more proof of […]

The Creation of Politicians

‘The Creation of Politicians’ The day came when the Sons of God- Said today you scheduled creating politicians, shall we get some sod? God said no for a politician we need a different mix- Several special things from places like dung heaps and out houses to fix- The material to pore into the political prostitute […]

David Livingstone- Globalists & the Creation of the Wahhabi/Hamas Terrorism

“The Globalists have had a hand in shaping and financing all the terrorist organizations of the twentieth century, including the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt, the Hamas of Palestine, and the Afghan Mujahideen. But the history of their duplicity dates farther back still, to the eighteenth century, when British Freemasons created the Wahhabi sect of Saudi Arabia […]

Flashback: 2015 Interview with Kyle on The Invasion of Europe and the Creation of Greater Israel

Kyle is interviewed by Deanna Spingola about the “immigration crisis” into Europe. He paints a big picture by Source

Biden campaign launches Wisconsin ad to tout job creation

President Biden’s reelection campaign launched a new ad in Wisconsin on Thursday to highlight job creation in the battleground state. The 30-second spot will run on broadcast television in Milwaukee, Madison and Green Bay and on national cable as part of the Biden-Harris team’s 16-week, $25 million ad blitz targeting voters in battleground states. The ad,… […]

Visualizing The 25 Best Stocks By Shareholder Wealth Creation Since 1926

Visualizing The 25 Best Stocks By Shareholder Wealth Creation Since 1926 Out of 28,114 publicly-listed U.S. companies analyzed over the last century, the 25 best stocks have created nearly a third of all shareholder wealth. Put another way, as Visual Capitalist’s Jenna Ross and Joyce Ma detail below, just 0.1% of stocks have added over $17.6 trillion […]

United Nations Countering ‘Deadly Disinformation’ Through Creation Of ‘Digital Army’

United Nations Countering ‘Deadly Disinformation’ Through Creation Of ‘Digital Army’ Authored by Katabella Roberts via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), The United Nations (U.N.) says it is battling mis- and disinformation on social media and beyond through what it calls a “digital army” located across the globe. United Nations Office Geneva, on July 20, 2019. […]

The Creation of the 25-Year-Old Child

Throughout much of history you reached adulthood somewhere between your mid-teens and 21. Societies made these determinations based not on precise metrics or exact assessments of adultness, but rough estimates of when most people presumably had attained other milestones. Had you reached puberty? Were you, if male, physically developed enough to die fighting for your […]

BRICS members discuss possible expansion and creation of common currency to challenge US dollar’s supremacy

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) The members of the BRICS bloc of major emerging economies have recently met to decide on adding new members and creating a common currency to challenge the United States dollar.The five nations that make up BRICS – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – represent more than 40 percent of the […]

Eurovision’s Victor Vernicos: Creation Is What Inspires Me

Victor Vernicos Jorgensen is the youngest artist to represent Greece at the Eurovision Song Contest. Whilst the 16-year-old gave his best on stage for this year’s competition he failed to win over fans and was eliminated in the semi-final round. GCT caught up with Victor in the lead up to his performance. Source

It’s Much Worse Than You Think, Govt Corruption And The Creation Of Covid w/ David E. Martin, PhD

Mar 17 2023 Dr. David Martin PhD founder of M·CAM® and has published across various fields in law, medicine, engineering, finance, and education. He recently appeared in Mikki Willis’ documentary, Plandemic: Indoctornation where he revealed the truth behind the vaccine agenda and how following the money had led him to a number of conclusions about what is […]

British journalist shows how the CIA played a Direct Role in the Creation of Google

Google “fundamentally started as a CIA project,” according to journalist and author of Propaganda in the Information Age, Alan MacLeod, who has warned that tech giants’ ties with intelligence agencies pose big problems for freedom of information as well as freedom of speech. MacLeod, who has extensively researched the ties between the national security state […]

Today is National Pie Day. Pie creation can be traced back to the ancient Egyptians and Greeks

January 23 is National Pie Day – not to be confused with National Pi Day, which is on March 14. The ancient Egyptians are the earliest-known civilization to have had a pie dish. It typically consisted of a crust made from wheat, oats, rye, or barley and filled with honey. The ancient Greeks and Romans […]

The Freedom Cell Network presents The Greater Reset 4: Co-Creation

4 jan 2023 The Freedom Cell Network presents The Greater Reset 4: Co-Creation | January 18-22, 2023 in Central Texas and Morelia, Mexico Are you sick of being told “you will own nothing and be happy”? Are you sick of being told how to live your live by the mainstream media? Are you exhausted with […]

WEF plans to issue guardrails on Metaverse creation

The upcoming World Economic Forum (WEF) Davos summit will see this organization further promote a future global metaverse, as it presents two briefing papers from its “Defining and Building the Metaverse” initiative. The WEF has for a while now worked to position itself as, to all intents and purposes, a self-appointed authority on the direction in which the metaverse […]

Norse Creation Myth: Fire and Ice from the Abyss

The Norse people were the ancient tribal communities of Scandinavia, who in the modern day are often referred to or thought of as the Vikings (who were actually a subset of them).  Read more Section:  News Human Origins Folklore Myths & Legends Europe Read Later  Source

More Currency Creation is Guaranteed

The easiest and most advisable “solution” is to just create more currency. Indeed, the history of the US central bank clearly shows this is the choice they will make — they ’ve done it many many times in the past. Source

Ymir in Norse Mythology: A Cosmic Creation Story

The story of Ymir and the creation of the universe typifies the emphasis on sacrifice as a theme, in Nordic myth and in creation stories around the world.  Read more Section:  News Myths & Legends Europe Read Later  Source

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