Posts Tagged ‘terrorism’

How Domestic Terrorism is ESCLATING and WHY

This episode of the Tore Says Show is an education in domestic terrorism, which is on the rise in the US, under the guise of political activism. The presentation begins about 9 minutes in. Tore says that the activist violence we’re seeing on college campuses, in Washington DC and especially in New York City is […]

Feds inflating domestic terrorism numbers by threatening people to confess when they did nothing wrong

(NaturalNews) The crime rate in Washington, D.C., is off the charts, and yet Matthew Graves, the Biden regime’s top prosecutor, is fixated on rounding up January 6… Source

Flashback: Britain’s 1947 ‘Kristalnacht’ Was Retaliation For Jewish Terrorism In Palestine

(The New Statesman) In 1933, world Jewry declared war on Germany — initially through economic warfare in the form of an international boycott — and that boycott caused a backlash against the Jews in Germany, which culminated in 1938’s Kristalnacht — when Jewish stores and synagogues were attacked — an act that both Adolf Hitler […]

Mark Sexton. Did Covid qualify as Terrorism by our government. Source

UK Gov’t To Make Independent Media Illegal Under New Terrorism Law

The British government is broadening the definition of “terrorism” to include content produced by independent media outlets which exposes corruption within the government. A proposal presented by Communities Secretary Michael Gove is spearheading the campaign to make “undermining British values” a criminal offence in Britain. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered news delivered […]



When Terrorism and Organ Theft Connect… It’s ‘Israel’

January 23, 2024  Featured – In depth – Top Marwa Haidar Day after another, Israeli atrocities committed against the oppressed people of Gaza are being uncovered. Throughout the brutal war, today in its 109th day, Gazans have been informing about acts of savagery against both living and dead people in the war-torn besieged strip. In the latest heinousness, Israeli occupation […]

Khazarian Cabal Turning Ecuador Upside Down Via Unparalleled Acts Of Terrorism & Fearmongering

READ HERE: Ecuadorian TV crew taken hostage as camera rolls (VIDEO)   Source

GOP rep says Biden must reverse course on Iran: ‘Terrorism will come back as long as Iran is flushed with cash’

Rep. Mike Waltz (R-Fla.) said Tuesday the Biden administration must “reverse course” on its Iran policy to help Israel after its war with Palestinian militant group Hamas is over. “Israel is just going to be mowing the grass in Gaza,” Waltz told Fox News anchor Bret Baier. “It’s going to grow back, terrorism is going… […]

Putin calls last year’s attack on Nord Stream pipelines an ACT OF TERRORISM

Russian President Vladimir Putin blasted last year’s attack on the Nord Stream gas pipelines during a virtual summit of G20 leaders on Nov. 22, saying it was a blatant attempt to take Russia out as an energy supplier and a key competitor of the West. “To eliminate competitors and gain advantages, unfair methods of competition are used,” […]

I, a Headteacher, Was Investigated by Counter-Terrorism Agencies

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL During the Covid-19 pandemic, I was the only serving UK headteacher or school principal (out of over 20,000) to have publicly questioned lockdowns, masking kids and the Covid vaccine rollout to children. Many other headteachers privately agreed with my stance but told me they were too scared to speak out. […]

As many have predicted, terrorism strikes the USA during Thanksgiving week and at a very popular American tourism site

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‘This Is Terrorism’: Pope Francis Says Israel-Hamas Fighting Has ‘Gone Beyond War’

At HuffPost, we believe that everyone needs high-quality journalism, but we understand that not everyone can afford to pay for expensive news subscriptions. That is why we are committed to providing deeply reported, carefully fact-checked news that is freely accessible to everyone. Our News, Politics and Culture teams invest time and care working on hard-hitting […]


Since Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza began, Zionist officials, pundits, journalists, and their Western opposite numbers have endlessly invoked the sinister specter of “terrorism” to justify the industrial-scale slaughter of Palestinians. It is because of “terrorism,” twice-failed U.S. Presidential candidate and unconvicted war criminal Hillary Clinton representatively wrote for The Atlantic on November 14 that “Hamas must be permanently […]

GW, Palestinian existence is not “terrorism”

Students for Justice in Palestine at George Washington University responds to attacks on its recent protest honoring Palestinians killed since October 7, and the broader suppression of student organizing for Palestine across the U.S. Source

Is the U.S. of Satan Going to Support Israel’s Terrorism? And Terrorism in General? Like CIA/Pentagon/Israel’s ISIS?


“Tailor-Made For Terrorism”: Republicans Raise Alarm After Illegal Immigrants Caught With Explosive Devices

By Tom Ozimek Republican senators have sounded the alarm on the Biden administration’s border policies after Border Patrol agents Source

Why Was It So Hard For Elite Universities To Condemn Hamas Terrorism?

Why Was It So Hard For Elite Universities To Condemn Hamas Terrorism? Authored by Marc Zvi Brettler & Michael B. Poliakoff via RealClear Wire, America’s leading universities have an antisemitism problem—and it starts at the top. This past week, university presidents and deans across the country wrote to their students and faculties to express concern in the aftermath of […]

French President Macron: The increasing threat of “Islamist terrorism” undermines ALL OF EUROPE

(NaturalNews) French President Emmanuel Macron said on Oct. 17 that the threat of “Islamist terrorism” is increasing and it will affect all of Europe.”All… Source

The Israeli State Is Jewish Terrorism

          The true (non-jooish) history of the Jewish/Palestinian conflict.       Bringing the history up to date.     And the “Christian” Zionists applaud this terrorism in the name of “God.” I’m amazed that jootube is allowing these videos to stay…they must be hurting for viewers!!   Please share this […]

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