Posts Tagged ‘alarm’

Voting Machine Expert Sounds Alarm: CrowdStrike Outages ‘Perfect Cover’ For Election Hack

As news continues pouring in about “IT outages” across not just the country and the globe, a voting machine engineer and investigator has revealed that the CrowdStrike outage has provided the “perfect cover” for an […] The post Voting Machine Expert Sounds Alarm: CrowdStrike Outages ‘Perfect Cover’ For Election Hack appeared first on The People's […]

Game Over: Butler Town Manager Says Police on Ladder Called in Armed-Man-on-Roof Alarm, Trump Left Standing by Secret Service

So the local police did their job after all and called in armed-man-on-roof, right after one cop fell back from a ladder when the shooter aimed at him. On “blanket tactical channel” heard by Secret Service. Still the Secret Service nearest the stage do not whisk Trump away and the snipers on the roof hold […]

Cambridge Academic Says Climate Change Alarm Is Now A Dangerous Ideology

Climate change has become a dangerous ideology according to Cambridge University professor Mike Hulme. Hulme, Professor of Human Geography at Cambridge University, says climate change is NOT going to end the world and we need […] The post Cambridge Academic Says Climate Change Alarm Is Now A Dangerous Ideology appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

UK Prime Minister Liz Truss Sounds the Alarm: “New World Order Will Do ANYTHING To Destroy Trump”

Former UK Prime Minister Liz Truss has warned that the ‘New World Order’ will stop at nothing until Trump is destroyed. According to Truss, the Deep State is working behind the scenes to sabotage Trump’s second term in the White House. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered news delivered straight to your inbox. […]

Dr. Peter McCullough Sounds the Alarm on COVID Vaccine-Induced “Turbo Cancer”

“The COVID vaccines have at least three mechanisms by which they could start a cancer, or they could promote an existing cancer.” 1.) The messenger RNA from COVID-19 injections could severely disrupt the body’s ability to repair damaged DNA. This breakdown in basic cell processes could lead to uncontrolled mutations, greatly increasing the risk of […]

Japanese Official Sounds the Alarm: ‘Pandemic Was a Hoax To Push Depopulation Drugs’

A Japanese official has issued an urgent warning to citizens around the world, declaring that the Covid pandemic was a giant hoax by the global elite designed to push “depopulation drugs” on humanity. Top Japanese […] The post Japanese Official Sounds the Alarm: ‘Pandemic Was a Hoax To Push Depopulation Drugs’ appeared first on The […]

Doctors Raise Alarm as Brain Tumors Soar Among Vaxxed

Doctors have begun to sound the alarm after soaring numbers of patients have developed deadly brain tumors after receiving Covid mRNA vaccines. Medical professionals around the world are now warning the public about the spike. In some cases, doctors warn that people are discovering tumors within days of being vaccinated for Covid. However, experts say […]

Alarm bells ring as GOP pushes ‘death panel’ agenda for Social Security amid election year

House Republicans have ignited a firestorm of controversy with their recent advancement of a resolution that threatens to dismantle critical components of Social Security and Medicare. As the U.S. House Budget Committee, led by the GOP, pushed forward a sweeping resolution in support of a fiscal commission aimed at gutting these pivotal programs, Congressional Democrats […]

Alarm Bells For The US Food Supply

Authored by Michael Snyder via The End of The American Dream blog, How much more are you spending on food each month compared to two or three years ago?  In recent years, our leaders have been flooding the system with money at the same time that global supplies of food have been getting tighter and tighter.  On […]

Top Pathologist Sounds the Alarm: ‘52% Increase in Turbo Cancer for Vaxxed’

A top pathologist has warned that there has been a 55% increase in turbo cancers among the 18 to 69 year old population since the jab rollout. Ivana Pavic did an extensive study in Croatia that found that while 55% of the 18 to 69 year olds are vaccinated, 65% of the carcinoma cases in […]

Top Pathologist Sounds the Alarm: ‘52% Increase in Turbo Cancer for Vaxxed’

A top pathologist has warned that there has been a 55% increase in turbo cancers among the 18 to 69 year old population since the jab rollout. Ivana Pavic did an extensive study in Croatia that found that while 55% of the 18 to 69 year olds are vaccinated, 65% of the carcinoma cases in […]

Top Pathologist Sounds the Alarm: ‘52% Increase in Turbo Cancer for Vaxxed’

A top pathologist has warned that there has been a 55% increase in turbo cancers among the 18 to 69 year old population since the jab rollout. Ivana Pavic did an extensive study in Croatia that found that while 55% of the 18 to 69 year olds are vaccinated, 65% of the carcinoma cases in […]

U.S. General sounds alarm on Chinese border crossers: ‘They are coming here to kill us’

(NaturalNews) A retired Air Force general warned that America’s enemies, namely China, are laying the groundwork for an attack against the homeland by exploiting… Source

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 127: Growing international alarm over Israeli plans to invade Rafah

Casualties: At least 28,064 people have been killed and 67,611 wounded in the Gaza Strip* More than 380 Palestinians have been killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem The death toll in Israel from the October 7th attacks stands at 1,139, according to Al Jazeera 564 Israeli soldiers killed since October 7, and […]

Feb 4 – “Invasion-by-Migration” — Tucker Sounds an Alarm Migration has a worthy pedigree when it comes to invasion. Isn’t this how the Zionists stole Palestine? Well, it’s happening to the US. And it’s being organized and funded by the (((Biden Junta and the Communist UN, i.e. the WEF))) Did you know that there are migrant camps set up within Chicago’s O’Hare airport and […]

Twelve states sound the alarm: Globalist banks are conspiring with the UN to WIPE OUT U.S. farms and food production

(NaturalNews) The following analysis of today’s Brighteon Broadcast News audio program is created by “Neo,” our in-house Language Model that’s currently being… Source

UN Chief Invokes Rare Article To Sound Alarm Over Gaza’s Humanitarian Catastrophe

“Nowhere is safe in Gaza,” wrote U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, repeating his calls for a permanent ceasefire in the region. Source

“Tailor-Made For Terrorism”: Republicans Raise Alarm After Illegal Immigrants Caught With Explosive Devices

By Tom Ozimek Republican senators have sounded the alarm on the Biden administration’s border policies after Border Patrol agents Source

Alarm sounded over rapidly increasing use of SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS inside schools

(NaturalNews) A report has found that more and more surveillance infrastructure is being installed in schools all over the United States.This report comes from… Source

REMINDER: FEMA Alert System Will Sound Alarm and Send Emergency Alert on EVERY Cellphone, TV, and Radio on October 4th at 2:20 PM ET

REMINDER: FEMA Alert System Will Sound Alarm and Send Emergency Alert on EVERY Cellphone, TV, and Radio on October 4th at 2:20 PM ET Source

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