Posts Tagged ‘turbo’

TURBO CANCERS: How the Covid vax-induced carcinomas can be remediated

SOTN Editor’s Note: That the COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ were deliberately formulated as  cancer shots has been conclusively proven by the hard data submitted by countless oncologists across the USA.  Likewise, the US government’s VAERS website also corroborates that the Covid injections were specifically designed to be cancer shots, among other extremely hazardous outcomes. PFIZER BUSINESS PLAN: […]

Suggested Fenbendazole PROTOCOLS for COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine-Induced Turbo Cancers

FENBENDAZOLE and CANCER Part 2 – Treating Turbo Cancer – 10 new studies released in 2023-2024 (also Mebendazole) – suggested PROTOCOLS for COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Induced Turbo Cancers by William Makis MD Last year, in October, I wrote one of the most popular articles on FENBENDAZOLE and Cancer Treatment ever published, which went viral Internationally, […]

Fox News Journalist Diagnosed With Turbo Cancer and VAIDS Following mRNA Jab

Fox News journalist Ashley Papa has been diagnosed with turbo cancer and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS) after being forced to take the mRNA vaccine by her employer. The respected journalist and mother of one said she was left devastated after discovering she had the two “rare” disorders following the forced COVID jab. BYPASS THE CENSORS […]

Top Pathologist Sounds the Alarm: ‘52% Increase in Turbo Cancer for Vaxxed’

A top pathologist has warned that there has been a 55% increase in turbo cancers among the 18 to 69 year old population since the jab rollout. Ivana Pavic did an extensive study in Croatia that found that while 55% of the 18 to 69 year olds are vaccinated, 65% of the carcinoma cases in […]

Top Pathologist Sounds the Alarm: ‘52% Increase in Turbo Cancer for Vaxxed’

A top pathologist has warned that there has been a 55% increase in turbo cancers among the 18 to 69 year old population since the jab rollout. Ivana Pavic did an extensive study in Croatia that found that while 55% of the 18 to 69 year olds are vaccinated, 65% of the carcinoma cases in […]

Top Pathologist Sounds the Alarm: ‘52% Increase in Turbo Cancer for Vaxxed’

A top pathologist has warned that there has been a 55% increase in turbo cancers among the 18 to 69 year old population since the jab rollout. Ivana Pavic did an extensive study in Croatia that found that while 55% of the 18 to 69 year olds are vaccinated, 65% of the carcinoma cases in […]

March 4 – ‘Vaccinated Will All Die of Turbo Cancer Soon’

British Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen As conditions deteriorate, people are starting to get angry. The Gaza massacre is highlighting Zionist hegemony in the West. Victoria Nuland has just resigned. Let’s hope cooler heads prevail.   British MP Reveals Elite Told Him ‘Vaccinated Will All Die of Turbo Cancer Soon’ (Disclaimer – This is happening, but […]

Study Reveals Bill Gates’ Fake Meat Causes ‘Turbo Cancers’ in Humans

Fact checked February 23, 2023 Baxter Dmitry News, US 25 Bill Gates’ lab-grown meat causes cancer in humans who consume it, according to a disturbing new study. Synthetic meat has been heavily promoted by Bill Gates and the globalist elites at the WEF as the solution to so-called climate change. However, this fake food has now been shown to cause […]

‘Turbo-AIDS’ Set To Kill BILLIONS After ‘Disease X’ Rollout, Gates Insider Warns

The global elite are using the World Economic Forum in Davos to boast about a range of new vaccines that they claim will allow them to change the world. The timing could not be more […] The post ‘Turbo-AIDS’ Set To Kill BILLIONS After ‘Disease X’ Rollout, Gates Insider Warns appeared first on The People's […]

Pfizer Makes $43 Billion Bet That ‘Turbo Cancers’ Will Continue Exploding Around The World

Pfizer has stunned the medical world, completing the $43 billion acquisition of Seagen, a small drug company that treats turbo cancers and barely makes $2 billion per year. The acquisition means Pfizer becomes the largest […] The post Pfizer Makes $43 Billion Bet That ‘Turbo Cancers’ Will Continue Exploding Around The World appeared first on […]

Turbo Death from Turbo Cancers: “We’re in Trouble,” Says Dr. Ryan Cole

Originally Published on Vigilant News “The statistics are looking not so great,” esteemed pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole recently told Greg Hunter on USA Watchdog. “There was an injection that, like you said, 700 million doses were given approximately in the US, according to the CDC. And this injection was not a vaccine. And the media, […]

Alarming rise in post-jab “turbo cancers”

From Video Link Story at-a-glance In a September 22, 2023, Highwire interview (video above), Canadian oncologist and cancer researcher Dr. William Makis discussed the alarming rise in post-jab “turbo cancers,” a term coined to describe incredibly rapid-growing cancers in people who have received one or more COVID jabs. One example of this is detailed […]

“Turbo” cancers and other unusual tumorous conditions appearing in “very strange” ways since COVID jabs were unleashed, warns Dr. Harvey Risch

(NaturalNews) A professor emeritus of epidemiology in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at the Yale School of Public Health and the Yale School of… Source

CDC Confirms 143,233% Increase in Turbo-Cancers Due to mRNA Jabs

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has confirmed a dramatic 143,233% rise in cases of turbo-cancers in America since the mRNA jab rollout in 2020. The CDC hosts a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) which contains […] The post CDC Confirms 143,233% Increase in Turbo-Cancers Due to mRNA Jabs appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Top Doctor Warns ‘Turbo Cancers’ Caused by mRNA Are Set To Kill Billions

One of the world’s top epidemiologists has warned that the rise in ‘turbo cancers’ is being caused by mRNA chemicals, which will soon result in the deaths of billions of people. Dr. Harvey Risch is a […] The post Top Doctor Warns ‘Turbo Cancers’ Caused by mRNA Are Set To Kill Billions appeared first on The […]

Top Doctor Explains Why “Turbo Cancer” Rates Are Likely to Get Even Worse

Originally Published on Vigilant News “We know that the COVID vaccines have done various degrees of damage to the immune system in a fraction of people who’ve taken them,” attested Dr. Harvey Risch in a recent interview with The Epoch Times. “And that damage could be anywhere from getting COVID more often, getting other infectious […]

Thousands of Jabbed Athletes Are Developing ‘Turbo Testicular Cancer’ – Doctors Baffled

Thousands of fully jabbed athletes around the world are developing ‘turbo testicular cancer’, leaving doctors baffled. These young, professional athletes are supposed to be among the healthiest people on the planet. So why are they […] The post Thousands of Jabbed Athletes Are Developing ‘Turbo Testicular Cancer’ – Doctors Baffled appeared first on News Punch. […]

“Turbo Cancer” Post COVID-19 Vaccination?

“Turbo Cancer” Post COVID-19 Vaccination? 21-Year Old Evan Fishel Died of Leukemia Only Four Days After Diagnosis. I have never seen anything like this… By Dr. William Makis Global Research, February 21, 2023 COVID Intel 20 February 2023 As an Oncologist, I diagnosed 10,000s of Canadian cancer patients and treated 100s with Targeted Radionuclide Therapy. I have […]

They Nicknamed it “Turbo Cancer” How Appropriate

“Turbo Cancer”: Doctor Reports 2/3 of Cancer Cases Are Now Stage 4 Following COVID Injections One doctor is reporting that a shocking 2/3 of his patients with a positive cancer diagnosis are presenting as Stage 4. Many doctors are reporting similar finding among their patients. The Last American Vagabond Article by Scott Armstrong Clip from […]

VACCINE-INDUCED TURBO CANCER: T-cell lymphoma can progress rapidly due to an mRNA booster shot

VACCINE-INDUCED TURBO CANCER: T-cell lymphoma can progress rapidly due to an mRNA booster shot Date: November 16, 2022Author: Nwo Report  Posted BY: Bill | NwoReport Dr. Charles Hoffe, a medical doctor of 28 years in British Columbia, now working at the Lytton Clinic, has done the unthinkable when it comes to inspecting the so-called “safety […]

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