Posts Tagged ‘fenbendazole’

FENBENDAZOLE and CANCER – at least 12 anti-cancer mechanisms of action. Not approved by FDA. Cheap. Safe. Kills aggressive cancers. Why no clinical trials? Nine research papers reviewed.

(NaturalNews) Papers and Articles Reviewed:(Article republished from 2023 Jun – Movahedi et al – Repurposing anti-parasite… Source

Suggested Fenbendazole PROTOCOLS for COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine-Induced Turbo Cancers

FENBENDAZOLE and CANCER Part 2 – Treating Turbo Cancer – 10 new studies released in 2023-2024 (also Mebendazole) – suggested PROTOCOLS for COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Induced Turbo Cancers by William Makis MD Last year, in October, I wrote one of the most popular articles on FENBENDAZOLE and Cancer Treatment ever published, which went viral Internationally, […]

The Overlooked Miracle Drug for Cancer? Why Big Pharma Fears Fenbendazole

“Fenbendazole has at least 12 proven anti-cancer mechanisms in vitro and in vivo,” wrote cancer researcher . “So why are there no Fenbendazole clinical trials for cancer? The answer seems rather obvious: it’s very cheap, it’s safe, and it seems to be very effective. Fenbendazole is not going to make anyone rich, and in cancer […]

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