Posts Tagged ‘confirms’

Sen. Ron Johnson Confirms Secret Service Received Report from Sniper of Man with Range Finder 20 Minutes Before Shooting, Trump Still Allowed on Stage

Above image: Photo of Crooks taken by police prior to shooting In his preliminary report on the Trump assassination attempt, Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson revealed that a police sniper had called the Secret Service command center to report a suspicious man with a range finder, a tool used by hunters and snipers to accurately place […]

Sen. Ron Johnson Confirms Secret Service Received Report from Sniper of Man with Range Finder 20 Minutes Before Shooting, Trump Still Allowed on Stage

Above image: Photo of Crooks taken by police prior to shooting In his preliminary report on the Trump assassination attempt, Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson revealed that a police sniper had called the Secret Service command center to report a suspicious man with a range finder, a tool used by hunters and snipers to accurately place […]

Audio Forensics Confirms at Least Three SEPARATE WEAPONS Were Fired in Assassination Attempt

by MJTruth UPDATE: Trump Assassination Attempt Audio Forensics Confirms at Least Three SEPARATE WEAPONS Were Fired in Assassination Attempt • the first three shots are consistent in sound and distance (bullet, echo, report)… • The next group of 5 shots are clearly from different weapons — the sixth shot even sounds different than shots • […]

Israeli newspaper confirms that Israel killed Israelis on 7 October

On The Electronic Intifada livestream last week we discussed how Israeli newspaper Haaretz has finally confirmed, in English, that the Hannibal Directive was enacted on 7 October: Israeli forces were responsible for many of the deaths that day. We looked back at how Haaretz was a latecomer to this story, how we’ve been covering it […]

Kevin Spacey Confirms He Was on Epstein’s Lolita Express With Bill Clinton and ‘Young Girls’

Kevin Spacey has confirmed that he flew on convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express in 2002 with former President Bill Clinton and a group of “young girls.”  Spacey, during a Tuesday interview on Piers Morgan Uncensored, admitted […] The post Kevin Spacey Confirms He Was on Epstein’s Lolita Express With Bill Clinton and ‘Young Girls’ appeared first […]

Study Confirms Link Between Epilepsy and COVID Jabs

A new study analyzing records from over 5 million vaccinated children has revealed that Covid jabs increase the risk of epilepsy and appendicitis. In addition, child vaccine recipients showed higher probabilities of demyelinating disease and […] The post Study Confirms Link Between Epilepsy and COVID Jabs appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Ashley Biden Officially Confirms Her Diary, Where She Talks About “Showers w/my Dad” Joe Biden, is REAL in Emotional Letter to Judge

Ashley Biden Officially Confirms Her Diary, Where She Talks About “Showers w/my Dad” Joe Biden, is REAL in Emotional Letter to Judge Source

Big win for election integrity in PA as court confirms improper absentee ballots won’t be counted

(NaturalNews) Common sense has prevailed in Pennsylvania – at least for now – as the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit has ruled in… Source

CIA officer confirms it has “advisors” in Ukraine – “a well-known secret”

CIA officer confirms it has “advisors” in Ukraine – “a well-known secret” Another undercover video has dropped to show prolific corruption within the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Gavin O’Blennis, a contracting officer at the CIA, spilled the beans to what he apparently thought was a simple date. What he did not realize was that it […]

Pfizer’s Own Study Confirms Paxlovid Sucks

A Pfizer-funded, peer-reviewed paper authored by Pfizer scientists reveals that the company’s antiviral COVID medication Paxlovid completely sucks, confirming what everyone’s known since it came out. In a randomized phase 2-3 trial of the drug conducted between Aug. 25, 2021 through July 25, 2022, 654 out of 1,296 patients were dosed with at least one […]

Poland confirms NATO troops are in Ukraine

(NaturalNews) The West wants war DESPERATELY with Russia. The Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski has come straight out and admitted on Friday, March… Source

US intelligence confirms Islamic State responsibility for Russia attack, official says

(NewsMax) — The United States has intelligence confirming Islamic State’s claim of responsibility for a deadly shooting at a concert near Moscow, a U.S. official said on Friday. The official said the United States had warned Russia in recent weeks about the possibility of an attack. “We did warn the Russians appropriately,” said the official, […]

Israel killed Israelis, confirms new 7 October documentary

First published by The Electronic Intifada, 11 March. Military expert Chris Cobb-Smith says that much of the destruction caused to Israeli homes on 7 October could not have been done by Hamas. AJI A new documentary by Al Jazeera’s investigative unit has found that many of the most horrific Israeli stories about the Palestinian military […]

Biden administration confirms facilitating SECRET MIGRANT FLIGHTS that allowed over 320,000 illegals to enter the U.S. through airports

Biden administration confirms facilitating SECRET MIGRANT FLIGHTS that allowed over 320,000 illegals to enter the U.S. through airports The administration of President Joe Biden has acknowledged that it has facilitated secret flights that allowed hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants to enter the United States after being turned away at the southern border, raising concerns about national […]

Jim Biden confirms to Congress that his nephew Hunter met with “spy chief of China” Patrick Ho in 2017

Jim Biden confirms to Congress that his nephew Hunter met with “spy chief of China” Patrick Ho in 2017 Political consultant and first brother James “Jim” Biden has officially confirmed that his nephew Hunter Biden met with Patrick Ho, who the presidential son dubbed the “spy chief of China,” in 2017. He confirmed the September […]

Germany Confirms Leaked Audio Of Its Top Generals Discussing Blowing Up The Crimean Bridge

In a huge development and absolute smoking gun revelation, the government of Germany has confirmed the authenticity of a leaked audio recording file published by Russia’s state-backed RT. The leak was first published by RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan, who described that she received it from Russian security officials. Source

Kibbutz leader confirms movement’s role in establishing and maintaining Israeli apartheid

The kibbutz has long been celebrated by liberals as an example of Israel’s socialist pedigree, but movement head Nir Meir says the “first mission” of kibbutzim was “to conquer the land,” and today it stands ready to “maintain outposts” by Gaza. Source

Ominous New Decree 95 Confirms Vietnam’s Intent to Control Religion  

Reconstructed One Pillar Pagoda, historic Buddhist temple, in Hanoi, Vietnam. (Bgabel, Creative Commons) (Morning Star News) – Two millennia ago, Jesus of Nazareth said, “Yes, what sorrow awaits you experts in religious law! For you crush people with unbearable religious demands, and you never lift a finger to ease their burden.” (Luke 11:46,… Source

Red Cross Official Confirms They MIX Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Blood Donations

An American Red Cross official confirmed to an undercover journalist that they do not separate donated blood based on COVID-19 vaccination status. The only way to get blood “that is not vaccinated” is to donate […] The post Red Cross Official Confirms They MIX Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Blood Donations appeared first on The People's Voice. […]


…BY WAY OF A HIGHLY WEAPONIZED COVID ‘VACCINE’, AND NOT ONE AUTHORITY OR OFFICIAL SCREAMS “BLOODY MURDER”. 50% of Cadavers Showing the Infamous “White Fibrous Clots” (See video below) Why are there no authorities throughout medical or governmental officialdom talking about this long-planned cataclysmic public health disaster?! SOTN Editor’s Note: First, watch the following video […]

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